Monday, May 7, 2018

What is a Christian?

I’M A CHRISTIAN! I am not perfect. I mess up. But God’s grace is bigger than all sins.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
 For it is with your heart that you believe and is justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romans 10:9-10

Many people believe if they go to church, they are Christians. Some believe that because they are members of a church they are Christians. Others believe because they grew up in a church or if their parents are Christians, that is all it takes for them to be one. Still, others believe that if they were baptized as a baby or even later in life, that is all God requires of them and they will go to heaven when they die. And there are still other ways a person may think they are a Christian but they are not.

Going to church, becoming members in one, and being baptized is all" a part" of being truly Christian. But that is not all it takes to being one. So what is it that sets them apart from those that are not? Because in many religions, people believe they are Christians that probably do not have a clue to what it really means to be one.

First, he has to recognize that he is a sinner. He needs to see that apart from Jesus Christ, he has no hope for eternal life.  That he must repent and be willing to do that. He needs to understand that God's word is the truth and be willing to accept it as so.

And then he must try to live the kind of life that exemplifies Christ. Turning from the old ways of doing the sinful things he was doing to living as a godly example.

Christians aren't perfect and should never try to pretend they are. They sometimes do dumb things. They make mistakes.

But they know they are redeemed of God. They know that by his grace they are accepted into his kingdom through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. And while their lives are not perfect, they know that God is and they are thankful that he loved them so much that he sent his Son Jesus Christ, to shed his blood in their place.

What kind of Christian are you? One who believes in church membership will save you, or one who truly has given your life over to Christ. The difference will determine where you spend eternity. Think about it.

Have a blessed day, Friends! 

Be a blessing to someone today! []

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Post update

 Hello Friends I wanted to let you know that I am not going to be posting for a few days. I plan to be back on Sept 10th.  Thank you for you...