Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Raising Our Children in the Declining Christian of Americanism (part 4)

Spare the rod, spoil the child!

  Discipline: the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.
"a lack of proper parental and school discipline"

If I were writing the dictionary today, I would add, 

"something that is severely lacking in homes across America today."

We see it everywhere. Kids out of control. Kids demanding and getting their own ways in the home, telling their parents what they are going to do. Many spoiled kids that get everything they want for no other reason then just because they want it.

Years ago we had a school teacher that lived across the road from us. One day she came over to see me and brought her four-year-old daughter. I don't remember what the little girl started crying about, but all of a sudden she kicked her mom in the shins. She had wanted her way about something, and when she didn't get it right away, that was her way of letting her mom know that she was angry for not getting it.

She and her older sister were used to getting what they wanted, usually when they wanted it. 

They were never properly disciplined and grew up deciding that they were "owed" what they wanted and were given what they wanted with no repercussions for any bad behavior. Sad to say, they grew up very selfish women.

This is the way that much of this country operates in many homes today. And why so many kids are out of control. We blame it on the kids. But actually, it is we adults that are at fault for giving in to their demands and allowing them to get away with their poor behavior.

The bible is very specific on discipline. Proverbs 13:24 says to spare the rod is to spoil the child.

But does that mean that we should discipline every child with a spanking every time he disobeys? And what about it going too far and becoming abuse? Is spanking a child abuse? Is the Bible outdated about this subject for today?

My dad had a paddle that he kept on a nail in our kitchen, in very plain sight. I can still remember it hanging there. It was a long thick wooden one with a leather string at one end. Painted on it was a boy bending over as if he were going to be spanked. And the words "Board of Education" were painted on it. I never knew where he got it, or where it ended up. But did he ever have to use it?

No. It was there just to remind us that he wanted us to obey him or else there were consequences.

The bible is not outdated for today. It too is a reminder of what is needed in a child's life that will bring him up to recognize authority in life and that when he disobeys he will be punished. That is true all through life. In school, our teachers are over much of our education. As parents, we teach our children morals and hopefully use the bible as our guide, teaching them God's standards. As adults, we must obey the law, or we will end up in places we don't want to be. Some of us, have bosses that oversee our work so that it is done properly. But it begins-or should begin at home. That is the foundation that God has created for us to grow into healthy, adults that know right from wrong. Why? Because he loves us and wants the best for us.

Tomorrow, I will be talking about the difference between godly discipline and abuse. There is a difference, although there are those that do not believe it. And maybe some have a good reason for it. Maybe they have had parents that have taken discipline too far that it was abuse. And that is so sad because loving parents do not discipline out of anger and rage. They do it because they love their kids.

I hope you will come back tomorrow for a deeper look into Godly discipline. The kind that God wants us to give. The kind that God gives us.


May your day present you with many blessings! Pass them on to those around you! Bless others and you will be blessed!

Lord we need you desperately to heal our land and protect us from this evil enemy within!

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