Monday, May 21, 2018

Rasining Our Children in the Declining Christianity of Americanism (Part Two)

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child

Going back to yesterday, and the books that have been and are being published on the subject of parents who raise their kids without God in the home, it is a very disturbing subject.

Many kids these days are raised not knowing the true meaning of why we celebrate Easter and Christmas. They get to college and beyond and think it is about Easter bunnies and Christmas trees.

A friend of mine a couple weeks ago had a garage sale. A little girl and her mother came and the girl saw a display of Noah's Ark that my friend was selling. The girl was interested in it and my friend told her about it. She had never heard the story about Noah. Her mom came up and said, "Oh, that is Moses."

Where do we go wrong these days? Many families are not teaching their children about God. Is it no wonder that this country is heading towards a decline in Christianity?

So how do we stop this decline in our country?

Some parents raise their kids with the idea that when they get older, they can choose to believe whatever they want to. Is that the kind of attitude we really want?

Years ago, Dr. James Dobsen spoke on that very thing during one of his radio broadcasts. He said the problem with that is, if you don't teach them about God, someone else will come along and teach them something that you might want them to learn. That is not a direct quote but think about it. Do we really want someone teaching our kids the things that we don't want them to learn apart from God?

Personally, I believe we need to....
fill their minds with the goodness of God.Modeling godly behavior to them and start teaching them about God when they are young. 

Children are always wanting to mimic whatever they see. You and I are sometimes their first teachers. Why not let them see Jesus in us?

Start children off in the way they should go and they will not depart from it when they are old. Proverbs 22:

The King James version of that verse says to Train up a child in the way they should go. 

The words to train, or to teach are action words. It involves the action of not only doing but being an example for our children to see Godly qualities in us. 

To turn our country back to the core of beliefs it was founded on, we must start in the home. It begins with us as parents. It begins with you and I. That is just one way, it happens. Stay tuned for more on this subject. There will be more to come.

Family Circus « ArcaMax Publishing

Thanks for coming by today friends. Have a blessed day and be a light to someone's life. Because you may be the only light he/she sees. Take Care!

You have more influence on the world than you can ever imagine. Be a blessing to others, blessing with your words, with your kindness, your care, and your being. As Mother Theresa said: "Let no one come to you without leaving happier." ~~Angela

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 Hello Friends I wanted to let you know that I am not going to be posting for a few days. I plan to be back on Sept 10th.  Thank you for you...