The lack of self-control is what turns people into drug addicts. The lack of self-control is what turns teenagers into parents. It is can turn greed in our spending into theft. The lack of self-control in people is what fills our prisons. It leads our bodies to disease.
Proverbs 25:28 equates it to a city with broken-down walls.
Have you ever thought of it that way? I never did until I read that scripture this morning. The lack of self-control can and does tear down our lives until it destroys them.
We are bombarded with so many temptations. Every day. And satan knows our weaknesses so that is where he brings on the attack and sometimes we end up giving in to them.
But we need to control those areas. In our bodies, emotions, and thoughts and in our deeds. If we eat too much of the wrong foods, it can hurt our bodies. If we are out of control in our emotions, we can fly off the handle and hurt someone. If we spend too much time watching ungodly tv programs, or are around ungodly people, we can become the kind of people that are on those programs or the kind with whom we associate.
Self-control is a battle within our selves because of our own selfish desires. In Luke 9:23 Jesus says to "take up our cross daily and follow him." Each day, we need to desire to deny those things that are out of control.
What kind of self-control do you need in your life? It is not easy to deny ourselves those things that are not good for us, but by faith, we can achieve it in our lives. The Holy Spirit does produce it in us if we sincerely desire it. But to achieve it, we must do as Luke 9:23 says, and take up our cross daily. It is our only hope.

Thanks for your visits this week on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. I hope you have been able to take something positive from each one. For those of you that do visit my blog every day or as often as you can, you are important to me. I hope you will be back tomorrow for where ever God leads us next! Until then, have a blessed Lord's Day!

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