Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Landing in the Lap of Almighty God

2 Corinthians 12:9

Weakness: the state or condition of lacking strength.

There are other meanings for the word weakness. However, it the lack of strength I want to talk about today, and what it has to do with us as Christians. 

There have been times when I have felt weak in my walk with the Lord. Some of you have read my testimonies of the years when I was first married and not living for God. My husband had a drinking problem. I had children too soon and was too immature at any being the kind of wife and mother I should have been. 

The time came that I had to get serious with God, or I would never make it to him at all. However, much I wanted to, even so. 

Life was not easy and I was so weak back then. However, little by little in my study of his word, I did begin to gain strength from him so that I could go on with life until the day that I landed in his lap for good. 

If anyone had ever felt weak in the Bible, it was the Apostle Paul. And yet all the things that he went through, according to 2 Corthianians 12:9-10, his strength came from Christ. And I like the end of verse where he says, "In my weakness, I am made strong."

Because that was where I had to get to those years ago. And actually, I did not even realize it until someone pointed that scripture out to me. It was my weakness, but Christ made me strong. 

And little by little, it happened as I spent time with God in his word. 

There came a day when I did land in God's lap. Not that I am perfect. That is not it at all. But I finally was able to see who it was that made me understand that I could not depend on myself to fix things. Our problems were much bigger then anything in my strength. It had to come from a greater source. And that source was God. 

Things in my life have not always been perfect even so, but when I get right down to it, I know that God provides strength every time I need it and ask him for it. And I can reflect back to those days when life was harder than it has ever been. And I thank God for his strength.

If you feel weak in your life, go to God. He wants to sit you on his lap and give you his strength. He has the answers you need. You just need to ask him for them.

note to self...June 19th

Cartoon of the day: (I am glad he will never retire. How about you?)
No worries.....only the Pope

Thanks for coming by! Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Father God, in the name of Jesus I thank you for giving me strength today, dear…

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 Hello Friends I wanted to let you know that I am not going to be posting for a few days. I plan to be back on Sept 10th.  Thank you for you...