Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Fruit of the Spirit-Kindness (Part 6)

Fruit of the Spirit lesson, visuals and printables #Biblefun #apostlepaul #NTBiblelesson

2 Corthianians 6:6  Live by knowledge, by long-suffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned.

Thinking about acts of kindness, it can be an unexpected card of encouragement from a friend. Or perhaps giving a neighbor a fresh baked loaf of bread. Or maybe even someone  that takes their time to mow the grass of a senior that can no longer do it themselves. Perhaps it is giving a meal to a homeless person. Or like my mother used to do, she was always looking for flower vases at garage sales or thrift stores, and then filling them with flowers from her garden and giving them to people.

Acts of kindness can be anything you do, or someone does for you that they do not have to do. And when we do something for someone else, it gives us a wonderful sense of doing for others. Because that is what God wants us to do as it comes from him. 

There are many examples of the kindness that Jesus gave to people in the bible. 

In Luke 6:35 he admonishes us to love our enemies, do good to them without expecting anything back.In Romans 2:4 God's kindness leads us to repentance
And in Luke 10:30-5 he teaches us about the Good Samaritan that found a man on the road that had been beaten and robbed, and while most people passed him by, the Samartian took care of him. 

How many of us can love our enemies or help a person that has been beaten? 

Many people can and do help others that need it. During crisis times as in times in an aftermath of terrorism, people rally together to do what it takes to help others. Or after tornadoes or flooding has destroyed property of others. And those people are putting into it into action. 

But an even greater kindness is when God brings those people to his repentance during it or after something like that happens.

God demonstrated his kindness for us, when he sent Jesus to bear our sins on the cross. And Jesus demonstrated it when he took our sins for it. Without these acts from them, we would be truly lost as many people are that don't accept it.

Love is kindness in action. And we need to looking for ways to show it to people. Within a crisis or just in our everyday actions. God wants us to be kind to others and to show his love to them. 

What have you done this week to show someone kindness? What have I done?
God has given us this fruit through the Holy Spirit. We need to practice it. To get it to produce and grow in us. In so doing, it will ripen and lead others to him that gave his life for us, if we allow it.  

       Thanks fors stopping by folks. Have a blessing filled day in the Lord!

Keep on keeping on

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