Saturday, May 19, 2018

Mothers of the Bible (Conclusion)

The gaze of Mary and Jesus

Mothers of the Bible. Young or old. God has created women to take on this important role from the beginning of time. 

These are just a few of the mother's in the Bible. And being a mother and even a grandmother is a very important job that God allows us to have. And not only is it a job, but it is also a privilege.
Children are a gift from God. Psalm 127:3-5  We are to be with them and talk to them all through the day and at night. Deuteronomy 6:6-7. We are to nurture them. Titus 2:4. Training them. Proverbs 22:6. And teaching them. Deuteronomy 4:10. Not last but surely not least God wants us to discipline our children. Proverbs 22:6

Being a mother is a very important role today as in biblical days. It is ongoing and changing with every season of a child's life. From pregnancy to adulthood, it brings with it love, encouragement, support, teaching, joy, laughter, and yes, sometimes even pain and heartache.

 And we sometimes as mothers, fail and make mistakes. Some of us were really too young to start families. Some of us came from abusive parents that didn't know anything but abuse themselves. Sometimes we have to work to help support our families. Or some mothers are single and have to do it all themselves without a mate to help them.

Let's face it. Sometimes mothering can be demanding and hard. Even in the best of homes. It can be challenging. Thankless and
makes us want to throw our hands up in the air to just want to give up.

That is why we need to look to God for help because that is where our greatest help comes from.

And looking to God, who created us to take on that role, we know that he helps us through each of those seasons, no matter what they bring. And we do the best we can. And he forgives us when we do fail and when we ask him.

God created us to be mothers. Just as he created those of the bible. If he created us to have that role in our lives, he is not going to leave out the ability to perform it if we trust him. No matter what it brings. No matter what we go through. He will help us. If you have made mistakes in your role as a mother, if you have become discouraged, ask him for help. He will give it to you. Because he created You for it.

30 Today Funny Minions

I hope you have enjoyed this look at some of the mom's that God created. I hope also that you will come back tomorrow for another look at what he has to say about raising our kids from a biblical standpoint. Take care and have a blessed day!

God bless you | Blessing prayer | Blessing words | Hope | Love | God | Jesus | Christianity | Quotes | Bible | faith | Positive quotes

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