Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mothers of the Bible-Sarah (Part 5)

Genesis 21


Of all the mothers of the Bible, I  think the most courageous one would have been Sarah. For many years, Sarah could not have children. And she desperately wanted one. She prayed for many years for God to give her a child. God had promised her husband Abraham that he would bless them with a son. But when? As they grew older, it must have been discouraging for them to not be able to conceive, month after month.

Sarah did grow tired of waiting and eventually, she convinced Abraham to sleep with her handmaiden to produce an heir for them. However, that is a story for another time.

God did keep his promise to them and finally gave them the promised son. At the age of 90, she gave birth to Isaac.

But that was how much Sarah had longed for a child. They named him Issac which means laughter.

They had named him that because they had actually laughed when God had told them that they would have a son. They didn't think God could pull that off.

And yet he did. Is anything to difficult for God? Genesis 18:14  And so maybe they didn't believe it for a time. But they must have been happy about it as well when they finally had their son. And what of Sarah? At that time of her life, it had to be have been extremely hard. Were there times when going through her pregnancy that she asked God why he had waited so long to answer her prayers? Or did God allow her to have a relatively easy pregnancy due to her age?

I don't know. But I couldn't imagine even wanting a child at that age, let alone having one. Could you?  How was it back then when she found she was going to have a son? What kind of pregnancy was it? How was it at their ages, raising Issac? It is one of those stories that I would love to know about them to one day when I get to heaven.

Church sign:

Church Signs of the Week: October 10, 2014

Thanks for coming by today friends. Blessed be the name of our Lord! Have a great day!

God Bless You Today and Always friendship religious quote animated friend friendship quote blessing friend quote

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 Hello Friends I wanted to let you know that I am not going to be posting for a few days. I plan to be back on Sept 10th.  Thank you for you...