Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls who when he found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and he bought it. Mathew 13:45-46
This parable is very similar to yesterday's parable about the hidden treasure. As we know, pearls are hidden way down in oysters in the ocean. They are hard to find as not every oyster will have a pearl hidden within them. In fact, many do not.
Likewise, what we can take away from both of these parables, among the things already mentioned, is that the kingdom of heaven holds for us many mysteries. The treasures within, are hidden and very precious. But not everyone will find them. They cannot be had because we are intelligent or have great influence or by any way other than what God gives us. 1 Corthianians 2:7-8 says that very thing, and that is that if the rulers of this age had known the secret and hidden knowledge from God, they would not have crucified him. No king or any other power on earth had that hidden treasure due to anything that had to do with themselves. Those that had it, received it only through God.
So many people miss it. They refuse and even deny the need for a Savior in their lives all because they want to think that their own brains and intelligence is all they need when it isn't. Because of this, the kingdom of heaven and all its hidden treasures are off limits to them unless and until they find that hidden pearl of great price, which is the redemptive work of the shed blood of Jesus Christ who wishes that none perish but that all would come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9.
When we find it, that pearl is worth everything to us. When it gets right down to it, we truly have no need for anything else. And while some of heaven's mysteries still elude us, they do so only for a season because one day, we will see them in all their glorious beauty, in all that awaits us in heaven.
Our lives are too fleeting on earth. We have no greater need then the salvation that Jesus wants to give us. But it is up to us. Do we consider God a crutch, like so many do? Or do we look and find that precious gift that we can have only through Christ? God is longsuffering and he doesn't want us to perish, but He will only wait on each of us for so long and then it may be too late.
February 9, 2019 Promise: I will go before you and make the crooked paths straight. Isaiah 45:2
Thanks for your visit Friends. May I ask a favor of some of you. If you know of any of your family or friends that may benefit from this blog, will you please pass it on to them? I would indeed appreciate it. God bless!
Up tomorrow: Parable of Drawing in the Net

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