Friday, March 6, 2020

Mathew's Account of Christ's Death And Resurrection. (part one)

I was reading this morning, a post that Rachel Wojo had written about Jesus, back in April of 2014. I decided to share some of it with you and at the end of this post, will give you the link, in case you would like to read it in full.She stated that the disciples that told the Easter story, told it with different slants. That Mathew the tax collector had provided detail. Mark had been straight forward with his account, not beating around the bush. Luke, having been a doctor had a unique  perspective in his account.Where as John gives an eyewitness account of Christ's love in action.

With what she posted about those 4 accounts, I thought we would go back over them one at a time, and compare them with each other to see what differences there are.

Through the eyes of Mathew. Chapter 26

and they plotted together to seize Jesus by stealth and kill Him.

The priests, and the elders of the people wanted to end Jesus' ministry once for all. And so they gathered at the palace of Calaphas, the high priest.They wanted him crucified and so schemed on how this was going to go down.

While he was in Bethany a woman came to him with a very expensive jar of alabaster and poured it on his head. His disciples thought that this was a waste because it could have been sold at a very high price. But Jesus said she had done a very beautiful thing for him and that she was actually preparing his body for burial.

30 pieces of silver. – Slide 6In the mean time, Judas went to the chief priests and asked them what they would be willing to  pay him if he took Jesus to them. They gave him 30 pieces of silver and he began to watch for the opportunity to hand him over.

 After this came the Festival of the Unleavened Bread. Jesus was going to celebrate Passover with his disciples.That evening while at the table with his friends, Jesus told them that one of them would betray him.They began to look at each other asking who it was because it couldn't have been any of them. Jesus told them that the one that was going to betray him would be the one that dipped his hand into the bowl with him would betray him. But he warned that person that he should never have been born.

Judas in this account had already received the silver but he said, "Surely it can't be me, Lord."

Then Jesus took the bread and wine and said, "This is my body and my blood which is poured out for the forgiveness of sin for many."

And after that, they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.


Jesus also told them that Peter would deny him three times that night.Peter said he would never deny him, that he would rather die with him.

 And with that, he and his disciples went to Gethsemane  Jesus knew his death was pending and he was overwhelmed thinking about it.He told the disciples to stay there while he went on and finally fell on his face. He prayed to his Father, wanting this thing that was about to happen, be removed, but even so, it was the Father's will that he go through it and he was willing. Three times he prayed this as his disciples slept. And then he finally told them to get up because his betrayer was coming.

Hi Friends. This is not the end of Mathew's account. Next time we will look at what happens next. In the mean time, God bless you!

God Bless You and Keep you. Long life will be your portion. Rejoice!!

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