Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mathew's Account of Jesus' Death and Resurrection (part five)

pictures jesus cross suffering

Through the eyes of Mathew 27

Jesus was being led away to his death. The cruelest kind of death that there could ever be. He, an innocent man who did nothing wrong but preach the truth. He was going to die for it.

He was to carry his own cross, but after he had had such a awful beating, it got too heavy. The sins of the world were on it and he being human and yet God had to bear it and yet it was so heavy that in his weakened condition, he couldn't. And so a man of Cyrene, named Simon was told to carry it for him.

They took him to a place called Golgotha, or it was also called, the place of the skull. They gave him vinegar to drink but he refused it. And then they crucified him.

They cast lots for his garments. And over his head they had written, "This is Jesus, king of the Jews." On either side of him there was a thief also being crucified.  People going by him would insult him, and shake their heads at him.

The chief priests, elders and others mocked him and said that if he really was the King of Israel, let him come down off the cross and they would believe him.

Then it grew dark and finally he cried in a loud voice, "My God, my God why have you forsaken me?"

And Jesus spirit left him.

The veil in the temple ripped in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook and graves of many that had died, had opened up and saints came out from them. And they went into the holy city and appeared to people there.

And the centurion and those watching Jesus saw this and said, "Truly, he was the Son of God."

That evening a rich man named Joseph from Arimathea  went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. He had been following him. And when he had been given the body, he wrapped it in a clean cloth and put it in his own tomb and rolled a rock in front of it and left.

Both Mary's stayed there near the tomb.

The next day, the chief priests and pharisees and others went to Pilate and told him that he had said that after three days, he would rise again and that they should seal the tomb because his friends might try to come and steal the body and say that he had risen.

And so, Pilate, told gave them the order to do this and then put a guard there to keep watch over the tomb so that no one would steal the body and make such a claim.

Hi Friends. We are almost done with Mathew's account. And next will come the what Mark reported. Will he have the same one or will it be different to a degree? We will soon find out.

In the mean time, I pray God's protection over our country from this virus that has things in an uproar at this time. But remember....

He will keep us in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on the Lord. Isaiah 26:3

Keep your mind on God and in his word, because that is where our peace comes from.

God bless!

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