Through the eyes of Mathew 27
Jesus stood before Pilate and said not a word to defend himself., Pilate could not believe that he would just stand there and say nothing.
Pilate as he always did during a festival, would release a prisoner that that the people chose. And so when they had gathered, he asked them who they wanted he to release. It was pretty much a unanimous decision among the people. They had been given a choice. It was to be either Jesus or a man named Barnabas.
But then Pilate's wife came to him and told him not to have anything to do about the innocent Jesus, because she had a dream about him.
However, the chief priests and elders persuaded the crowd to have Jesus crucified and to let Barabbas go. And with that he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, and told them that he was washing his hands of the blood of an innocent man, and it was now on them.
At this the soldiers took hold of him and stripped him, and put a scarlet robe on him and a crown of thorns on his head . Then they spit on him and mocked him. And they struck him on the head time after time. And at that he was led away to be crucified.
Hello Friends, I am not going to be able to wrap Mathew's account up as I promised yesterday, today. I will get back to it, hopefully tomorrow. In the mean time, God bless!

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