Sunday, March 1, 2020

Spiritual Warfare

❆//pinterest: scarlatterose//❆

Hello Friends. I am switching topics now to other subjects. And today's topic has to do with something we are engaging in as Christians, whether we like it or not (which we don't) or whether we know it or not. (because we are )

Over a year ago, about this time in 2019 our family was blessed by two new presences in our family. No, they weren't twins and they weren't babies. Nor were they even born in our blood line.

They were and are two very needy preteen children. Adopted by my son and his wife whom I will call them Mike and Sally.

At the time, my husband and myself still lived in our home state of Ohio but we had already met them the year before when we went down to Florida where at that time Mike and Sally were fostering them. And we had begun to know these precious children that came from backgrounds that no child should ever have to know.

Since we moved here last summer, it has become a regular routine of hearing all the good things that have been happening. But there were many that haven't been so good.

Their now daughter is doing well with all the changes that her new life has brought her. But, sadly the boy is having a very difficult time and his behavior has gone from bad to worse and then from worse to recently much worse.

I won't go into all that. But when it started to get to the worst part, a couple weeks ago, I asked for prayer on another site. And low and behold, his behavior changed to being much better for the next perhaps seven days. But then all of a sudden it seemed that it zoomed down again only this time going from the worst to the much worst all at once. I hope that makes sense.

It was then that Mike and I both realized that this was a real spiritual problem. As a matter of fact, in just the last day we realized that it is time to vamp up our prayers even more then we had. Because we know the enemy is out there. Ready to devour who he can. 1 Peter 5:8, He wants to devour this little boy, who did nothing wrong by being born, yet was thrust into this horrible family life. Most of which we probably don't even know. (What we do know is bad enough)

As a grandmother to 7 children, and now 2 more adopted ones, I realized that even though the things I have gone through even up to the  last year and this move to a new state, has sometimes been hard, it is not time to get sloppy on my prayers, nor my commitment to them and God. Sad to say, that is what I have done.

With a renewed vow to God (after first asking his forgiveness, of course) I am back to doing what I used to do. And that is to really use my spiritual warfare against the enemy that is causing these problems in a home where he is not allowed to be, nor is he welcome there.

Hence first, asking many people on a site, to pray for them. And they have. And I saw change for the good almost immediately.  The problem is, that just woke that devil up to know that those that have been praying are storming heaven's gates and not in his favor. And he doesn't like it all.

Hence the change again. This time for the worst of the worst.

And so I have been going after him and so has Mike. We know what his tactics are. But we also know that the battle has already been won. Jesus did it the day he died on the cross for us. And it is his promise to us. But we can't just expect it to happen. We have to put our faith, and trust in him, and to also use his word and our prayers so that the devil does not tear us and our loved ones apart in the process. It is not a time for me to go soft. It is not a time for me to give up. It is time for me to stand in the midst of it and be the kind of warrior in my prayer life that God wants me to be.

I hadn't planned on doing my blog on this today. But all of sudden, when I pulled up a new one to post, there it was instantly on my mind. Perhaps there is someone that needs to be reminded that spiritual warfare is something you need to return to. Maybe you have done it before and it didn't seem to work so you gave up. God wants you to know or be reminded that the battle is his. He will fight for you in the spiritual realm if you want him to. And you should never, ever give up until he gets the job done.

Or maybe you are the one that doesn't even know where to begin when it comes to spiritual warfare.
I recommend in that case that you get one of the several books you can get from Charles Stanley that explains this topic so that you will understand what you are up against.  I will leave the link to those, at the end of this post.

God wants us to know that we are in that warfare. Why else would he tell us that Satan walks around like a  roaring lion waiting to devour us. He didn't just leave us with the bad news. His word about how to handle the devil is the good news. And one we can rely on. Why? Because he loves us.

God to:   charles stanley books spiritual warfare - Google Search to find his books.

Thanks for coming by Friends. Have a wonderful day today because this is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice in it. Psalm 124:24

wisdom quotes from the bible #wisdomquotesfromthebible

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