Thursday, November 7, 2024

Trump A Tool In God's Hand, But Not Our Savior

 Good morning, Friends.

With the election results sending President Trump back to the White House in January, I want to address something.

The Bible tells us that God sets up the government and the leaders there in. As citizens we must be subject to it. (More about this in an upcoming post.) We saw that because Christians were praying he, would win because of his track record in 2016, God heard our prayers and answered them so that we do not have to endure 4 more years of the kind of presidency we have now, under the Biden/Harris administration. 

Despite how we feel about Trump personally, he doesn't reject Christians. He doesn't deny God. He doesn't want to bring suffering on a already suffering world. And he does see God in a way perhaps s never before in his life. (?)

He does want to make things better for all of us. And as Christians, we believe he will do that and in fact, has already begun that work.

But what does all of this mean for America in the long run?

Let us be clear.

He is a man. He is not God. And we do not know what lies ahead for this country biblically. Except that things will eventually get worse, and all the prophesies in the Bible about end times will come true. Despite who is president of this country.

How long have we got until that happens?

We don't know. But the signs are already there for us to watch. As Jesus said: And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28

What signs?

Wars, and rumors of wars. Kingdoms rising against kingdoms. False teachers and prophets. Great earthquakes, and famines. Christian's persecutions. Christians thrown into prisons. Hatred for those claiming the name of Jesus Christ. Jerusalem at war. And more....

Trumps win looks to be a good thing for this country. But make no mistake about it, when God's real judgement hits the earth, those that do not know Him, will be in serious trouble. 

In the meantime, President Trump can make a difference in what we have been living with these last years. And yes, I believe he can make it great again. But it will ultimately be God that....

.....make the US Great Again!!!   At least until Jesus comes back when all havoc will ravage the earth. 

So please, do not worship President Trump as our savior for this country like some are doing. Our total allegiance goes to God alone. For Trump is only a tool that God will use to do what He wants done.

Thanks for coming by today, Friends. Have a blessed day.

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