In accordance with scripture, in Mathew 28:1-4 Jesus began to appear to many people after he had been resurrected that morning. There were women and even the soldiers guarding his tomb witnessed it as he came out. Verses 3-4 says that "his appearance was as lightning and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men."
Peter is mentioned as the first apostle that had seen him in Luke 24:34, after which he appears to the rest of the disciples in verse 36. And he also appears to them at other times in that 40 days before he ascended to be with God.
And he appears to "more than 500 brothers" as well as James, (his half-brother) according to 1 Corthianians 15:6-7
There were just too many occasions that he appeared that people could deny that he had not done what he had been preaching all along.
Acts 1:3 After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave them many proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over forty days and spoke about the Kingdom of God.
What it must have been like for those people that saw him arrested, suffer and die and then come back to life after 3 days. Knowing that unless he was who he said he was, there was no way on earth that this man called Jesus, could ever do such a thing.
As the Centurian Soldier stood at the cross after Jesus had died that day, he made this profound statement. "Truly, this was the Son of God." Mathew 27:54.
Indeed. There was no other that could have pulled off what Jesus had done. Only the Son of God. Only the Son of God! Only God's begotten Son, that he had sent to save us from our sin. John 3:16.
April 19, 2019, Easter Reading: It is for freedom that Christ set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened by the yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1
Hello Friends. Thanks so much for visiting today. As our Easter Celebrations get closer, may we not forget that it was due to what happened over 2000 years ago that made them possible. God Bless!

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