Wednesday, April 17, 2019

What is Easter About? Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre Giclee Print by Harold Copping at

Jesus appeared to many people after he had been resurrected from the grave. To whom more than his friends, would he want to be some of the first that were to see him. John's account in two of those friends appears in John 20. And one of those is Mary Magdalene

She had been standing outside the tomb crying. And when she stooped to look in, she saw two angels in white robes, one sitting at the head and one at the foot of where Jesus body had been laying. The angels asked her why she was crying. And she said it was because someone had taken her Lord away and she did not know where they had taken him.

But then she turned to leave and there was someone standing there that she did not recognize. It was Jesus, and he too asked her why she was crying. and who was she looking for?.

Clearly, Mary Magdalene did not know who she was talking to and thought he was the gardener. She said, "Sir if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him and I will go and get him."

"Mary!:, Jesus said.

She turned to him and cried out, "Rabboni!" (which in Hebrew is "Teacher.")

"Don't cling to me" said, Jesus. "For I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."

Mary Magdalene did go and find them and told them, "I have seen the Lord!" and then she gave them his message.

Reference: John 20:11-18

Why had Jesus chosen to show himself first to her rather than to some of the others?
I can hardly, in my limited understanding make a good guess. I just believe what John wrote because I believe the bible. Mary Magdalene had meant very much to him for sure and why should she not have been one of the first to see that he had risen as he had said he would. Whatever reason Jesus had is good enough for me.

She had to have been very excited as she ran back to find his brothers. He had come back to life and now she had seen him! I wonder if she sang joyfully as she made her way back to them? How exciting that had to have been!

One day, we too will see our Lord Jesus, and just as an exciting day, it was for Mary Magdalene, what a day that will be for us as well!

April 17, 2019  Easter Reading: Afterward Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them while they were walking in the country. Mark 16:12

Hello Friends: I pray that this Easter Holy Week has been a blessing for you so far. And I pray it will continue it to be. Praise God, he is not dead. He is alive and well!


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