Friday, May 31, 2019

What is True Love? Trust

Love....It always trusts.

Vinyl Wall Decal | 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 | "Love is patient... believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." by SoundSayings on Etsy

Many years ago, my husband was laid off at a heating/air/conditioning plant after working there for 29 years. During those years, he had learned all about the workings of the furnaces and air conditioners that he had helped build during his time there. The company paid for more training for anyone interested and so for several months he attended classes every day for awhile. With all he had learned throughout the years and the experience he had, he decided to start his own heating and cooling business.

Because we were established in our community as church members and with our kids in clubs like 4-H and so on, and the fact that he didn't charge people an arm and a leg for his services, he actually did pretty well so far as getting customers. But a couple years later, we had started attending my dad's church due to a situation that arose in his own life that had made it difficult for him to get to church on his own for awhile. During that time, we met some of his friends and one was a very nice widowed lady. One day after hearing what my husband did for a living, she asked me if I had a hard time trusting him as he went out on his service calls. After all there were women out there. Did I have a problem with that?

I told her no. And that was the truth. I never worried about him going on his calls. It just never occurred to me. I wondered if she had had trust issues in her life at some point but it wasn't something I, as a younger person felt I could ask her. It was not any of my business and anyway she was around my dad's age.

I trusted my husband. I believed him. And that is what true love is. I was never suspicious that he was out doing what he was not supposed to be doing. There was never any question, never any doubt. If I had been jealous or suspicious, it would have really caused friction between us that could have escalated into who knows what, especially if there was no need to be.

Someone that truly loves another person, always believes the best about that person. Always ready to look past of anything that might damage the relationship. Always ready to forgive if and when the relationship fails and a break-up occurs.

 When there is distention in the Church among members, it can be it's down fall and cause people to leave. The Church can split and fall apart. And for some when that happens, they will leave the faith altogether. I have seen it happen.

But in a church where  people seek to forgive others they have disagreements or problems with, it goes a long way in a church that is truly a church where God can abide. Where people can be ministered to.

True love is trust. It is believing the best. And it is believing in God because when all else fails, he is who we can trust. He is who we can believe.

May 31, 2019 Promise: But the Son of man is come to save that which is lost. Mathew 18:11

Hello Friends. Thanks so much for coming by. I pray for you a very blessed day!

FRIDAY BLESSINGS: Psalm 119:105 (1611 KJV !!!!) " Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND !!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Sowing in Tears but Reaping in Joy?

Scripture Quotes Bible-Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. (Psalms126:5 NIV) #bible #biblestudy #biblejournaling #jesus

Hello Friends. I find that I do not have a lot of time to put into the post for today. So much is going on for the next day or two. So I want to defer from the posts in 1 Corinthians for just a bit. However, I do want to leave you with something for today since I was not able to yesterday. So I will get back to the previous posts on love either tomorrow or on Friday and for today I want to say something about Psalm 126:5..

What does it mean that those that sow in tears, shall reap in joy? Have you ever wept over something that was just plain heartbreaking? A relationship break up. A child that has gone his own way. An illness that took a loved one. 

Think of a farmer whose is planting a field. He is sweating from the hard work of sowing seeds. And once planted, he does not even know if it will bring him the desired fruit of his labor. It can be very stressful because during this season all things involved in it must come together to work out for his crop to be successful. If there is too much rain, it can be harmful. If not enough, it can be harmful. Everything must work to bring in a crop that will meet his needs for that harvest.

Likewise, when the Israelite's were in captivity in Egypt, they were worked hard. They probably wondered if this was the life that they were going to have to endure to the end of it. Times for them were stressful not to mention painful and more.

But without that experience, they could not have seen God's glory or his faithfulness to them, and all that he had promised. 

Sometimes, it is you and I that may go through hard times. Tears can overtake us at times of stress and we may question God and what he is doing in our lives. Or if he is doing anything at all. Are you really there God? 

However, if we plants seeds of trust into our hearts, knowing that he is there, he is working for our good even through the tears that keep falling, eventually the clouds will roll back, the sun will again shine and we will reap joy. 

Why? Because that is what he promises in that verse. 

Without the hard times, without the tears we can not fully see God's faithfulness in our own lives. We cannot see how far he has brought us or what he has done for us. And so while times are tough at those times, we must never forget who he is and that he is much bigger then whatever we are going through, and that we may be crying today, but by tomorrow the sun may shine again. 

May 29, 2019 Promise: Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. I Peter 5:6

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Have a blessed day in the Lord! 

Instagram post by Angela Doss • Oct 28, 2018 at 2:15pm UTC #faith #god #bless #thankful #hopeful #happiness #lord #jesus #amen #praying

Monday, May 27, 2019

What is True Love? Protection

Taking refuge in God | Do you sing for joy? | God's protection spreading over us | Psalm 5:11 #sundayscripture #tounearth #godsprotection #findrefugeingod

When we love someone, we want to protect them. It is a natural thing. And God's love does that for us as well. Just like a father that protects his child from impending danger, or from things that could bring harm to his life so he teaches the child how to avoid certain things, God wants to do that for us.

The Greek word for "protects" is stegel which means to cover. That is what God does for us. He protects those that love him. He watches out of us. He preserves us through difficult times. And where there are flaws with in us, his love has the ability to cover them.

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. Proverbs 10:12

Because God is love, he cannot be any other way. His covers our sin with his love when we belong to him. Even as his love protected the Israelite's in the Old Testament during the times they were slaves. Ezra 9:9 Believe me, those times for them were anything but strife less, yet they had God's eyes watching out in protection for them.

His love:

  1. protects me from my enemies Psalm 91:3-6
  2. protects my children Psalm 102:2
  3. protects my home Psalm 127:1
  4. protectHs the fatherless and widows Psalm 68:5
  5. protects us when we travel Psalm 121:8
  6. protects us from the evil one 2 Thessalonians 3:3
God's love give us those protections and more. And even in the midst of adversity or trouble, he still provides it, giving us strength to endure whatever we are going through. 

This kind of love as with all the others is not self-seeking or selfish. Instead it benefits others. As Christians we should always be looking out for others. That does not mean we should overlook and excuse wrong doing in people or even ourselves, but it means to forgive, and provide love and protection where it is needed.

 Because God is love. And his love is true. It is perfect. His love protects.

May 27, 2019 Promise: Jesus spoke to them and said, "I am the light of the world: he that follows me will not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" John 8:12

Happy Blessed Memorial Day Friends! I pray that in whatever activities you have planned for today, that God's protection will be over you and your loved ones. And keep in prayer for those families who have lost loved ones because of why your and i get to celebrate, If you happen to see anyone that is in the military, or is a police or a fireman, please be sure to thank them for their service. It means a lot to them and it often can be a thankless job for them in their protection of us and our communities. God bless! Stay safe!

Memorial Day Blessings, God Bless America

Sunday, May 26, 2019

What is True Love? Delights in Evil

Have you ever known anyone that had been so hurt by someone so badly that to get back at them, they devised an evil plan to get back at them, and then executed it?

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 1 Corinthians 13:6 NIV

Years ago I read about a lady whose husband had taken up with his young secretary. After dumping his wife of 37 years, he left her to move in with the woman. It was the end of the marriage and the secretary demanded they live in  the multi-million dollar home that he and his wife had shared. Long story short, his lawyers made it a reality and the wife had three days in which to move out. On the third day, she ate her last her meal in what had once been her home. She had a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of white wine. 

After she had finished eating, she then went about stuffing her half eaten shrimp,  shells dipped in caviar into all the curtain rods in the house, cleaned up the kitchen and left. 

The man and his girlfriend enjoyed their home together for a few days and then all of a sudden something began to smell well....not so good. They couldn't figure out where it was coming from. They cleaned everything, from mopping to bringing in exterminators to check for dead rodents. Nothing worked. Eventually, everything stopped because there was nothing left to do when the source could not be found. The house went on the market and the price cut in half when no one would buy it.

What was worse, was that they had to take out a large loan to buy another one to live in. 

And then one day, his ex-wife calls him to find out how things were going. He explained to her about the awful smell they could not get rid of. She listened and then made him an offer he couldn't resist. She said that she missed the old place and would be willing to reduce the settlement in exchange for getting the home back. 

Knowing of course, that she really had no idea how bad the house smelled, he agreed to sell her the house for 1/10th the original worth but only if she would sign the papers that very day. She agreed (Seems like that should have been a red flag if not a major red flag to him) and his lawyers were over to her place within the hour and the deal was done. (Wow, even the lawyers weren't too smart)

A week later, the happy couple stood watching and smiling as the moving company packed everything to take to their new home. 

Including all the curtain rods.

True or Fiction? Well, you can't always believe what you read on the internet. And I can't really say. However, it is possible and actually if the wife had wanted to, she could have instead murdered one or both of them. Lets face it. Diabolical plans have been created and executed from the beginning of time. And so you be the judge on it. However, if you would like to read the full story, go to: 

The fact of the matter is, whether this story was/is true or not is not really the question. The fact is that evil does exist. And it cause others even innocent victims so much grief that they can themselves come up with evil to plot against others. The first century Christian Church had its own problem in this area. Corinth was an evil city and some of the newly converted Christians were having trouble with shaking old ways to become what Christ wanted them to be. 

It was in his teaching of  1 Corinthians 13:4, as we have been looking at these last few days that again is where Paul speaks of how "love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in truth." Love does not love wrong doing. 

No matter what kind it is. Big little. Whether it be with the kind of the above story or something way more diabolic. 

Psalm 5:4 You are not a God who delights in wickedness.

1 John 4:10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.  (Meaning that God loved us and sent his Son to offer a substitute for our sin.)

Evil is evil.

God is love. It is that simple. 

May 26, 2019 Promise: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Hebrews 13:8

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Please have a blessed Lord's Day and pass a blessing on to someone that needs one today. 

The presence of God, Sunday Blessings sunday sunday quotes sunday blessings sunday images sunday sayings

Saturday, May 25, 2019

What is True Love? Anger (Part two)

Hello Friends. I have decided to finish the posts on What is Love? and then get back to this particular one at a later time. And so please see the post today on What is True Love: A Record of Wrongs. Thanks for you visit

What is True Love? Keeping A Record of Wrongs

Keeps No Record of Wrongs | Laugh With Us Blog #Marriage

It is a day of lawsuits in this country. Everyone suing everyone else. People that actually look for ways to sue others in order to gain a lot of money from them. A lot of fraud takes place in order to do that when it isn't even justifiable.

Of course, there are those people that don't sue others but just hold others accountable in their own minds. Through just being angry with them. They keep an invisible record of wrong doings against them.

 But it is the lawsuits that I Corinthians 13:5 is speaking of in that verse because they took place in the bible days as well as they do today.

Love keeps no record of wrongs.

Christians in the days of the Apostle Paul were taking each other to court to settle their differences rather than doing so in a spirit of love for each other. Paul's stance on the matter was this: "The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been defeated already.Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?" I Corinthians 6:7

In other words, Paul was saying that love keeps no record of wrongs and that is better to be cheated.

Then of course, we often do not sue, but just want to keep records.

We often say we love others but as soon as we get angry with someone, we bring out our mental list of all they have done wrong to us in the past. The accusations then fly and arguments ensue and can actually get to a point of no return in some people. Memories even from the past events that took place years ago can  be dredged up between people that have not let go of them, can be on our list of wrong doings and be at our ready to hurt others.

 Jesus himself kept no record of wrongs. He was put to death on a Roman cross to provide forgiveness for our sin and yet before he died that day, his prayer to his Father had been, "Father forgive them for they do no know what they are doing." Luke 23:34.

And so does that mean that we should allow people to be abused? Absolutely not. We see on the news every day murders that take place. Consider someone that has taken the life of our own family member. Those people that kill others should be brought to justice and prosecuted to the very extent of the law. However, it is our own attitude that is what is important and that as we are able in our own forgiveness from God, we come to forgive the wrong that was done to us in the taking of our loved one's life. It may take time, but it can be done. It is what God wants us to do and it allows us to eventually become free of the poison that bitterness can do to us.

Christians should keep no record of wrongs. We should work towards being kind, and forgiving others."My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12. That is what love really is.

May 25, 2019  Promise:  For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed to us. Romans 8:18

Hello Friends. I am so sorry I did not get here yesterday. We have had a very busy time the past couple of days. I intend to again be here tomorrow and in the mean time, pray for you to have a blessed day and also a wonderful holiday weekend! And if you know, or see a Veteran somewhere this weekend, please be sure to thank them for their service to our great country. It is because some gave their day, so we could have our tomorrows!


Thursday, May 23, 2019

What is True Love? Anger (part one)

Jesus is depicted in the Bible as manly, courageous, intelligent, humble, and never one to water down the truth. Here he throws the money changers out of his Father's temple with a whip.

We all know what it is like to be angry. We know what it is like for someone to be angry with us. The question some have, might be, is can anger ever be justified?

The short answer is yes. But take a look at the fact that Jesus himself could be angry.

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all of that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves. And said unto them, "It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves." John 2:14-16

Anger in itself is not a sin. It is what we do with it that is. The bible says also says this: God is slow to anger, abounding in love." Psalm 86:15

But then he is God. He has the right to be angry at times. Right?

Well, yes that is right. But in James 1:19-20 it says this: "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak and show to wrath. for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God."

And Paul tells us not to let the sun goes down on our anger. Ephesians 4:26.

Yes, there is such a thing as righteous anger. Anger is an emotion just like any other one. And there is room for it even in the lives of Christians. But again, it is what we do with it that can be sin. How we respond to it that can be sin.

And when we do sin, we have only to go to God to ask for his forgiveness. Always being angry as we know there are people that are and that is very destructive in their lives and it can impact the lives of anyone that is around them.

Better to get over our anger as quickly as possible, even if that means we have to get help with it, then live in it day in and day out and being miserable. Life is too short for that kind of life.

May 23, 2019 Promise:  Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who has ears to hear let him hear? Mathew 13:43
( I can't wait for that day! Do you have ears to hear?)

Hi Friends. Did you know there a deeper meaning to that day when Jesus had driven the money changers out of the temple? And what were money changers anyway? In reading about these scriptures during the time I have been putting this post together today, I ran across some interesting things about it and thought that I may share them with you tomorrow. As always, I will be here asap but hopefully by 10 pm. In these days, I am never sure how it will turn out for these summer months. But I will try my best everyday. Thanks so much for your patience and God bless your day!

The Horse Mafia on Instagram: “Thankful Thursday Blessings”

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I Have Called You By Name, You are Mine

❤❤❤"I have called you by name; you are mine" | ~Inspirational ~

Hello friends. I am not going to do the usual blog this evening as it has been a very busy day. I am not soaring this evening (see posts from May 16-17) as I am just too tired. However, I will be back tomorrow to continue the series on True Love. In the mean time, I want to give to you the following promise for today.

Do not fear for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. You are mine. Isaiah 43:1

Can you imagine that the God of the universe, the God that is above all things, the God that created all things, is so personal to us that he not only knows our names but he calls us by them. And because he redeemed us, we are his.

There was a time, when I was around 45 years old that I really didn't think God could love me. I could not fathom it. Why would he want to? He had too many other people to care for. Too many other prayers he needed to answer.

And yet one day, he made it clear to me that yes he did love me and when I really got ah old of that knowledge, it then became to me so awesome that it was still almost too hard to believe. And yet, I did finally get it.

God does have many many people to love. He has many many prayers to answer. But he is God and as God he is big enough to do it all. That is something I just don't have to question. Not any more. He has become real to me and that is what made the difference.

When you are down, and maybe not soaring on the wings of an eagle and you begin to question God and his love for you, then I would tell you to meditate on Isaiah 43:1. Because there is no fear in God, he has redeemed you and he has called you by name. You are his.

How much more peace do we really need then that?

Thanks for stopping by Friends. Take care and God Bless! I will most likely be here tomorrow around the same time but no later than 10 pm. (I hope)

May Hod Bless you 🙏🏻

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

What is True Love? Self-Seeking

His Word in Pictures - Mark 10:45

Love is is not self-seeking. 

Self-seeking: having concern for ones welfare and interests before others.

We see and hear it every day on the news. People that defraud others. People that abuse others. People that put their own agendas before anyone else. 

But even if we are out not out to actually do those kinds of things, would you consider that  perhaps in one way or another we all do it at some point and in some way?

It actually begins as children when we try to get away with something we want. Our focus is on ourselves and not the other person. If left unchecked, it could have unfortunate consequences for us during our life.

True love is not selfish. We are admonished in Philippians 2:4, Let each of you look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Our greatest example of that is that of Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the cross. He did not come to be served but to serve and he gave his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45.

Someone that is selfish makes those around him miserable. And in fact, it probably makes really doesn't make him that happy as well. It is like that verse that says it is better to give then to receive. I would venture to say that, it is better to be selfless then it is to be selfish or self-serving. It is giving the kind of love that is needed just as Jesus did, when we learn to do what he asks us to do.

May 21, 2019 Promise:  I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture. John 10:9

Hi Friends. Hope you are all doing well. I pray God's richest blessings on your and yours! 

Thankful Tuesday tuesday tuesday quotes tuesday blessings tuesday images thankful tuesday

Sunday, May 19, 2019

What is True Love? Dishonor/Rudeness

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love...does not dishonor others. 1 Corinthians 13:4
Nor is it rude.

Dishonor: to disgrace, humiliate drag down, blacken the name of

Rude: to be impolite, uncivil, disagreeable, unmannerly

Those are just a few definitions of those words. There are many more. But lets look at a couple examples of what they can mean for us today.

 Some Men and women alike dishonor their spouses by cheating on them. Some children dishonor their parents by disobeying them. 

Some of us remember how it was when Viet Nam Vets came home to our country  and were treated as if they had something to be ashamed for when they were sent there to fight. Whether we were for or against the war or not, should have not been the question. There were many American Soldiers that gave up their lives to fight in it and it was act of those that didn't that were uncivil to them when they came home from a war that cost many others their lives and much more.

 Have you ever seen a child that is very rude. I know a young lady that when she was a child had never been taught what it meant to be rude. To dishonor her parents or anyone else as well. One day when she and her mother had come over and we were talking outside, she didn't like she wasn't getting her way about something and she actually kicked her mother right in the knee. Her mother had problems with her knees and it could have been that little girl already knew that, and so that is why her foot went there. She to my knowledge was never taught any different and grew up to be very selfish. 

Our society has come a long way (not a good thing) in raising our kids to be rude and dishonoring to other people. We have seen how they treat the elderly. Giggling at them and putting them down. They don't seem to think that some day, it will be their turn to be giggled at or ridiculed. 

We see how rude people can be even when at times like Black Friday during Thanksgiving, when people shove each other out of the way to get the best deals of the night. We had an incident in a local Walmart store whereby a clerk was actually hurt during a scuffle between two customers fighting over the same product they wanted.

Merriam - Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus, Pack of 3Of course, rudeness and dishonor didn't start in these ways exactly, but they don't stop there either. If you look these words up in the dictionary, there are many more definitions for them. And as this world has progressed from its beginning to what we know it as today, it has truly become more and more just like those kinds of things we see in those meanings in the dictionary. 

One person cannot solve all the problems of people that are rude or that dishonor others etc..... But one (or better yet two people) person can make a difference. Extended family members can make a difference. Christians can make a difference by raising their children and/or other family members with the principals laid out in these verses in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. We can teach them how to grow up to honor, not dishonor. How to to be considerate and have manners. How to be opposite of what the world has taught so many in a realm that is ungodly. When we do that, it makes not only family life, but also the world a better place to live. 

May 19, 2019 Promise: God is faithful by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9

Happy Lord's Day Sunday Friends. Thanks for your visit today. May God richly bless you with all He has for you this day!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Are You Soaring Today? (continued from May 16)

Bible Verses About Patience: Isaiah 40. Although one of the most common Bible verses about Patience, I think we too often miss the promises this verse about patience contains. #bibleversesaboutpatience #bibleverseonpateince #bibleverseforpatienceBut those that hope upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall soar like wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall not walk and not faint. Isaiah  40:31 NIV

The King James version of that scripture says, "But they that wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31.

The two versions are similar, but one tells us that those that wait, shall mount up with wings as eagles. Those that wait...really Lord, must I wait?

Waiting is sometimes not easy. And while doing it we can get anxious, fearful and sometimes....well we can get down right depressed when we see that things are not quite going the way we hope they would.

The other day, I told you that some changes are beginning in the lives of my husband and myself. They have been coming for the past probably three years or so. We have been wrestling back and forth trying to actually decide which way we should go with them. I did come to the conclusion about what I wanted to do, maybe a year ago-sort of. I say it that way, because it has not been an easy decision. My husband on the other hand has stalled on what he thought we should do.

Until a week or so ago. And then one day I was actually prepared to tell him that we needed to go ahead and do this thing we had been thinking of all this time. And so that day, I decided on what I was going to say and brought the subject up. I laid out the pros and cons His reaction. "I agree." From that moment on, we began to make plans.

I was really surprised at how easy it was, after him not being willing to make any decision about it for all this time. My waiting...had suddenly stopped. At least for that part of the situation.

It had not been an easy decision for either of us. We just had to get on the same page. I just had to wait on the Lord.

Image result for old people running cartoon picsBut now comes the rest of how King James puts it. "....shall renew their strength.....they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not be faint.

I am 60* years old. My husband is a bit older. How are we going to run and walk and not be weary or faint? We found out in the past couple of days how impossible that would be for us, although we knew it anyway. But more so in these last couple of days.

For our ages, maybe that doesn't mean so much physically but more spiritually. That is why, as  I said in the last post that while these other things are going on in our lives we need to not stray too far from the Father. What we have done and will be doing, will for a time be quite demanding on our bodies. And to be honest, if we let it, it could also be such that we could easily get away from God and his Word simply because we could get too tired. We can't let that happen. Because once we do, it will be harder to get back. The devil would like nothing more then to get us to that place and if he could, he would love to get us back to a point of no return.

Image result for soaring eagle images

There will come a day, later this summer/fall when things will settle down. Our bodies will have a chance to recoup. And in the mean time, we must again....wait. Wait for that time. But, it will need to include waiting on God spiritually, through his Word and prayer. So that we don't get away too far from him. And in that respect, while today I can kick back a little after the last few of days have been more challenging to me physically, I can reflect on God's goodness more fully and know that those days will come. And today I can truly soar with the eagles in my imagination. Today, I have the strength to do that while I hope for that coming day later this summer. And in the mean time, I can say to God, "teach me Lord, to wait." Can you?

May 18, 2019 Promise: And God raised up the Lord and will raise us up by his power. 1 Corinthians 6:14

Hello Friends. I apologize for not getting the post done for yesterday. Thank you for your patience. I pray God's blessing on you today. Go out and soar today. Even if it is just because GOD IS. See ya tomorrow!

(Coming tomorrow: Continuing on previous topic: What is True Love: Rude)

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Are You Soaring Today?

But those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar like wings on eagles. They will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Are you soaring today? This last couple of weeks and the upcoming months are and will continue to be very busy for us as we are going through some real changes in our lives.

And while things will be busy, and t hey are going to b be good things but for awhile, at the same time, In the mean time, it is all a bit overwhelming.

I desperately need God to restore my strength. And in the midst of it all, I cannot allow myself to be very far from Him. I just try hard to stay On His track through prayer and his Word. Believe me, I know that is sometimes not easy.

I have to go right now, but plan to maybe say more  on this sometime tomorrow. And I apologize for not getting to finish today. In the mean time meditate on that scripture and see it as today s promise.

And please come back tomorrow. Thank You for shopping by. God bless.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

What is True Love? Pride.

drug addiction – Get Sober bitch

Jesus though he is "in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance of a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross." Philippians 2:6-8

If Jesus is God and God is the highest form of any being, how can this be that he allowed himself to take on the appearance of humanity, to then die on the cross?

I think the short answer would be that since he is God, he can do whatever he chooses. But it was because he had to die for the sins of the world. And while we don't under heaven have all the answers to how God can be all three in what the bible teaches us, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost it is important to know that because Jesus came and did what he did proves to us that as God, he is not proud. Love is not proud.

Which of course goes back to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 which tells us what love is not. Love is not proud. But, what does that mean exactly. Can we not take pride in our families, our homes, our talents? Of course we can, as long as it is the right kind of pride.

What the bible speaks of in that scripture refers to being puffed up about something. As in, "Look what I have." or "Look what I have done." It is someone bragging about those kinds of things that is not love.

Jesus did not die on the cross and then when he raised from the dead brag about what he had just done. Instead his command for us is this: "Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no man then this; to lay down ones life for his friends."  John 15:12-13. He goes on to say in verse 14: "you are my friends if you do what I command."

There is only one way we become friends of Jesus Christ. That is to do as he has commanded us.
And one of those ways is not through being puffed up but instead of having a humble attitude in what we do or have.

Years ago when we were in a grocery store one day standing at the check out counter, there was a well dressed woman in front of us that was related to a senator of our state. And she was letting everyone know it as we stood there listening to her brag about it.

And yet there are times that we can all be anything but humble. We can be cocky about who we are or know. What we have or achieved. But just as love isn't those other things in that verse, it is sin just as they are. Something to avoid at all costs. Something to recognize in ourselves when it happens. Something to confess to God as sin and instead thanking him for who we are and what we have.

Thanking him for what HE has done in our lives instead of what we think we have one.

That is why Jesus came. He is not impatient. He is not unkind. He is not envious (especially not in his part of the Godhead) nor does he boast. He laid down his very life, so that our sin can be covered and we can have life with him. He is the model for our own behaviors. He is God.

May 15, 2019  Promise: Even the righteousness of God which is by faith through Jesus Christ unto all and upon all that believe: for there is no difference. Romans 3:22

Hello Friends. There is no difference. Our status in life, who we are or what we have. Where we came from. What  our race is. As long as we know Jesus, there is no difference. God bless!
God's Wednesday Blessing wednesday wednesday quotes happy wednesday wednesday images wednesday quote images wednesday friend quotes inspiring wednesday quotes

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Belated Happy Mothers Day/ Thankful or Thankless (part 2)

Faith is my guide

To be sure, in this day is the age old  problem of adult children who cut themselves off from their parents. Sometime out of problems from the past that involved physical or sexual abuse. But many times just because a parent makes mistakes in raising them, and just did not realize what they might be doing. And when cut off, they are left in the dark not knowing what happened. And now the child isn't speaking to them and have no desire to work things out with them.

We have two sons that we don't hear from anymore. In many ways, both them are good dads to their boys. Our oldest son has two boys and lives in another state. The middle son has three boys that lives about 30-35 minutes from us. Regretfully, we made many mistakes during their youth which carried on to their adulthood.

My own dad and brother had their times of distention even up until my brother's death when he passed away in his 50s. And one day some years before then, they had gotten into an argument. My dad had told him then that until he had sons of his own, he could not rightfully judge him. And it is true. I fear that at some point, some of these five children will grow up and want to throw their dads under the proverbial bus. Just like us who didn't know what we were doing, they are going that same route with their own.

Being under that bus is a sad, dark place to be. And it can be very painful under there for us. But realize that the reason your child has cut you off means they are in pain too.And by doing that, they do not know what else to do with their pain. They think by doing so, it will give them some relief. What it does really is just put a band-aid over it while deep down inside, it sometimes refuses to heal and may fester and robs us of a good relationship, and in many cases never heals. My sons probably do have reasons to which they feel justified for feeling the ways that they do. And perhaps in their own ways, as I look back over their youth, they had been trying to tell us how they were feeling but we were just not listening.

At the same time they are adults now and not every child who has problems arise from childhood, cut their parents off. So what can we do as mothers and fathers when we have this situation in our families. We do need to come out from under that bus and find ways to manage our pain and perhaps let our kids know we still love them.

Well, the first thing is to realize it can happen in the first place and as young parents try to avoid the mistakes of our own parents.Those sweet chubby faces will grow up one day to go their own way and they sometimes go a way that we had not anticipated. And so learning from Christian experts in child raising like Dr. James Dobson  is an excellent resource which can help us during all stages of the lives of our children.. Check out his website at:Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk

Even so, parents will and do make mistakes. And so what do we do after it can become too late once they are on their own and we find ourselves in that stage of the game with them.

1) Recognize their strengths. If there was anything right that you taught them during their years growing up, it will show up in rasing their own kids, even if they aren't speaking to you now. If you get the chance, let them know you think they are doing a great job in areas that they are. Better yet, do that while they are speaking to you. Compliment them on the job they are doing with their own kids etc.
2) Recognize them as what they were and are, gifts to you from God and not only pray for them but also pray that God will restore your relationship with them.
3) Let them know that you still love and care for them during holidays and birthdays as well at other times. Perhaps sending cards in the mail even if you think they will tear them up with out reading them, will do something to their hearts to let them know you are thinking about them. Or sending them a text message occasionally. (But one word of caution, don't chase after them. Do acknowledge that they are adults. It is better that they don't feel smothered by our attempts to reconnect with them.)
4) Don't blame  yourself, or put blame on him/her. It is usually some of both parent and adult child that can be blamed in a situation as this. But the fact is, if we want a healthy relationship, we should model not only forgiveness but awareness of our own part without playing blame games that do not do any more then push them away from us.
5) Getting support through church/prayer group can help. Sharing ideas with other parents going through the same situations may help in understanding how you and your child got to where you are now. Praying for each other is extremely beneficial.
6) Be thankful for your child/children. Sometimes we look at our jobs as mothers as just down right thankless. But according to Psalm 127:3, Children are an inheritance from the Lord, an offspring and reward from him.Keeping that in mind as they grow, keeps us mindful of how much God wants us to love and take care of them. In that respect, it can help us understand how much we need to have his help to do that even through those times we feel our job is more thankless then thankful. And hopefully as we try our best throughout their young years, maybe we can avoid some of the pitfalls that want that bus to run over us at a later time.

 These are just a few of the things we can do when our adult child decide they want to go off the  of grid of our lives. Truly, a mothers job is the hardest one there is. Not always the most fun. Not always do we feel we are up to its challenge. But guess what, for many it is a job he has given to us in some capacity. Whether as a foster mother, an adoptive mother or a mother by blood. And for those that do not have it in them to be the first two, and was not gifted with their own, sometimes finding a child that just needs a mentor or a big sister or needs perhaps someone that they can call 'grandmother' for a day now and then, may be the answer. However, God leads us in whatever he way he leads us, he is going to reward us by being available to be there for those he loves and has created. Or he may lead us in an entirely different way in our life. But as today's promise says, that Jesus adopts (ed) those of us that asks him into our lives, just as those parents that have been adopted by people that are not their bio parents, and he does so for his own good pleasure. It just goes to show, that no matter who we are, who we come from, or where we come from-we are all in need of someone that loves us. To have someone on earth here to love us, but also we are in need of a spiritual father in heaven.

May 14, 2019  Promise: In having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself. according to the good pleasure of his will. Ephesians 1:5

Hi Friends. Thanks for coming today. May you have a wonderfully blessed day!

Tuesday Blessings!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Happy Mother's Day Belated/ Being a Motther-Thankful or Thankless?

The Night Before Mothers Day by Natasha Wing A most HAPPY BELATED MOTHERS DAY to the moms out there that may be reading this. I hope and pray your home does not look quite like this one does the month before, the week before, the day before or the day of and after yesterday! Well, you get what I am saying.  I can remember a few times my house did some years ago when my kids were growing  up. LOL!

But let me tell you, if it does or if it doesn't and you have a dad that is teaching his kids that it is important to thank their mother for giving them birth and all they do for them, you are a blessed mother indeed.

They say that being a mother is the hardest job a woman can have. And that is certainly true.

I got a call from my son that had called me to give me their HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY wishes.Their  home life  is a little different from most in that earlier this year they had adopted 2 sibling pre-teen children. And what a challenge that has been for them as they have agreed before God to raise these two wonderful kids. They had fostered them for a year prior to the adoption and knew what would be ahead and yet they have pressed on to a higher calling, as I am reminded what the Apostle Paul talks about in Philippians 3:14. He was indeed talking about a different calling then the one they have taken on the past year or so, but still theirs is a calling that not many of us, could take on willingly. It is a special kind of people that can do what they are doing and not give up. And they have been dedicated from day one, to press on to the higher calling of loving them, teaching them right from wrong, teaching them about God and seeing it through until the day comes when their race will finish many yes from now when hopefully they will win the prize that winning that race will be given them for their dedications to them. The prize being that they will go on to love, be upstanding people, and love God. What greater prize can parents obtain?.
God Found Us You
To me, his wife even though their blood does not run through their veins, taking on such a responsibility, well, I just have a lot of respect for her because not having any children of their own, this is all new to them.

And for her, my son was teaching them what it was to acknowledge her for Mother's Day by the fact they gave her gifts, cooked her breakfast and then cleaned up after breakfast to give her a day to just relax and not have to do anything herself. How many men can we honestly say did that with their kids yesterday? There is no greater gift under God Himself, that a dad can teach his children, than for them to love her and show her he loves her as well. Even an adoptive dad.

I am proud of my son and his wife and thankful for God's goodness to them. Because we know that in His divine plan, he did not want these two children falling though the cracks. And they would have done just that with out His intervention to provide them with a safe and happy family who knows and loves God. How good is he that loves them that much?

#MotherandGrandmotherGiftsMy thankfulness to God does not end there. I have a daughter with whom I am so proud of. She came into this world with parents that had problems. Those problems caused a ripple affect in her as she grew. She faced many challenges as most teens do, but those challenges did not stop with her as she matured into adult hood. They continue to this day in various ways even though she is (I dislike saying this, lol) in her middle age. And yet, she has taken them on. Like a bear that goes after its prey. She has done her best with what has been dealt her and I as her mother could not be more proud.

There was a time when I had not even realized the extent of what we had put her through. And I am sorry for the times we lost because of it. But God was still good and healing has come a long way in us. at this point. I am thankful that she has grown into the woman she has, and that she has forgiven her once very misguided parents that didn't know what they were doing for so long.

She is our eldest child and our only daughter. Many years ago during the time we were expecting her, we did not have the option of finding out what sex a baby was, before its birth. I had hoped for a girl at that time that looked like her dad, and she sure did when she was born! In fact, when she was born she really let people know she was unhappy. Uh oh, she had his personality too. Right from the start. Well, I can't say that was a bad thing. Not that he was loud or anything. Just that he was bull headed. And they both are, still to this day.

Which is not always a bad thing because being bull headed can be used to get you through the tough times. And I think for what they have both been through in life, they have had to be. To be fair, she was easy as a small child to parent, and the hard times didn't come until later. But, I think that first evidence that she was going to become more strong willed or bull headed, came as a early sign that she was going to need to be that way to manage her own life as she grew  towards and into adult hood.

I have two more sons that have wonderful qualities as well. As a mother though, I am sad because they are both away from our family. What does a mother do when she has kids that are gone from us and don't seem to care for us as they had when they were children? When we do not hear from them for even one day a year on Mothers Day?  When they don't even acknowledge phone calls or messages from mom and dad?

And also more about Being a Mother/Thankful or Thankless?

Is there anything we can do? Come back tomorrow for some answers to that question. And then on Wednesday, I will (probably) go back to the previous subject on: What is True Love: Being Proud?

May 13, 2019 Promise: I am the Vine and you are the branches. He that abides in me and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit. For without Me, you can do nothing. John 15:5

Thanks for coming by today Friends. I hope you had a wonderful MOTHERS DAY, and wish God's riches blessings on you today!

Blessed Monday Morning Sayings

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day God Bless You

 Hello Friends:I was going to post something for Mother's Day today and did not get it done. For that I truly apologize. I will do that in tomorrows blog, hopefully if time permits me. In the mean time I pray for you mothers out there, and the following scripture is for all of us! have a wonderful blessed day!

You should be known with the beauty that comes within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God. I Peter 3:4

True Love: Boasting (part 2)

Isiah 42:8

When is it ok to boast, according to God's Word?

So that it is written,  "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:31. 

 And,  but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord that practices steadfast love, justice and righteousness in the earth. For in these things, I delight, says the Lord. Jeremiah 9:24.

Scripture makes it pretty clear, the difference in boasting that is sinful, and the kind that is not. We are not to participate in sinful boasting. Paul was not speaking about us achieving what we have gotten in our lives. Who we are,or what we have done.He was speaking about glorifying God even in our weaknesses. And whatever comes from our own ministry to others, we do not take the glory because all that we have, do or are is because of God and  it is he is who gets it and he does not give it to any other. Isaiah 42:8

When we boast of ourselves, we take the credit for what we do or are or have. that means that someone even like the late Billy Graham who has led many many people to Christ over his ministry can't get the glory for those people that have or will go to heaven? No. Only God gets the glory because he had equipped Billy Graham with the ability and whatever else he needed for his ministry. Sure, Billy Graham will undoubtedly has been or will be rewarded one day for his faithfulness to God. But the credit for him doing so, belongs to God.

The verse Isaiah above says....."I am the Lord God, that is my name, and my glory I give to no other...."

No one, not Billy Graham, not any tv evangelist, no preacher on earth, not you or I can have the glory in any anything. We cannot boast in anything. It all belongs to God. And he is the only one we are permitted to boast in. Him alone.

May 12, 2019 Promise: And you shall be hated for my names sake, but if you endure to the end, you shall be saved. Mark 13:13

Hello Friends. I apologize for not getting a post for yesterday. It was a busy, busy day at my house. So please forgive me. I pray that these times that I am late getting something posted or sometimes not getting something posted at all, will not discorage you for this blog. In my family we are beginning a new season of life that one day I may share with you on this blog. Right now, it is just making things busy for us. But that won't last forever and eventually I hope to get things back to normal. In the mean time, I will continue to try to post everyday as much as possible because I am in this for as long as anyone comes that wants to learn more about God and his word. And I sure want to say about that, that I am not a great athority on God and his word. There are so many other resources that you can go to. But for those that do come here, you have no idea how much I appreciate that you do. Thank you so much for deeming this site creditable enough to come And one last thing before I end for today, if and when you think of it, please say a pray for us during this hectic time. I would sure appreciate it and thank you in advance!. Have a wonderful and bless Lord's Day Friends!

*12160* Sunday Blessings~~J

Friday, May 10, 2019

What is True Love? Boasting

Inspirational Quotes About Gods Grace | The Law and the Gospel of God’s Grace”

Boasting: an act of talking with excessive pride and self satisfaction

Have you ever known anyone that is always talking about what he has or what he has done. Sometimes those kinds of people seems to be the number one love of their own life. And they aren't the kind of people that are fun to be around because of their self contentedness.

The true love-God's love tells us that boasting in ourselves is not love. Because instead of putting our affections on ourselves, we are to put them on others. We are to love and meet the needs of people, lifting them up.

The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:16, For if I preach the gospel, that gives me no grounds for boasting. For necessity is laid upon me, Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.

He had preached the gospel to the early church but did not receive or take pay for it. And he did not boast that he did this. He did it for the sake of the gospel, and not the sake of his own well being.

Paul also said that our salvation is given to us by grace and because of that, none of us can have the right to boast about it. Ephesians 2:9

As Christians we want to draw people to Christ and not away from him. If we are boasting on what we have, or what we do, most people are not going to want to stick around long enough to hear about God's love. They may run and not walk out of the closest door they can find.

Is there any thing in the bible that tells us it is ok to boast? Come back tomorrow for the answer to that question.

May 10, 2019 Promise: But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing you might have life through his name. John 20:31.

Hi Friends. Hoping for a wonderful day for you and your family. God bless!


Thursday, May 9, 2019

What is True Love? Envy

Envy: a feeling of being discontented about something that someone has that some one else does not have. A job, material things, a spouse etc.

In the bible, envy is painted mostly in a bad light. Why? Because it is sin. The first time we find it, is in Genesis 4:3-5 when Cain killed his brother Abel because God approved and accepted Abel's sacrifice, but not Cain's.

The act of being envious carries on through the bible in other places. And of course, on it goes throughout history. My aunt was murdered in 1990 by a teenager that shot her at point blank range at a bus stop. His take? About $100. Some people will kill for more. But some will kill for a lot less.

1 Corinthians 13:4 says that love is not envious. If we truly love, we are not envious of what other people have that we do not. If and when we as believers are envious, we can overcome through the power of the Holy Spirit because we know that sometimes our spirit does struggle in this area.

It is possible to have a godly jealousy as in Corinthians 11:2, but that is akin to a married couple. If someone is paying attention that is inappropriate to a mate, it is only natural to feel jealous. What we do with it at that point though can sometimes not be good  because it could cause the person to do something that would cause him to sin. Such as murdering the person. It can be one of those slippery slopes that as Christians we must keep our feelings and emotions in check and take positive actions in situations rather than sinful ones.

Love. It is not envious of others. Not always easy to over come but entirely possible through the Holy Spirit. Something we must pursue when we are struggling with it. And a release when we find it.

May 9, 2019 Promise: Whatsoever any good thing any man doeth the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he is bond or free. Ephesians 6:8.

Hello Friends. I hope all is well for you this day. I pray God's blessing as we are almost upon another weekend soon. Take care.

For all of our followers!  Sending love and prayers!  Willine & Annette

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What is True Love?: Patielnce

Patience Love Respect// Confidence Faith //1 Metal Sign // 12" x 16"

Patience: the capacity to accept or delay trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset

Have ever know anyone that was impatient? Most of us are at some points of our lives. Many of us are a good part of our lives. And there are those people that live like it all the time.

It is said that ''Patience is a virtue."  A virtue of what?  Virtue can mean many things. Goodness, integrity, nobleness, and more. It is also means righteousness. 

God is all those things. And more. We are not righteous for there is none righteous, no not one. Romans 3:10-11 And though we cannot be righteous in an of ourselves, we are told in I Corinthians 13:4 that love is patient. And patience being a virtue means it is kin to righteousness. 

God who is righteous, is also patient with you and I. And even all those that don't even know him yet. He wants them to know him, and so he waits for as many as will, come to meet him. He wants none to perish. 2 Peter 3:9.

Patience is a fruit of the Spirit for believers. We are to develop it within our own lives. It is easier for some then it is for others, yes. I have known some very impatient people in my day. Some that do get angry when they don't get their way right now.

 But it is still something that God wants us to be, just as he himself is. And as we pray and grow in Christ, we can learn to be more patient. With our family, friends and yes even God. Because as we know, God is not an on demand God. He may take his time. He may answer our prayers all together different then we think he should. And while we are waiting for him to answer a prayer, he may just be developing our patience at just that time.

May 7, 2019 Promise: Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall shall be filled. 

Hi Friends. I apologize for the delay in posting the blog for today. As a reminder, there will be days during this summer that this is likely to happen, but I will be here everyday unless I note other wise. Thanks for coming. God bless!

TUESDAY BLESSING: Psalm100:5 (1611 KJV !!!!) " For the LORD IS good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations."  GOD WILL LOVE, CARE AND COMFORT YOU ALWAYS !!!! HAVE A BLESSED DAY !!!!

Monday, May 6, 2019

What is True Love?

He already knows your deepest secrets, worries, concerns, hopes, loves, and yet He STILL loves you unconditionally. Guys, God is love. Click on over to read my blog post about how God's love is more than an instagram like!

Love: An intense feeling of deep affection

That is what love is. That is what the love of God is. But love expresses itself in several attributes as well. What are they?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy.It does not boast. It is not proud.It does not dishonors others, it is not self seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in truth.It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perservers. Love never fails. I Corinthians 13:4-8.

When it comes to you and me, how much patience do we have for people. Do we get jealous. Are we prideful. Do we dishonor or put others down. Are we in this life for ourselves more than for others. Do we get angry too quickly. In our minds or hearts do we keep track of all the wrong doings that others have done to us.Do we seek revenge. Are we happy about the evil that we encounter everyday. Do we rejoice in the truth or in the good things in our lives. Do we protect those we love. Do we fully trust God, or those we love. Do we have hope for the best even if things sometimes looks bleak. Do we keep trying to do right even when the road looks to hard.

Are there times when our love...just fails?

Love is many things and so starting tomorrow and for the next few days we will explore some of them. Please come back as we delve into love and what it means to us.

May 6, 2019 Promise: For I forgive their wickedness and will remember their sin no more. Hebrews 8:12

Hello Everyone. Thanks for coming by. May God bless your day!

Romans 15:13 (NLT) -  I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

For God So Loved the World

Image result for john 3:16 images

Many years ago when my oldest son was about 3 years old, we had went to a JC Penny store with my sister one day. I was still fairly a new and a young mother then. The dangers of children going missing were not nearly what they are today and being young, and my motherly instincts about danger weren't so great either, then.

Billy wasn't the kind of child that would take off running through the store and get out of my sight, as some children are and so I had been watching him, but I hadn't held his hand either. And all of a sudden, he was not with me.

Needless to say, that got my attention because I had lost him and it scared me.After looking a few tense minutes though, we found him hiding in a rack of clothing. He came out of it smiling. I was relieved and it had taught me a few things.

In retrospect of that time of my life, I look at it in a small way as how God feels about his human creation, Us.

I know that he does not panic as I was about to that day, because he sees all and he knows all. And he knows who is going to 'find him.'  I know that he and the angels in heaven rejoice over each lost person that repents. And yet, does he mourn over those that do not find him?

For sure God is sad when we rebel against him, just as we are with our own children. (Psalm 78:40) However, no where in scripture do we find that God the Father actually cries tears. God the Son did of course, in the Garden when he knew that the hour was coming that he would take on the sins of the world by being crucified. And Jesus wept at other times during his ministry. At the tomb of his friends Lazarus (John 11:33),  and over the City of Jerusalem. (Luke 19:41)

But Jesus was God that became man. He had all the emotions of a man but without the sin. His Father God is never said to have shed tears in scripture, but he does have mercy on us and whereas we may never fully understand the make up of God and who he really is and how his own emotions work (on this side of heaven) we can be assured of one thing that truly does matter. His love for us.

Perhaps we cannot quite grasp it as a young and fairly inexperienced mother of a three year old. Perhaps not even through the experience of a now sixty plus woman. But we can be sure of it because God in his love and mercy for us sent us his Son to die for the sins of his human creations. And even if we do not fully understand it now, we can know it now and some day we will know it fully.

May 5, 2019 Promise: We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary. Hebrews 6:19

Hi Friends. I am sorry for not posting yesterday. I had some tech problems and so hope all is taken care of today. I pray for you a wonderful Lord's Day today. God' blessings be on you and yours! Thanks for coming.

Image result for Blessed Lords day images

Friday, May 3, 2019

Strength or Weakness. Our Choice.

Have you ever thought of yourself as a weak person? Too weak to hold on to your life? Too weak to trust God and his Word? Maybe even too weak to get out of bed each morning?

There was a time in my life that I felt I was too weak. Until one day when after I had said that, my sister gave me this scripture from the life of the Apostle Paul. It says:

But he says to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore, I will boast more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, and in difficulties. For when I am weak, I am made strong. 2 Corthianians 12:9-11.

Imagine being strong even through our weaknesses. When we rest in God, that is what we have. Strength.

Many of us have been insulted. Many of us have been through hardships. Some of us have been persecuted. Most have had difficulties. All of which can defeat us or give us the strength of Christ. The power to move ahead. The power to throw off that which satan is trying to put us through.

It doesn't come naturally though. We have to be willing to seek God and his Word on an ongoing basis. Because if we don't, the weakness we feel will attack and take over.

When we listen to God, it is he that empowers us. Our weaknesses then become our strength.

May 3, 2019 Promise: Give and it will be given back to you, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Luke 6:38.

Hello Friends. I pray for you peace, joy, love, and strength today. But above all, I pray for you God's richest blessings! Thanks for coming by!

Let's bless this day with our highest thoughts. #lawofattraction #love #blessings For the app of beautiful wallpapers ~ xo

Thursday, May 2, 2019

What Jesus Requires of Us

Perfect love

One day the disciples asked Jesus who is the greatest in heaven. Jesus called a child over to him and said, "Unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of God. Therefore whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest of heaven and whoever welcomes a child in my name, welcomes me."  Mathew 18}1-4

Those good old disciples. Did they ask that question in hopes that perhaps they would be among the greatest in heaven? What exactly were they thinking? Were they surprised at the answer that Jesus gave them?

There used to be a time when families at dinner would make the children wait until the adults were served before the children were served. It was an old way of doing things. Kind of like that saying that "kids are to be seen and not heard."

Of course, that isn't the way it is much anymore, although I know there are some elderly men in our extended family that still adhere to that way of doing things. But the truth is, it goes way past dinner now in giving children everything they want and when they don't get it, they throw tantrums or even worse.

But those things are not what Jesus is saying here. I do think that Jesus would serve the children before the adults at a dinner. I don't believe he would give them every material thing they wanted. Tantrums or not. There has to be a balance somewhere or things can get very out of control. 

Children usually start out believing in what they are told. As parents or grandparents, we have much influence on them because we can teach them from our experience. If we develop a godly relationship, we can teach them so much. And for the most part, they believe us. At least for a time, they don't start out having great expectations of us. They just trust us. 

That is what Jesus was saying that day. We need to become like children who simply trust him. Who are humble. For those that have an "I am better than you" attitude and are demanding and think they deserve more than everyone else, these kinds of people will not make it into his kingdom. Those that do not think they have to be humble or make Jesus their king, these will not make it into his kingdom. And as we know, there are many people that are just like that.

That scripture does not give any clue to what the disciples were thinking about the answer that Jesus gave them that day. And it isn't even important. What is important is that children are valuable in the Kingdom of God and we need to have faith like they do or we will not make it into his kingdom. But that is indeed where we want to be.

May 2, 2019 Promise: There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear involves punishment. The one who fears has not been perfected in love. 1 John 4:18

Hi Friends. I am glad you came by and hope your spring weather has gotten off to a warm start. Living in the midwest, ours has been very iffy. Back and forth in April from nice to chilly. Today it is a really nice day so I will take that! Thanks for coming. Have a blessed day!

May God bless you!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Seasons of Life

Where are you in this stage of your life? Young either married or not? Middle age? Getting on in years? I am the latter and while I have been through all thee stages prior to that which I am in now, I hadn't ever given much thought to this stage. I guess because maybe I never thought I would get here. Maybe I was too busy for a number of years raising my kids. Maybe later even as I was approaching retirement I didn't take the time to think about it then either because, by that time, I was working a full-time job and many hours overtime.
I love this promise of God.Every elderly people should know my God.

Truly, never did it dawn on me that getting here would be an entirely different experience. And with that came different challenges then I had ever known, of course. And like those challenges that I had not been prepared for as my life went from one stage to another, I was not really prepared for my more current ones either.

The real difference though has been that now I have had more time to reflect on the goodness of God. Have I always taken advantage of it? To be honest, I have to say "no." But God always has a way to get our attention and if that means taking us through some dark alleys of life, than that he will do. 

Does he really want to do that? No. But he promises that he has plans for us. Not to harm us but to prosper us. To give us a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.

The thing is, he wants us to seek him with all our hearts and then when we do he will hear us.

And the problem is, we don't seek him. Neither with all our hearts and sometimes not at all. And we have the nerve to get mad that he isn't there for us. 

And yet because he loves us, he promises also never to leave or forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:6

If you are not to the last season of your life on earth. Think ahead and realize that that time will come and the more you prepare for it now, be it on how you will live at that time but also spiritually,  and it is better to be ready for it. At least as much as you possibly can.

For those that are there now, as I am, remember this from Isahia 46:4. Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am he, I am he that sustains you.I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you and I will rescue you. 

 I sure have found this to be true in my life. He has carried me through all of my life. All through where I have been. Good or bad. And at last in my older age, I have learned that indeed he has sustained and rescued me. In every season. At every age. 

How thankful I am for a God that loves me that much. Because as much as other people love me, they can't love me as God does. And he loves you that much as well!

May 1, 2019 Promise: I have heard your prayers and seen your tears.I will heal you. 2 Kings 20:5

Thanks for coming by Friends. Have a blessed day and a happy new week!

Dear God Touch The People Around Me And Keep Them Safe

Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...