Sunday, May 5, 2019

For God So Loved the World

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Many years ago when my oldest son was about 3 years old, we had went to a JC Penny store with my sister one day. I was still fairly a new and a young mother then. The dangers of children going missing were not nearly what they are today and being young, and my motherly instincts about danger weren't so great either, then.

Billy wasn't the kind of child that would take off running through the store and get out of my sight, as some children are and so I had been watching him, but I hadn't held his hand either. And all of a sudden, he was not with me.

Needless to say, that got my attention because I had lost him and it scared me.After looking a few tense minutes though, we found him hiding in a rack of clothing. He came out of it smiling. I was relieved and it had taught me a few things.

In retrospect of that time of my life, I look at it in a small way as how God feels about his human creation, Us.

I know that he does not panic as I was about to that day, because he sees all and he knows all. And he knows who is going to 'find him.'  I know that he and the angels in heaven rejoice over each lost person that repents. And yet, does he mourn over those that do not find him?

For sure God is sad when we rebel against him, just as we are with our own children. (Psalm 78:40) However, no where in scripture do we find that God the Father actually cries tears. God the Son did of course, in the Garden when he knew that the hour was coming that he would take on the sins of the world by being crucified. And Jesus wept at other times during his ministry. At the tomb of his friends Lazarus (John 11:33),  and over the City of Jerusalem. (Luke 19:41)

But Jesus was God that became man. He had all the emotions of a man but without the sin. His Father God is never said to have shed tears in scripture, but he does have mercy on us and whereas we may never fully understand the make up of God and who he really is and how his own emotions work (on this side of heaven) we can be assured of one thing that truly does matter. His love for us.

Perhaps we cannot quite grasp it as a young and fairly inexperienced mother of a three year old. Perhaps not even through the experience of a now sixty plus woman. But we can be sure of it because God in his love and mercy for us sent us his Son to die for the sins of his human creations. And even if we do not fully understand it now, we can know it now and some day we will know it fully.

May 5, 2019 Promise: We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary. Hebrews 6:19

Hi Friends. I am sorry for not posting yesterday. I had some tech problems and so hope all is taken care of today. I pray for you a wonderful Lord's Day today. God' blessings be on you and yours! Thanks for coming.

Image result for Blessed Lords day images

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