Sunday, May 12, 2019

True Love: Boasting (part 2)

Isiah 42:8

When is it ok to boast, according to God's Word?

So that it is written,  "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:31. 

 And,  but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord that practices steadfast love, justice and righteousness in the earth. For in these things, I delight, says the Lord. Jeremiah 9:24.

Scripture makes it pretty clear, the difference in boasting that is sinful, and the kind that is not. We are not to participate in sinful boasting. Paul was not speaking about us achieving what we have gotten in our lives. Who we are,or what we have done.He was speaking about glorifying God even in our weaknesses. And whatever comes from our own ministry to others, we do not take the glory because all that we have, do or are is because of God and  it is he is who gets it and he does not give it to any other. Isaiah 42:8

When we boast of ourselves, we take the credit for what we do or are or have. that means that someone even like the late Billy Graham who has led many many people to Christ over his ministry can't get the glory for those people that have or will go to heaven? No. Only God gets the glory because he had equipped Billy Graham with the ability and whatever else he needed for his ministry. Sure, Billy Graham will undoubtedly has been or will be rewarded one day for his faithfulness to God. But the credit for him doing so, belongs to God.

The verse Isaiah above says....."I am the Lord God, that is my name, and my glory I give to no other...."

No one, not Billy Graham, not any tv evangelist, no preacher on earth, not you or I can have the glory in any anything. We cannot boast in anything. It all belongs to God. And he is the only one we are permitted to boast in. Him alone.

May 12, 2019 Promise: And you shall be hated for my names sake, but if you endure to the end, you shall be saved. Mark 13:13

Hello Friends. I apologize for not getting a post for yesterday. It was a busy, busy day at my house. So please forgive me. I pray that these times that I am late getting something posted or sometimes not getting something posted at all, will not discorage you for this blog. In my family we are beginning a new season of life that one day I may share with you on this blog. Right now, it is just making things busy for us. But that won't last forever and eventually I hope to get things back to normal. In the mean time, I will continue to try to post everyday as much as possible because I am in this for as long as anyone comes that wants to learn more about God and his word. And I sure want to say about that, that I am not a great athority on God and his word. There are so many other resources that you can go to. But for those that do come here, you have no idea how much I appreciate that you do. Thank you so much for deeming this site creditable enough to come And one last thing before I end for today, if and when you think of it, please say a pray for us during this hectic time. I would sure appreciate it and thank you in advance!. Have a wonderful and bless Lord's Day Friends!

*12160* Sunday Blessings~~J

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