Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What is True Love?: Patielnce

Patience Love Respect// Confidence Faith //1 Metal Sign // 12" x 16"

Patience: the capacity to accept or delay trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset

Have ever know anyone that was impatient? Most of us are at some points of our lives. Many of us are a good part of our lives. And there are those people that live like it all the time.

It is said that ''Patience is a virtue."  A virtue of what?  Virtue can mean many things. Goodness, integrity, nobleness, and more. It is also means righteousness. 

God is all those things. And more. We are not righteous for there is none righteous, no not one. Romans 3:10-11 And though we cannot be righteous in an of ourselves, we are told in I Corinthians 13:4 that love is patient. And patience being a virtue means it is kin to righteousness. 

God who is righteous, is also patient with you and I. And even all those that don't even know him yet. He wants them to know him, and so he waits for as many as will, come to meet him. He wants none to perish. 2 Peter 3:9.

Patience is a fruit of the Spirit for believers. We are to develop it within our own lives. It is easier for some then it is for others, yes. I have known some very impatient people in my day. Some that do get angry when they don't get their way right now.

 But it is still something that God wants us to be, just as he himself is. And as we pray and grow in Christ, we can learn to be more patient. With our family, friends and yes even God. Because as we know, God is not an on demand God. He may take his time. He may answer our prayers all together different then we think he should. And while we are waiting for him to answer a prayer, he may just be developing our patience at just that time.

May 7, 2019 Promise: Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall shall be filled. 

Hi Friends. I apologize for the delay in posting the blog for today. As a reminder, there will be days during this summer that this is likely to happen, but I will be here everyday unless I note other wise. Thanks for coming. God bless!

TUESDAY BLESSING: Psalm100:5 (1611 KJV !!!!) " For the LORD IS good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations."  GOD WILL LOVE, CARE AND COMFORT YOU ALWAYS !!!! HAVE A BLESSED DAY !!!!

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