But let me tell you, if it does or if it doesn't and you have a dad that is teaching his kids that it is important to thank their mother for giving them birth and all they do for them, you are a blessed mother indeed.
They say that being a mother is the hardest job a woman can have. And that is certainly true.
I got a call from my son that had called me to give me their HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY wishes.Their home life is a little different from most in that earlier this year they had adopted 2 sibling pre-teen children. And what a challenge that has been for them as they have agreed before God to raise these two wonderful kids. They had fostered them for a year prior to the adoption and knew what would be ahead and yet they have pressed on to a higher calling, as I am reminded what the Apostle Paul talks about in Philippians 3:14. He was indeed talking about a different calling then the one they have taken on the past year or so, but still theirs is a calling that not many of us, could take on willingly. It is a special kind of people that can do what they are doing and not give up. And they have been dedicated from day one, to press on to the higher calling of loving them, teaching them right from wrong, teaching them about God and seeing it through until the day comes when their race will finish many yes from now when hopefully they will win the prize that winning that race will be given them for their dedications to them. The prize being that they will go on to love, be upstanding people, and love God. What greater prize can parents obtain?.

To me, his wife even though their blood does not run through their veins, taking on such a responsibility, well, I just have a lot of respect for her because not having any children of their own, this is all new to them.
And for her, my son was teaching them what it was to acknowledge her for Mother's Day by the fact they gave her gifts, cooked her breakfast and then cleaned up after breakfast to give her a day to just relax and not have to do anything herself. How many men can we honestly say did that with their kids yesterday? There is no greater gift under God Himself, that a dad can teach his children, than for them to love her and show her he loves her as well. Even an adoptive dad.
I am proud of my son and his wife and thankful for God's goodness to them. Because we know that in His divine plan, he did not want these two children falling though the cracks. And they would have done just that with out His intervention to provide them with a safe and happy family who knows and loves God. How good is he that loves them that much?

There was a time when I had not even realized the extent of what we had put her through. And I am sorry for the times we lost because of it. But God was still good and healing has come a long way in us. at this point. I am thankful that she has grown into the woman she has, and that she has forgiven her once very misguided parents that didn't know what they were doing for so long.
She is our eldest child and our only daughter. Many years ago during the time we were expecting her, we did not have the option of finding out what sex a baby was, before its birth. I had hoped for a girl at that time that looked like her dad, and she sure did when she was born! In fact, when she was born she really let people know she was unhappy. Uh oh, she had his personality too. Right from the start. Well, I can't say that was a bad thing. Not that he was loud or anything. Just that he was bull headed. And they both are, still to this day.
Which is not always a bad thing because being bull headed can be used to get you through the tough times. And I think for what they have both been through in life, they have had to be. To be fair, she was easy as a small child to parent, and the hard times didn't come until later. But, I think that first evidence that she was going to become more strong willed or bull headed, came as a early sign that she was going to need to be that way to manage her own life as she grew towards and into adult hood.
I have two more sons that have wonderful qualities as well. As a mother though, I am sad because they are both away from our family. What does a mother do when she has kids that are gone from us and don't seem to care for us as they had when they were children? When we do not hear from them for even one day a year on Mothers Day? When they don't even acknowledge phone calls or messages from mom and dad?
And also more about Being a Mother/Thankful or Thankless?
Is there anything we can do? Come back tomorrow for some answers to that question. And then on Wednesday, I will (probably) go back to the previous subject on: What is True Love: Being Proud?
May 13, 2019 Promise: I am the Vine and you are the branches. He that abides in me and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit. For without Me, you can do nothing. John 15:5
Thanks for coming by today Friends. I hope you had a wonderful MOTHERS DAY, and wish God's riches blessings on you today!

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