Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Marks Account of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus (part three)

Robert Leinweber - Peter's Denial. "Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: 'Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times.' And he broke down and wept." Mark 14:72

Through the eyes of Mark 14 

One of them that was standing there, drew a sword and cut off the ear of a servant of the chief priest. Jesus said, "Are you come out. as against a thief, with swords and staves, to take me? I was with you daily in the temple teaching; but the scripture must be fulfilled."

And then they all forsook him and fled.

There was a certain young man that had linen cloth wrapped around his naked body, and the young man grabbed him. The linen cloth fell off him and he ran away from them.

They led Jesus away to the high priest, where also the chief priests, elders, and scribes were gathered. Peter followed from a distance and went into the palace where he sat with other servants.

The council tried to find reasons for which to put Jesus to death but found none.

But then some one gave a false witness against him saying, "We heard him say, 'I will destroy the temple that was made with hands, and in three days I will rebuild the temple without hands.'"

The high priest asked Jesus what these witnesses had against him. But Jesus said nothing in his defense. The high priest then asked him, "Art thou the Christ, the Son of the blessed?"

Jesus said, "I am and you will see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven."

The high priest tore at his clothes and then asked what need they had of any further witnesses, because they had heard the blasphemy and asking what they thought.And everyone condemned him to death.

The people began to spit on him, and hitting him with their hands.

One of maids of the high priest saw Peter and said to him, "You were with Jesus of Nazareth." But Peter denied it and went out on to the porch. And the crock crowed.

The maid saw him again and told those standing there, that he was one of them. And Peter denied it a second time. And after awhile, someone said "Surely, thou are one of them."  Peter began to curse and swear that he did not know this man of who they spoke.

And the cock crowed a second time and Peter was reminded of what Jesus had told him, "Before the cock crows twice, thou shall deny me thrice."

And Peter wept.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. I again apologize for not getting these posted everyday. Life is much different for me in our new home state. I can just keep trying and will get here as often as I can. Thanks for your patience. God's blessings to all!

To anyone going through a hard time right now, God has not left you. It may seem as if he doesn’t hear your prayers, but he does, and he has a plan. You may not see it now, but you will soon . . . …

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Mark's Account of the Death and Ressurrection of Jesus (part two)


The 1st Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden

Through the eyes of Mark 14

Jesus warned them, "All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered. But after that I am risen, I will go before you into Galilee"
Peter then said that he would not be offended even though all the others would be. But Jesus told him that before the cock crowed twice that night, he would deny him three times. Peter said, " If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise." And the others agreed. 

When they had gotten to Gethsemane Jesus told them to wait there while he prayed. . He took with him Peter, James and John and he began to be very burdened. He told them to wait and watch. He went forward a little way and fell to the ground and prayed that if it be possible to take this cup from him but it was God's will and not his.

He went back and found Peter and Simon asleep and said, "Could not thou watch one hour? Watch ye and pray lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit is truly ready, but the flesh is weak."

Then he left them again, and prayed the same as before. And when he got back to them, he again found them sleeping. 

The third time, he said, "Sleep now. Take your rest, it is enough, the hour is come: behold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners." He then told them to get up, it was time to go. The one that had betrayed him was there.  At that moment, Judas stepped forward with the chief priests, scribes elders and many others  that were with them.  And Judas said that whomever he kissed is who they were to take.

And he went up to Jesus and said, "Master." and then kissed him.

They laid their hands on him, and took him

Hello Friends. So glad you came by today. Have a very blessed Saturday!

Amen, in Jesus name I accept my blessings of desires in abundance of immeasurable proportion, I accept salvation by confes sing with my mouth that you my Lord Jesus, King of kings are my Lord and Savior, my God, because of you father everything I speak comes to fruition commanded by the Holy Ghost, through the everlasting love of Jesus Christ, embraced in Gods mercy and grace. Amen... Lisa Christiansen, child of the one true king ΙΧΘΥΣ

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Mark's Account of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus (Part one)


Through the eyes of Mark 14

It was the feast of the Passover  and of the unleavened  bread.  The chief priests and scribes were trying to figure out how they would put him to death. But they decided not to do it on the feast day because there might be an uproar from the people.

Meanwhile, Jesus was in Bethany at the home of a leper.A woman came in with an alabaster box of ointment and, broke it open and poured it on Jesus' head.

Those that were with Jesus, did not like this at all. This ointment, they said could have been sold for 300 pence and given to the poor. But Jesus told them to leave her alone. She had done a good thing for him, and anointed his body for burial.

While this was going on, Judas went to the to see the chief priests and betray Jesus to them. They were happy that Judas was willing to do this and they promised to pay him, and he came up with a plan to do this.

On the first day of the unleavened bread, his disciples asked Jesus where he wanted them to go to prepare Passover. He sent two of the disciples into the city and told them they would meet a man there, with a pitcher of water. They were to follow him.And when they got to the house,, they were to say to him, "The Master saith, Where is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples?" And he will show you a large upper room furnished and prepared. There make ready for us.

The disciples did as Jesus instructed, and found the room as he said and they prepared the Passover.
While they were eating, Jesus told them that one of them would betray him. They became very sad and asked who it would be. He said it would be the one that dippeth with him in the dish.

And then he said, "Woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would be better that he had never been born."

Jesus took the bread, blessed it and then broke it and gave it to them and said, "Take, eat: this is my body." And then he took the cup, and he gave thanks and gave it to them. They all drank of it and he said, "This my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many. Verily, I say unto you, I will drink no more fruit of the vine until that day that I drink it new in the Kingdom of God.

After they had sung a hymn, they went out into the Mount of Olives.

Thanks for your visit with me. May you find peace in the craziness of what is happening in this world today.God bless!

At Prayerful Bible Study we strive to set the feet of God's people on that solid Rock we know to be Jesus Christ. When you visit our site, you will find a bunch of 4-minute long Bible Studies- each one packed with encouraging verses of the Bible to revitalize your spirit and inspire you to put your trust in God. Trusting in God bring wonderful peace. #trustGodquotes #trustinGodquotes #trustingGodquotes #trustinginGodquotes

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Mathew's Account/Questions

Get yourself excited about studying the bible with these thought provoking bible discussion questions and bible study topics. These are great for small groups and personal bible study.

Jesus was known to many people of that day. People that loved him. People that followed him. But one thing that stood out to me, is the fact that according to Mathew's account, the chief priests had to actually pay Judas money to let them know which one was Jesus.

Isn't that like a lot of people? Many were or are not raised in church by Christian parents.They were/ are never taught of him and so many grow up and don't want to know anything about him. They have no clue about his love for them and wish for them to come and get forgiveness of their sins. Maybe they don't  care. Maybe they don't even believe in sin.

Jesus had every right to defend himself. He had done nothing wrong. And yet at his trial, he had said nothing. Whatever answer he would have given them was not going to matter. They were wicked people bent on destroying him and everything he stood for.

Even his good friend Peter denied him. Not once. Not twice. But three times. If you or I had been there in Peter's place, having been his friend during that time, been able to defend him instead of denying that he even knew him.? Ask your self that question. I think it is a hard one to truthfully answer.

Those people standing to accuse him had encouraged the chief priests to kill him. Why did they do what the people wanted? They didn't even know what he looked like. Were they afraid that if they didn't, that those same people would break in and angrily kill them if they didn't comply? Did they take the easy way out/

 Pilate's wife had had a dream about Jesus the night before. She told her husband that he should not have anything to do with killing Jesus. Why did he not listen to her. He didn't even think Jesus had done anything wrong.

Jesus was crucified, and buried and then he rose out of a grave that could not hold him. Soldiers seeing what had happened whet to their "higher ups" and reported it. What was their instant reaction? Surprise? Anger? Would they get in trouble? Did they even ask themselves that? Whatever it was, the chief priests  had to come up with something to lie about because otherwise the people of the day, could have caused them some trouble. And lie they did. Not only that but they paid the soldiers to lie too.

Why did he first appear to his friends that were women? Why not to the disciples?

 What happened after Jesus had appeared to people?

And finally, why did his Father God do this to him. He had cried out while on the cross, "My God, My God why have you forsaken me?"

All good questions. Next up, Mark's account coming soon.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. I apologize for not getting this posted yesterday. Have a wonderful day and God bless!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Mathew's Account of the death and Resurrection of Jesus (conclusion)

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay” (Mathew 28:6)  #Heisrisen #Jesus #JesusHasRisen #resurrectionsunday #easter2019 #ThankYouJesus #EternalLife #HappyEaster #Easter #HolyDay #NewBeginning #EasterHoliday #eastersunday #sunday

Through the eyes of Mathew 27 (conclusion)

Jesus was dead and buried. It was the first day of the week. Mary and the other Mary had come to see the sepulcher or the tomb where he was buried, And then there came a great earthquake and the angel of the Lord came down and rolled the stone away from the door of the tomb and sat upon it.

The angels countenance was like lighting and his raiment was as white as snow. At seeing him those watching the tomb started to shake and fainted.

The angel told the women not to be afraid because he knew they had come to find Jesus, the one that was crucified.

He said to them, "He is not here. He has risen. Come see the place the place where he lay." Then he told them to "Go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead. He went before you into Galilee and you will see him there."

The excited and yet a little bit fearful as well the women ran to find his disciples. But before they got far, Jesus met them  and they held his feet and worshiped him.He told them not to be afraid but to go and find his disciples and tell them that they would see him in Galilee.

While they were on their way there, some of the people that had been watching went to the chief priests and reported what had happened. And after the chief priests counseled together, they gave a lot of money to the soldiers  They told them to lie and say that his disciples had stolen his body during the night.

In the mean time, the disciples went to a mountain that Jesus had told them to go to. When they saw him, some worshiped him but others doubted. Jesus said to them. "All power is given to me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you even unto the end of the world. Amen."

Hello Friends. Thank you so very much for your patience while I have been away from this blog. I believe now that I should be here most everyday, having had some time to work on things I needed to do.

Today we ended with Mathew's account of the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will start on Mark's account soon, but tomorrow I want to summarize Mathew's account and add a few thoughts. So I hope you will come tomorrow for that post. In the meant time, thanks for coming by and may your day be blessed as only the Lord can bless it!

All i ask is for God to bless you and your family. And I know He will bless you if you just believe. #blessing #faith #biblequotes #inspirationalquotes #spiritualquotes #amen

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mathew's Account of Jesus' Death and Resurrection (part five)

pictures jesus cross suffering

Through the eyes of Mathew 27

Jesus was being led away to his death. The cruelest kind of death that there could ever be. He, an innocent man who did nothing wrong but preach the truth. He was going to die for it.

He was to carry his own cross, but after he had had such a awful beating, it got too heavy. The sins of the world were on it and he being human and yet God had to bear it and yet it was so heavy that in his weakened condition, he couldn't. And so a man of Cyrene, named Simon was told to carry it for him.

They took him to a place called Golgotha, or it was also called, the place of the skull. They gave him vinegar to drink but he refused it. And then they crucified him.

They cast lots for his garments. And over his head they had written, "This is Jesus, king of the Jews." On either side of him there was a thief also being crucified.  People going by him would insult him, and shake their heads at him.

The chief priests, elders and others mocked him and said that if he really was the King of Israel, let him come down off the cross and they would believe him.

Then it grew dark and finally he cried in a loud voice, "My God, my God why have you forsaken me?"

And Jesus spirit left him.

The veil in the temple ripped in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook and graves of many that had died, had opened up and saints came out from them. And they went into the holy city and appeared to people there.

And the centurion and those watching Jesus saw this and said, "Truly, he was the Son of God."

That evening a rich man named Joseph from Arimathea  went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. He had been following him. And when he had been given the body, he wrapped it in a clean cloth and put it in his own tomb and rolled a rock in front of it and left.

Both Mary's stayed there near the tomb.

The next day, the chief priests and pharisees and others went to Pilate and told him that he had said that after three days, he would rise again and that they should seal the tomb because his friends might try to come and steal the body and say that he had risen.

And so, Pilate, told gave them the order to do this and then put a guard there to keep watch over the tomb so that no one would steal the body and make such a claim.

Hi Friends. We are almost done with Mathew's account. And next will come the what Mark reported. Will he have the same one or will it be different to a degree? We will soon find out.

In the mean time, I pray God's protection over our country from this virus that has things in an uproar at this time. But remember....

He will keep us in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on the Lord. Isaiah 26:3

Keep your mind on God and in his word, because that is where our peace comes from.

God bless!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Mathew's Account of Jesus' Death and Resurrection (Part four)

Through the eyes of Mathew 27

Jesus stood before Pilate and said not a word to defend himself., Pilate could not believe that he would  just stand there and say nothing.

Pilate as he always did during a festival, would release a prisoner that that the people chose. And so when they had gathered, he asked them who they wanted he to release. It was pretty much a unanimous decision among the people. They had been given a choice. It was to be either Jesus or a man named Barnabas.

But then Pilate's wife came to him and told him not to have anything to do about the innocent Jesus, because she had a dream about him.

However, the chief priests and elders persuaded the crowd to have Jesus crucified and to let Barabbas  go. And with that he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, and told them that he was washing his hands of the blood of an innocent man, and it was now on them.

At this the soldiers took hold of him and stripped him, and put a scarlet robe on him and a crown of thorns on his head . Then they spit on him and mocked him. And they struck him on the head time after time. And at that he was led away to be crucified.

Hello Friends, I am not going to be able to wrap Mathew's account up as I promised yesterday, today. I will get back to it, hopefully tomorrow. In the mean time, God bless!

#guten morgen freitag herbst

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Mathew's Account of Jesus' Death and Resurrection (Part three)

Jesus bing accused by priests

Through the eyes of Mathew 27

Morning came. All the chief priests and elders of the people wanted Jesus to be put to death. And so they bound him and took him to the governed, Pontius Pilot.

When Judas, who had sold Jesus out, saw he was condemned, repented and took the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders and said, "I have sinned. I have betrayed innocent blood." .But that didn't do any good. They didn't understand or even care. And so he throw down the silver in the temple and went away to hang himself.

The chief priests and elders took the money and use it to buy a potters field which was used to bury strangers in, That field was called, "The field of blood."

In the meantime, Jesus was standing before Pontius Pilot who asked him if he was King of the Jews. Jesus said, "Thou sayest." And when everyone started accusing him, he said nothing to defend himself.

At the feast, the governor could release a prisoner. And the people were given the choice of Jesus  or Barnabas. They wanted Jesus to be crucified. Pilot didn't really believe Jesus had done anything wrong but he washed his hand of it and released Barnabas and gave Jesus over to be crucified.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. We will finish up with Mathew's account nest time. In the mean time.....

Have A Blessed Tuesday

Monday, March 9, 2020

Mathew's Account of Jesus's Death and Ressurection (part two)

Though the eyes of Mathew: Mathew 26

Those that were out to kill Jesus appeared. Jesus knew they were coming. He had foretold his friends that his time was coming that he would be put to death. And suddenly, there they were. Judas had been paid by the chief priests to identify Jesus so that they would know who he was. He hold told them that they would know which one when he kissed him.

Nicodemus Silivanovich, The Judas KissWhen he saw Jesus, he went up and did kiss him. The deed was done. He had just given up the identity of the one that he had been following through out Jesus's ministry. And seeing that kiss, they grabbed  Jesus. to take him away.

But someone with Jesus took out his sword and cut off one of their ears. Jesus told him to put his sword away, that those that use the sword will die with the sword. He told them that if he prayed to his Father, he could have legions of angels come to his rescue but this had to be done so  the prophets would be fulfilled.

Jesus bing accused by priestsIt was at this point that his friends, his disciples fled, leaving Jesus with the people that would ultimately kill him. And they led Jesus to the high priest Caiaphas where also the scribes and the elders had gathered.

Peter followed them from afar so as to watch and see what was going to happen. And the chief priest and elders looked for people that would tell them the things he had done wrong, and could find no one that could.But then two did come forward and said that Jesus had said that he could destroy the temple of God and then rebuild it in three days. .

Jesus said nothing in his own defense even when the high priest asked him what these people had against him. What he did say was that after this they would see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven.

Everyone there yelled that he had spoken blaspheme and that he was guilty and should be put to death.They spit in his face and hit him. 

View prints, canvases, etc. of Peter's Denial by Carl Bloch.Peter was sitting out in the palace and a "damsel" came to him and said, "You were with Jesus of Galilee," And he denied knowing Jesus. After this he left the porch and another maid came along and told everyone that he was with Jesus of Nazareth. Again Peter denied knowing him. And after awhile someone else also said that he was with Jesus. 'For the third time Peter said he did not know him. Immediately the cocked crowed, just as Jesus had foretold at the last supper, it would when Peter denied him three times.

And Peter wept bitterly.

What an awful thing to happen. Peter denying he knew his friend. The One that he had been with during the Ministry of Jesus. He had said that he would never do this thing, that Jesus had said he would. And yet he did. and when he had, he must have felt terrible. So what comes next in this account of Mathew? Part three will be coming up.

Have a wonderful and blessed day on this the Lord's Day. Thanks for coming by. 

COLLECTION OF BEST BLESSED SUNDAY QUOTES -#blessedquotes #sundayquotes #bestquotes #bestquotes #dailyquotes

Friday, March 6, 2020

Mathew's Account of Christ's Death And Resurrection. (part one)

I was reading this morning, a post that Rachel Wojo had written about Jesus, back in April of 2014. I decided to share some of it with you and at the end of this post, will give you the link, in case you would like to read it in full.She stated that the disciples that told the Easter story, told it with different slants. That Mathew the tax collector had provided detail. Mark had been straight forward with his account, not beating around the bush. Luke, having been a doctor had a unique  perspective in his account.Where as John gives an eyewitness account of Christ's love in action.

With what she posted about those 4 accounts, I thought we would go back over them one at a time, and compare them with each other to see what differences there are.

Through the eyes of Mathew. Chapter 26

and they plotted together to seize Jesus by stealth and kill Him.

The priests, and the elders of the people wanted to end Jesus' ministry once for all. And so they gathered at the palace of Calaphas, the high priest.They wanted him crucified and so schemed on how this was going to go down.

While he was in Bethany a woman came to him with a very expensive jar of alabaster and poured it on his head. His disciples thought that this was a waste because it could have been sold at a very high price. But Jesus said she had done a very beautiful thing for him and that she was actually preparing his body for burial.

30 pieces of silver. – Slide 6In the mean time, Judas went to the chief priests and asked them what they would be willing to  pay him if he took Jesus to them. They gave him 30 pieces of silver and he began to watch for the opportunity to hand him over.

 After this came the Festival of the Unleavened Bread. Jesus was going to celebrate Passover with his disciples.That evening while at the table with his friends, Jesus told them that one of them would betray him.They began to look at each other asking who it was because it couldn't have been any of them. Jesus told them that the one that was going to betray him would be the one that dipped his hand into the bowl with him would betray him. But he warned that person that he should never have been born.

Judas in this account had already received the silver but he said, "Surely it can't be me, Lord."

Then Jesus took the bread and wine and said, "This is my body and my blood which is poured out for the forgiveness of sin for many."

And after that, they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.


Jesus also told them that Peter would deny him three times that night.Peter said he would never deny him, that he would rather die with him.

 And with that, he and his disciples went to Gethsemane  Jesus knew his death was pending and he was overwhelmed thinking about it.He told the disciples to stay there while he went on and finally fell on his face. He prayed to his Father, wanting this thing that was about to happen, be removed, but even so, it was the Father's will that he go through it and he was willing. Three times he prayed this as his disciples slept. And then he finally told them to get up because his betrayer was coming.

Hi Friends. This is not the end of Mathew's account. Next time we will look at what happens next. In the mean time, God bless you!

God Bless You and Keep you. Long life will be your portion. Rejoice!!

Monday, March 2, 2020

What Do I know?

That is an easy question for me to answer. Especially because the celebration of his death and Resurrection are just a few short weeks away.  And so in light of that, what is the answer to that question?

Well, let me tell you friends. It is this:

Free Printable Bible Verse for Easter - He Has Risen and Redeemer Lives - Finding Time To Fly

How crazy is to think that Jesus even existed, let alone died on a cross, and rose from that grave, and ascended to heaven to be with his Father? And is now preparing a place for those that believe on him.? Really?


Anyone that actually believes that fairy tale is just nuts, right?   So I answer that question about whether those people are nuts or crazy with the same answer. Really?


But I would ask again.


But then, I would ask why? Why are people crazy if they believe in the life, death resurrection etc of Jesus Christ?


Why for goodness sake, is it any crazier to believe in Jesus, when there are so many that believe in false gods, are leaders in cults that teach people that they (the leaders) are Jesus Christ,or people trying to reach their dead loved ones during seances?

And then there are those that believe in aliens from outer space. I was watching a program last night about a man that is the head of a cult, and thinks that cats are the channel to which we get messages to and from the mother ship which is out in space. And he is the spokesman, I guess for the cats. Some nonsense like that anyway. 

Why is that not crazy? Because really friends, it is. But there are people that follow that kind of stuff as well as many other outrageous teachings and don't think they are crazy.

But the teachings of Jesus Christ? Now that is really what is crazy. Right?


We are given a choice in this life, to live and believe what we will. I however, am glad to know the truth. 

Jesus answered, "See to it that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, I am the Christ and will deceive many."

Look around friends. Have you seen it? That scripture was foretold by Jesus himself thousands of years ago, and as back then it holds true today. And no doubt to a greater degree with crazier teachings.

Even in some of the so-called Christian Churches, it goes on. The devil is infiltrating into places he should never be allowed, and getting away with it because we are not vigilant about  it and not doing what Christ tells us to do in that scripture. See to it that no one deceives you. 

Many people will believe a lie and for those that do not believe the truth, they will be dammed. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12.

As for me.....

I choose to believe the truth. Jesus was born of a virgin. His ministry lasted for some 33 years on earth. At which time, the devil used the Roman Soldiers of the day to rip him away from the truth he was teaching because they thought that would end it. However, God had other plans that they were not to know until he arose from his death and burial. 
I praise him that he has revealed the truth to those of us that want to know him. Because at the end of our lives, that is when our destiny becomes real. Heaven or Hell. 
Which choice will/did you make?
Truth or Fiction. 
It is up to you. 

Thanks for stopping by today Friends. Have a blessed start to your new week!

Monday Blessings

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Spiritual Warfare

❆//pinterest: scarlatterose//❆

Hello Friends. I am switching topics now to other subjects. And today's topic has to do with something we are engaging in as Christians, whether we like it or not (which we don't) or whether we know it or not. (because we are )

Over a year ago, about this time in 2019 our family was blessed by two new presences in our family. No, they weren't twins and they weren't babies. Nor were they even born in our blood line.

They were and are two very needy preteen children. Adopted by my son and his wife whom I will call them Mike and Sally.

At the time, my husband and myself still lived in our home state of Ohio but we had already met them the year before when we went down to Florida where at that time Mike and Sally were fostering them. And we had begun to know these precious children that came from backgrounds that no child should ever have to know.

Since we moved here last summer, it has become a regular routine of hearing all the good things that have been happening. But there were many that haven't been so good.

Their now daughter is doing well with all the changes that her new life has brought her. But, sadly the boy is having a very difficult time and his behavior has gone from bad to worse and then from worse to recently much worse.

I won't go into all that. But when it started to get to the worst part, a couple weeks ago, I asked for prayer on another site. And low and behold, his behavior changed to being much better for the next perhaps seven days. But then all of a sudden it seemed that it zoomed down again only this time going from the worst to the much worst all at once. I hope that makes sense.

It was then that Mike and I both realized that this was a real spiritual problem. As a matter of fact, in just the last day we realized that it is time to vamp up our prayers even more then we had. Because we know the enemy is out there. Ready to devour who he can. 1 Peter 5:8, He wants to devour this little boy, who did nothing wrong by being born, yet was thrust into this horrible family life. Most of which we probably don't even know. (What we do know is bad enough)

As a grandmother to 7 children, and now 2 more adopted ones, I realized that even though the things I have gone through even up to the  last year and this move to a new state, has sometimes been hard, it is not time to get sloppy on my prayers, nor my commitment to them and God. Sad to say, that is what I have done.

With a renewed vow to God (after first asking his forgiveness, of course) I am back to doing what I used to do. And that is to really use my spiritual warfare against the enemy that is causing these problems in a home where he is not allowed to be, nor is he welcome there.

Hence first, asking many people on a site, to pray for them. And they have. And I saw change for the good almost immediately.  The problem is, that just woke that devil up to know that those that have been praying are storming heaven's gates and not in his favor. And he doesn't like it all.

Hence the change again. This time for the worst of the worst.

And so I have been going after him and so has Mike. We know what his tactics are. But we also know that the battle has already been won. Jesus did it the day he died on the cross for us. And it is his promise to us. But we can't just expect it to happen. We have to put our faith, and trust in him, and to also use his word and our prayers so that the devil does not tear us and our loved ones apart in the process. It is not a time for me to go soft. It is not a time for me to give up. It is time for me to stand in the midst of it and be the kind of warrior in my prayer life that God wants me to be.

I hadn't planned on doing my blog on this today. But all of sudden, when I pulled up a new one to post, there it was instantly on my mind. Perhaps there is someone that needs to be reminded that spiritual warfare is something you need to return to. Maybe you have done it before and it didn't seem to work so you gave up. God wants you to know or be reminded that the battle is his. He will fight for you in the spiritual realm if you want him to. And you should never, ever give up until he gets the job done.

Or maybe you are the one that doesn't even know where to begin when it comes to spiritual warfare.
I recommend in that case that you get one of the several books you can get from Charles Stanley that explains this topic so that you will understand what you are up against.  I will leave the link to those, at the end of this post.

God wants us to know that we are in that warfare. Why else would he tell us that Satan walks around like a  roaring lion waiting to devour us. He didn't just leave us with the bad news. His word about how to handle the devil is the good news. And one we can rely on. Why? Because he loves us.

God to:   charles stanley books spiritual warfare - Google Search to find his books.

Thanks for coming by Friends. Have a wonderful day today because this is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice in it. Psalm 124:24

wisdom quotes from the bible #wisdomquotesfromthebible

Explaining James 1:5-6

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