Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Our Sufferings do not Compare with the Glory that we will Recieve

For I reckon the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us.  Romans 8:18  

For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man sees, why does he yet hope for?  But if we hope that which we do not see, then do we are patient as we wait for it. (vs. 24-25)

Yesterday's Trivia Question:Job 1:20-22

Did Job curse God? No.

What was Job's reaction to all that had been happening to him?

He fell down on the ground and worshiped God. He knew that he came into this world with nothing and would leave with nothing and that God gives and God takes away. And he blessed God. But he did not sin.

Today's Trivia Question: Job 42:10

What did God give to Job after he had lost everything but didn't sin or curse God?

Hello Friends. God allowed Job to lose everything he had and yet he didn't sin because of it. What if we lost something that is very valuable to us? Would we curse God? Maybe you have lost something like that. Did you raise your hand heaven ward to rant and rave at the injustice of it? Many people have. It is hard not to sometimes. But for those that trust in him, he is not offended. Nor is he surprised. When we ask for his forgiveness, he freely gives it. Have a blessed day!

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