Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Diamond That Went Missing

Do you think that God cares enough about us that not only gives us miracles in the really hard times-I mean the really hard times-but in the things that happen in our everyday life, that while they may not be something disastrous, but are still important to us?

I certainly believe that. And so does Ruth (Billy Grahams daughter) who got her own miracle when one day the diamond from her engagement ring suddenly went missing.

Here is her miracle:

Ruth Graham – daughter of Dr. Billy Graham – Some years ago after an outdoor church picnic, our pastor’s wife discovered the diamond from her engagement ring was missing. It had falllen out. Where? When? It was anybody’s guess. We paused to pray and ask for God to help us locate the small diamond. I am afraid none of us had much faith that we would ever find it. Everyone stopped what they were doing and began to look. We went through the grass, the garbage, the sink, cooking pots -- everything -- with a fine-tooth comb. We did it all again the next day. To no avail. The small diamond was gone. We carried on with the week. It rained. The grass was mowed. But we kept an eye out – just in case. A week later my daughter was playing and spied something sparkling in the grass. She thought it was a rhinestone from her baby doll’s outfit, but she looked a bit closer, picked it up from the grass and dirt. It didn’t look like anything from her baby doll. She brought it inside to ask what I thought. It was the lost diamond!

(source: 12 Absolutely Amazing Miracles - Beliefnet )


Yes, God does care about us. No matter what we are going through. In the tough times. In the not so tough times. In the good or bad times. And thank God that at all times, He has our backs.

I know I promised you miracles from 2021 and this one happened some years ago for Ruth Graham. It has been another trying day and when I ran across this story, I thought it would work for today. I thank you for your patience with me. 

Have a blessed day!


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