Monday, December 31, 2018

Have You Built Your Ark? (Part Two)

Once Noah, his family and all the animals that had boarded the ark, disembarked from it when flood waters receded and they could be on dry land, Noah built an altar with which to give sacrifices to God on. And then God gave Noah a covenant and a sign to him and his offspring and everything living that would come after him. Genesis 9:8-10

An awesome post: "3 Steps to a more positive life"The sign which was a rainbow was His promise that whenever there is a rainbow in the sky, he would remember to never again destroy the earth and its creatures or all living things.  Genesis 9:9-15

And so we know, that God had his eye on Noah and his family because they were the few that did not get into the evilness that had been swirling around from the time of Adam and Eve. He had caused the flood, but not before he provided for them, in shelter and food during that time. Noah had followed God's instruction and when it was all over, they had reaped God's blessings.

I wonder if during that time, and because of the rain and the wind, those 8 people were afraid? Did they sit around in a circle to pray for God's protection or did it just come naturally because they believed Him?

I expect that because they were human, they might have had at least some uneasiness during that time. Just as we do today. God gave us His manual, the Bible as a guide to get us through this life, so that we may be saved. I know for a fact, the kind of fear that can grab a hold of someone even when they are walking with God let alone those that aren't. I have been on both sides.

But unlike Noah, we don't always use the instructions that God gives us in His Word and when we don't, it can mean disaster for us. That is why it is so important to build our own ark in these times when things are going so crazy in the world. Because sadly, at some point earth again became corrupted and we see it around us all the time.

Of course, I don't mean we should build an actual ark like Noah had done. What I mean is we should build a spiritual ark around us (With His help) and in that is to make sure that we know God's Word and understand it and live it to the best of our ability. Because in the end, if we don't, we will be just like those people that laughed at him and those that are laughing at us today. God is just not going to save people that think He is just a joke. Instead, He will find favor with those of us that love and trust Him.
Rainbow, with a pot of gold to be found in a grave (?).
Are you building your ark? In doing so, have you gotten discouraged and forgot to put a few nails in someplace they go and so part of it has started coming apart? Maybe you didn't get the door in just right and it doesn't seal when you close it.

Take heart and don't let the devil beat you up for it. Start off 2019 right. Get your spiritual hammers out. Beat him with God's help. Because as God gave Noah the rainbow as His promise to never destroy the earth with flood water again, he also gave us his promised Son Jesus and many other promises that we can take hold of in our walk with Him. He is there for our taking by accepting and trusting in Him.  And remember that when you look up and see a rainbow in the sky that those promises were not just for him but for all that came after. That means you and I.  And in the end, we will be saved

Thanks for coming by on this last day of the year Friends. I pray that 2019 will be full of blessings, surprises and all the good things that God has for you! Please, if you will be out on the streets tonight, be careful. Satan is out there looking for those he can devour. 1 Peter 5:8. Don't let it be you!
Happy New Year Wishes | New Year 2017 Wishes

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Have You Built Your Ark? (Part One)

Noah's Ark Attraction. Kentucky                                                                                                                                                      More Genesis 6 -8. Most of us know the story of Noah. The people of his time had become corrupt and he was the only one that God found favor in. God decided to destroy the rest of the civilization that lived at that time, He would save Noah and his family and so He commissioned Noah to build an ark because He was going to send flood waters to do this. He gave Noah the specifics of how to build the ark and what to use to do so. And God sent animals to the ark so that they would be saved along with Noah and his family.

I wonder just what the people thought about as Noah built this massive structure. Did they think he was a lunatic? Perhaps they snickered at him as he walked by him. Maybe some openly laughed at him and ridiculed him. How long did he endure them making fun of him?

The bible doesn't say exactly how long it took for him to build the ark. Some scholars estimate that it was about 120 years. He was 500 years old when it is first mentioned in Genesis 5:32 and 600 when the flood waters came. Genesis 7:6. However long it was, that is a long time to be laughed at by the people that were to be destroyed.

However, Noah stood his ground. He finished the ark as God instructed and the animals came and Noah's family went on board. There was 8 of them. Noah, his wife, their 3 sons, and their 3 wives were the only ones that God saved out of the evilness that had gone on since He created the world.

Noah, Meat Eating, And The FloodOnce the flood waters started the people surely had quit laughing. Their mockery turned into terror as it got deeper and deeper and people began to drown.

It is a common belief that Noah and his family were on the ark for 40 days and 40 nights. However, the source I found (which is below) say that they were on it 370 days. Over a year. 370 days would be a long time to be out on a boat as it were. Even 40 days would be enough for me.  With all those animals. Wow. Could you do it? I guess we all could if our lives depended on it.

 Eventually, though the flood waters began to recede and the ark came to rest on Mt. Ararat. And the waters continued to recede. Noah sent first a raven and then a dove out to see if there was dry land anywhere. The raven came back because it did not find any place to land. After that, a dove was sent out and it came back. And then a second dave went out and it came back. When the second dove came back it brought an olive leaf and Noah then knew that the land was drying up. A few days later, Noah sent another dove out and it did not come back and so Noah knew that it had found dry land.  When God told Noah it was time to leave the ark, he and his family and all the animals disembarked and what did Noah do? He built an altar to the Lord and sacrificed burnt offerings of animals and birds to God.

God was so pleased with this that he gave Noah a sign that he would never again destroy all living things. What was this sign? Most of us know. Do you? Come back tomorrow to find out.

Thanks for coming by Friends. Is the story about Noah in the bible just a kids Sunday School story or is there something more to it that kids and adults can take something away from it to apply to our own lives in this generation? And what if anything does it have to do with a new year that will happen in just 2 more days?

Well, there is more to it and yes it does have something to do with not only our generation and 2019. But what? I hope you will come back tomorrow to find out the answers to those questions. Until then God bless!
Today's sources: What are some of the most common questions about Noah's Ark?

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Getting Down to it!

We are down to it Friends. This year will soon turn over to next year. What will you be doing on New Year's Eve? Going to a party? Hosting a party? Staying home to watch the ball drop in NYC on tv?

Love this Popping idea! – Party IdeasAs for my husband and I, we will be staying home and watching the ball drop, if we can stay awake that long! LOL. We have never done the party thing. Well, I can't say that. We did the first year we were married. And I did not enjoy it at all. I do not drink and even after the years that he did, he did not and does not want to be out on the roads that night. It is one holiday, that we prefer to be at home and do not miss it all that much.

Even so, It will start off a new year. So today, I thought I would give you a few ideas that you might consider for 2019

A couple of days ago, I ran across an idea that I think would be a very nice thing to do. It is called a 'Happiness Jar." Or to my way of thinking, a 'Blessing Jar.'

Blessing Jar. I think that making some smaller sizes of these would be great for Christmas presents. Spread the joy of the little things. If you pass it around, maybe other people in your life will start to take note of the blessings, and you will make people happy. A thought....In a jar, write down at least one thing that happened every day for the year. It could be an answered prayer, something made you laugh unexpectedly, something that you felt God was telling you that day, something about your kids-perhaps school related, a goal or a project that you accomplished...the list goes on and on. Write down those things every day, and put them in the jar. As you do, you will see the jar fill up and know that there are good things happening in your life. And then on December 31st, read back about those things and see just many there were.

Because sometimes we do miss the blessings in our lives simply because our lives are so busy with kids, jobs, other responsibilities that we have. And this jar can be a reminder of the blessings that come our way but maybe gets pushed aside by the times that are sad or just being so busy. Also, by the end of the year, we often ask ourselves, "Where did this year go? It seemed to go by so fast." The jar would remind us where it went despite the things that were not so great about it.

Prayer Jar- pull our a persons name and pray for them as a family through out the dayThis second idea model the first, in creating a 'Prayer Jar.' And in this jar would be prayers that you would ask God to work on in your life. Again starting January 1st and reading them on December 31.

Maybe you will even want to get the kids on board by letting them help you with your jars, or starting one of their own. Kids go through many things growing up. Both good and well...not so good. Perhaps they are being bullied or having trouble in a subject. This would be a great thing to have them involved in so that at the end of the year, maybe they are reminded of how God worked in their own situations.

I think these two suggestions are wonderful ideas for getting the New Year off to a great start and then reading about them at the end of the year. Especially those acknowledging what God has done for us and the blessings that have come our way no matter how large or small. Maybe you will too.

The clock is ticking down for the New Year to start. How blessed we are as a nation that in a lot of respects have God in it. As families, we must keep Him in our lives so that He does not disappear altogether like some want. There are so many ideas that can help with that and I hope that even in your busy life, you don't forget to teach important biblical principles to your children. For when we get too busy, or forget, or just plain don't care then that is what begins the breakdown in our families begins to filter out into society, as it has in the past and still continues to this day.

Teach these words to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking, and when you lie down to sleep and when you wake. Deuteronomy 11:19

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. The people He has chosen for His inheritance. Psalm 33;12

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Enjoy these last few days of this year, for they are slipping away! And in the meantime, God bless you and your family and friends.

Being grateful is an important way for you to bless your marriage. This how-to will help you show gratitude in any Love Language. #Marriage #LoveLanguages #Gratitude #Blessings #BlessingCounter

Friday, December 28, 2018

Running the Race

She was young, mostly not streetwise, ignorant of the most things of the world, and had grown up in a home where church and God were an important part of life, She had been protected from some of the really bad things this world had to offer while growing up. Life had been one of topsy-turvey. A combination of both good and not so good.

life's problems wouldn't be called hurdles if there wasn't a way to get over themBut then she woke up one day at the age of 18, finding herself married to the perfect man....who was on his way to becoming an alcoholic. What is worse, he had only just over a couple years or so earlier (before they met), came home from war. She had no real experience with any of that. Her only knowledge of alcoholism was an aunt and uncle that were alcoholics and she stayed away from them for the most part. As for war, all she knew of it was her dad had fought in WW11 and he never talked about it.

Now she was at such a young age, with no other experience in those two areas, and was thrust into both worlds. For the next few years, she struggled with life and God and raising kids and depression....and on her list went. She had grown up in a dysfunctional family with a mother that had mental issues. Pretty serious ones. None of that had helped either.

If you have been following me for quite some time, you will know that was a picture of me many years ago. Thank God  He redeemed us from so much stuff that I could not begin relay to you on this blog because it is too private a thing for me to talk about with most people. And though it didn't happen overnight and life wasn't suddenly made perfect (and believe me it still isn't), his redeeming work in my life still goes on even today.

Because we are not perfect. There are still days when I am like every other Christian. I get down, I get sad. I sometimes get upset over something. But because of what happened at the cross and because I really had to come to terms with my own sin during those final years that we lived in such a mess, life has gradually gotten better to where I now look on those years and see how far God has brought us. And how much I have grown spiritually But not only that, am still growing. Because I am not perfect. And I won't be ever while I am alive on this earth. Not until I pass on or Jesus comes back will I be.

In the meantime, I can say that those years made me who I am today. And who is that? A forgiven, blood-bought with a price woman that truly loves God. Thankful for His redemption that has paid my ticket into the place (heaven) that I look forward to with great anticipation.

The apostle Paul said this towards the end of his life: "I have run the race. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7.

And because of that, he had gone on to say, "And from now on the crown of righteousness is laid up for me which the Lord, the righteous judge will award to me on that day-and not only to me but to all those that crave his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:8

Paul did not have a cozy life at all. And yet, he ran the race, finished the course, and knew without a doubt that his crown of righteousness was waiting for him in heaven to be awarded by his Lord and Savior.
I have not always been so faithful a servant. Obedient to a fault? Nope. Life had not dealt me an easy or perhaps even a fair hand.  But when my time comes, I pray that I can say, "I have run the race. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith."

Most everyone I know has not had an easy life in some way or another. But it is because of God's redeeming power, that we can receive that crown of righteousness someday and possibly very soon, from the One whose appearing we crave.

Joy is not where we've been, Joy is WHO 's waiting at the END.  2 Timothy 4:7-8 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.  #MARANATHA
Are you running the race to finish the course? Do you crave his reappearing? Will there be a crown of righteousness waiting for you at the end of it, to be awarded from Jesus? Our race is one against time as we contemplate how quickly this life passes and how soon life the as we know it on earth will end. It will be too late for some. Please do not make it too late for yourself. Run your race, finish it, and keep the faith. And what life will finally boil down to.

         Thanks for your visit today Friends. I am honored you came. May God Bless you and yours!

End of Day Blessing~beautiful! this would be an awesome quote for the guest rooms in my forever place.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Getting to the End. What Does it Mean? (Part One)

This past year sure has been a hard year for me. One thing is for sure God never left my side! He knows what tomorrow holds. Why we even try to plan a tomorrow I will never understand because it's not promised. Some people are in our life's for a season and some are meant to be there for a lifetime. We can't force something to be how we want it.. when it's not Gods will. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) Getting to the end. What does that mean for you? Does it mean to the end of the workday? The work week? When your kids will be grown up and out of the house? Does it mean getting to retirement? The end of your life? What does it mean for you right now? Today?

Actually, it is not any of those topics that I want to speak on in today's blog. What I want to speak on today is, what does getting to the end of this year mean?

This year? What does that mean? What does it mean for you?

Looking over this past year for me has meant quite a lot of sadness in it. No, I have not lost anyone through physical death. That isn't it. Rather, it has meant some seemingly dying off from family relationships. A once medium-sized family we were when spending holidays with each family had to be worked out and planned after my husband and I married and then began to grow as siblings began to each have our own children. Mostly happy times, they were. Of course, all these years later, we have lost our grandparents, parents and yes, even a sibling or two through their deaths. But over the past couple of years, we have lost even more Our families have whittled down to very few in each group. Not physically as I said, but relationally.

Almost everyone has gone their own way. Not only families but friends parting ways over something that they don't even give a reason for. With disagreements on every side. Siblings and their own children cannot seem to forgive each other or just do not want to for something they felt had been done to wrong them. In some cases, an adult child cannot forgive parents who he felt had hurt him but refuses to talk it out and let them know what he felt they did to him and so they have lost all contact with him which has been very painful. Also painful in that situation is they are unable to enjoy the fun times they once had with his children because he makes it hard. In other cases, Alzheimer's is the culprit that has taken the relationship away from a family.

I speak of these things from experiences as in one way or another, we have had these happen in our own family. Time has built up a wall in some of our relationships and of course, we know who the real source of it is. The devil wants to split our families and friends apart. All of them. Yours, mine, everyone's.
Ever growing, ever changing. It gets easier when you learn to go with the flow. Happy 2015!
And so looking back over the year, wishing but more than that, praying for those relationships to be healed by an Almighty God, a lot of it for me has been sad. I sound pretty dismal, don't I?

And yet God is good and in between the bad times, he throws in a blessing or two now and then. A rekindled friendship, a newer friendship that has continued to grow, this blog God has blessed me so much with and those of you that you that come here every day. Two unexpected Christmas cards came this month from a family member and a friend and other things have happened as well that I cannot talk about, but I know have been good things from God. Many blessings in between those times that have not been so great. And I have to admit as with this quote I found, that I truly (by God's grace) am not the same person I was when this year started.

My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. - 2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV | Shasta made this with Spoken.lyAnd so what can I say about this past year? It has been one of both pain and pleasure. Good and not so good. Sadness and gladness. Because God is good. And even in our sadness, we can grow closer to Him if we open ourselves to Him. We are not promised that all our days will be happy and carefree. But it is in those times of pain can come joy through the One who created us, while we wait for Him to work in those things we need His help on. Because He has the bigger picture. In fact, He has the whole picture. And for those that know Him, He really does have our backs, even during the times that we don't even think he does.  He really does! Because it is His grace that is sufficient for us. Yesterday, last week, last month, last year.  And in 2019, 2 Corthianians is one of our go-to promises that He sustains us all the time.

To get through the tough things in life, we need our family members that we are close to. Sure. But greater than that, we need God. He is the only One that can do what may seem the impossible for us! Mathew 19:26.

What of tomorrow, next month, next year Friends? What does that mean for us? Watch for part 2 coming December 30th. In the meantime, thanks for coming today. I do hope you will be back tomorrow! Stay blessed!

Amen! #quotes #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #motivation #inspiration #positivequotes #God #Godquotes #spiritual #spirituality

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Christmas Blues' or Something More?

It's not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love.
Do you ever feel a little (or maybe a lot) let down on Christmas day after the presents are opened up, the dinner dishes are washed and maybe your guests have gone home? After all the hurry to get things done in prior weeks to have "the perfect day" with decorating, planning, and even perhaps going to special events like school concerts or church services only to get to the 25th and sometime during that day think to yourself (or maybe you even say it out loud), "Is that all there was to it." Another Christmas, come and gone. It's like, what do we do now. We can only play with our new toys for so long before we get bored.

Maybe you have never felt this way, and if you haven't you are blessed for sure. But, I must confess that I have in times past. Thankfully not this year. I did not run around trying to get everything done so that Christmas day would be perfect. For one reason I did not have to because I had no family around me to celebrate it with. Instead, we were invited to some friends who were alone too for the day, and we spent it having a wonderful meal and enjoying their friendship. And at the end of the day when we came home? I did not have that feeling of, "is that all there was to it?"

But, I am sure there are those that have a letdown feeling. Perhaps they just felt blue or were even downright depressed, Because after all, for some people the holidays can be hard.

And for some, it is not over with. For some, the holidays don't really end until after the New Year when work resumes and they can get back to putting their attention on that. And in the meantime, their focus is on what they have lost as in a loved one or don't have during this time such as material things.

Yes, the holidays can be difficult. So what does one do?
We will always be busy but we will never be that busy to talk or even have a little chat to god.
Well, I have a few suggestions to get you through this time.

First, spend some time alone with God. His birth was the best gift we could have ever been given, at least until his death on the cross which saved us from our in. And those two events will remain the most important until he comes again to take his church home to be with him forever.

Second, preach to yourself what you know is from God. (Believe me, I do this about every day.) When you get down, remember the things you have learned in church or from reading the Bible but need a little encouragement to stay on track and not get depressed.

Three, do a lot of praying! For yourself, for your family, for others!

Then, the Bible says to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Luke 6:31. And so you could visit a nursing home, bake cookies to take to an elderly neighbor, volunteer in a soup kitchen.

There are so many ways we can do for others and when we do, we can get often get rid of those nagging blues that want to keep us down. Because after all the Bible also says that it better to give than to receive. Acts 20:35 These are just a few.

Homeless shelters generously feed many people a day. This is a guide about recipes for feeding people at a homeless shelter.One last thing I want to say is this. If you have followed me for long, some of you know that I have come from a family that has dealt with severe depression. And if it comes down to where you aren't just suffering the blues, but are more severely depressed, you can get help. Don't let it go until it is so severe it will take your life. Because believe me, it can go that far. If you need more information on depression, I encourage you to read my other blogs on it. Put 'When Depression comes Knocking part one' in the search engine on my page, and hopefully those blogs will give you some encouragement.

Depression or just being blue. Neither is fun at all. No matter how long that it does or doesn't last. But there is a help. And there is hope. And our hope is in the One that came to us as a baby over 2000 years ago.

Hi Friends! I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas yesterday! Maybe now, some of you can relax taking time off from your busy schedules and enjoy some downtime. For those of you that can't so much, I remember those times. My mother used to say to me in hard times, "This too shall pass." I wasn't so sure about it when she said that. But you know what? Those times did pass. And sometimes I wish I had them back.Or at least some of them. Now figure that one out! LOL! Be blessed today!

Jesus Our Hope

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

John 1:14

The Word became flesh full of grace and truth and dwelt among us. We saw His glory, the glory he received as the Father's only Son. John 1:1:14

For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, And the government will rest upon his shoulders And his name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
Isahia 9:5

This very day in the city of David, your Savior is born-Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son that those that believe in Him, would have eternal life. John 3:16

"Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace among those that he favors." Luke 2:14

Many years ago, there came a baby into our midst. He came to give us the truth so that we might spend eternity with him. And he did it with the kind of grace and love such that we ourselves can hardly fathom.

God sent his Son to us because he loved us and he wants us to spend eternity with him. But did you know that he does not favor everyone?

What's that?

God loves each and every one of us. But he does not favor everyone. His favor goes to those who have accepted Christ Jesus. We will not get to heaven by just being good. We won't get there just by doing good things or being a good person. If those were the case, his birth and then later his death on the cross would have not been needed.

His favor comes only to those that accept Him

.  "If you declare with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. " Romans 10:9-10

Those that have done this, are favored of God and will spend eternity in heaven with Him. That is the reason we celebrate His birth today. That is the greatest reason. And so while you are opening gifts, and haveing a wonderful meal and all the other things that you will be doing today, don't forget why you are doing these things in the first place.

Because if it were not for God's gift to us, all these other gifts we give and receive would be meaningless. They will at some point pass away. God's gift to us-Jesus-will not pass away especially for those that He favors.

I pray that today as you celebrate Christmas, you will have a blessed day of sharing with others. God is so good and he loves you no matter where you are in life. And please come back tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!

Christmas & Advent Ecards | DaySpring

Monday, December 24, 2018

The History Behind The Christmas Story (Part 7)

Flight to Egypt.  Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. King Herold had become ill and died. He left quite a legacy for the murdering of many people during his reign as King. To learn more about him, please visit That the World May Know | Herod's Family if you are interested.

And we know that he had played a part in the Christmas Story. However, though that may be, the Christmas Story does not end with King Herod, nor does it even end at all.

After his death, an angel had told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus back to the land of Jerusalem. But he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea because as a ruler, he was worse than his father Herod had been. And so Joseph took his family and went back to their hometown of Nazareth where Jesus then grew up.

Looking back from the time of when both Mary and Joseph first found out that an unusual occurrence was going to enable them to parent the very nature of God by bearing his only Son, to now the time of their return to Nazareth, it would seem that this is the end of the Christmas Story. But no, this is just the beginning. The beginning of the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. At least here on earth.

God had sent His Son to be born, and then to minister to people before he was crucified for no crimes but just for claiming His rightful position as the Son of God. His own people could not fatham such a thing and though He did have followers that knew He was as He said He was, there were those bent on destroying Him for it.

They did not realize that their attempts to kill him were futile because He was God's Son and no grave would hold him, nothing would destroy his purpose for being born and then growing up to finally be crucified. Nothing at all. And nothing ever will despite how people have tried to destroy His message all through the ages since His birth to his ascent into heaven. The gospel lives on and will forever. That is fact that will not be denied or destroyed, no matter who tries to.

The baby Jesus came to give us life and life abundantly (John 10:10). And that is what the Christmas Story is all about.

Luke 1:33 - Verse for October 21

And He sall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His Kingdom shall never end. Luke 1:33. Amen!

Thank you for coming here today. May God be your Rock, for blessed is the Rock of our Salvation. Psalm 18:46. I hope you will be back tomorrow!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

The History Behind The Christmas Story (Part Six)

Herod had been tricked by the Magi because they had nor told him where he could find the baby Jesus. He was irate and so he ordered the slaughter of all boys under the age of two. God went to Joseph in a dream and told him to take Mary and Jesus and escape to Egypt where they would be safe. In the meantime, the killing of these children caused much mayhem and grief in the families of those that were killed all because a wicked king did not want this baby to grow up and possibly de-throne him.
King Herod the Great | Herod the Great - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
You see, King Herod was the 'King of the Jews' but he was not a Jew. He was a Nabatean and really a puppet to the Roman government. He was actually hated by most Jews and the feeling was very mutual. It is not a surprise that this King would try to rid the baby Jesus for his own selfish reasons and of course, the plot that fueled in his mind was from none other than the old devil Satan, himself.

But Jesus was kept safe by his heavenly Father and Josephs obedience to make their escape to Egypt. It was just a part of a much bigger plan of God to bring Jesus into the world to save it from sin. 
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh - Small 3 Box Set

The Magi had taken the three gifts to present to Jesus which of course were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And they may have well been used by his Joseph and Mary as currency to finance their life in Egypt. Frankincense and myrrh are resins that come from trees. They have medicinal purposes and were and still are used in many religions. 

The Bible does not give us specific reasons for why these three gifts were actually brought to Jesus upon his birth. However, tradition does have a deeper meaning for them. If you would like to know more about the possible reasons and meanings for these gifts, please visit: Why did the Magi bring gold, frankincense, and myrrh to Jesus?

Putting Christ Into Christmas: Christmas is the perfect time to love your neighbor. The odds are they are excited about Christmas for the wrong reasons. What are you doing to reveal God’s glory to them, this Christmas?Today's Christmas Scripture: Isaiah 40:5 The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

Indeed the mouth of the Lord has spoken, and those that have not heard it or refused to hear it will in do time see and hear it. Because it will happen and as God has proclaimed. Are you ready? The greatest gift you can to yourself or anyone is to put your trust in Jesus as I said in yesterday's blog. Because, after all, it was first He who gave Himself for us. 

I am glad you came today Friends. Have a wonderfully blessed day as our thoughts are turned even more to Jesus' whose birth we celebrate in just a couple more days. Please come back tomorrow. I plan on being here through all of the holidays. Other source used today, see:

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The History Behind the Christmas Story (Part Five)

Jane Crowther — Three Kings Journey  (650x912)The Magi had come to Jerusalem when they heard of the birth of Jesus and wanted to find him. King Herod had also heard about the baby that had been born and he thought that this baby would grow up and try to take his place as King. He wasn't about to have anyone taking away his throne.

The Magi had seen an unusual stellar event and because they believed God, they knew it was the star that would lead them to Jesus. And so they decided to follow the star to find him.

King Herod told them that when they found the baby, let him know where he was so that he could go to worship him as well.
And so the Magi followed the star and when it stopped, they knew that this place was where Jesus was. And they saw him with his mother Mary and immediately they bowed to worship him. And then they presented him with their gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh.

Image result for 3 kingsAfter that, they were about to return to tell King Herod where they had found Jesus, but in a dream were warned not to go there because the king did not want to worship him as he told them. He wanted to kill Him. And so they went another route to go back home.

The Bible does not say that these Magi were kings as we hear today. And it does not say that there were three of them. It is thought that there were three because of the three gifts that had been presented to Jesus. They were astrologers and back in those days, astronomy and astrology went hand in hand with each other. And so they were very intelligent. And most likely very rich.

Tradition says their names were Gaspar (Caspar), Melchior, and Balthasar. But since the Bible does not say, we really do not know for sure. The bible says they came from the east which means they traveled 800-900 miles to see the Christ Child. We don't know much more about them except that they wanted to see Jesus, and when they did they worshipped Him and then when warned not to go back to King Herod, they obeyed God and not man.

What can we learn from the Christmas story so far?  God sent his only Son Jesus Christ who was born of a virgin, to poor people. Not as an entitled child that would one day sit on a throne to rule over us. But to grow up to give Himself for the redemption of our sin. He came to poor people and rich people alike. And God his Father was not about to let him be killed by an evil king that was out to destroy him.

But so the story goes on even today. People have tried killing Jesus over and over. Sure they succeeded in nailing Him to a cross. over 2000 years ago. And they thought with joy that they had done it. But it was part of God's plan all along, and not their own. They thought they had Him destroyed until He rose from the grave to once again walk the earth again. And He still lives today, willing and able to forgive those that will put their trust in Him. It doesn't matter where we have been or what we have done. He will forgive and though people still today try to stamp out his love for us by misguiding stories and false teachings and lies, He still lives on in the hearts of the believers that stand up for the truth that they know in their hearts. That this baby was born to grow up and save a sinful world, for those that trust God and put their faith in Him. Do we believe or do we try to stamp out His story as pure fiction? Because the bible tells us as a baby He was marked to be destroyed, and at the cross, He was marked again, and as He still is today by the ignorance of people,  and yet God is not going to let him be destroyed, ever! No matter who tries! Do we take God at his word like the Magi did and be obedient to Him, or do we believe in the lies that others want us to believe?

 Because it will come down to us, at the end of our lives, it is the answers to those questions that will matter. Who do we believe? Who do we put our faith in? Trusting in Jesus is the Only Answer

If you have never trusted Jesus before, you can do it now. How do you do that? By sincerely praying the following prayer. It doesn't matter where you are in your life. You don't have to clean yourself up for God. He will help you do that once you have trusted Him. And it doesn't matter where you are physically right now. At home, at work in front of your computer. On a bus on your way somewhere. Just bow your head and pray.

♡ Hallelujah ♡ TYJ ♡ Amen ♡

If you have done that, it is the beginning of a new life in Christ. And all the angels in heaven are rejoicing over you when you have repented of your sins! Luke 15:10. What a wonderful thing God does for us. 

Thanks for coming today Friends. Up tomorrow: What happened when the Magi did not report the whereabouts of Jesus to King Herod? Come back for the answer to that question. God bless!

Free Religious Christmas Images Latest 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

The History Behind The Christmas Story (Part 4)

Good Tidings 11 by Bernard Plockhorst | LUKE 2 8 In the same… | FlickrImagine this. You live in the biblical days of Israel. You are a shepherd and one night or early morning as you are watching over your sheep in a field, this glorious light appears and there is an angel standing there. And this being terrifies you. At least at first. But then he tells you not to be afraid because he is bringing you good news of great joy for all people. For in the city of David Christ the Lord had been born and you will find him in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes.

I wonder what they must have thought. What would I have thought, if that event had happened to me?

What's more is that suddenly there were hosts of angels with them, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest and peace to all men on whom his favor rests."

Did the shepherds stand around in awe at this sudden group of angels that come announcing this magnificent event that had just happened? How long did it take for the shepherds to get a move on to go find this baby that the angels had just told them about?

We don't know, but the bible seems to say it was fairly quickly after the angels had gone back to heaven, they said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."
Shepherd Walking By the Road
Being a shepherd in Israel in those days was a lowly position. Who were these men that were to be some of the first recipients of this news that God had sent by his angels? We don't know much about them, but they were obviously very important in God's plan to get it and then once seeing him for themselves, spreading the word about his birth to everyone who then became amazed at what they were told.

He could have first had them announce it to the rich. And yet he didn't. And knowing the characteristics of God that we do from the Bible, is that any great surprise to us? Absolutely not.

.Do you suppose that one day when we get to heaven ourselves, we will get to see these angels that first announced the great tidings of joy meant for all people? Have you ever thought about that? I myself have no doubt that those that have accepted Christ will get to. But greater than that, will be that we will also get to see the babe that had once been wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manager that grew up to save the world from our sins. How glorious will that be? Me? I am waiting anxiously for that day to come!

Today's Christmas Scripture: And God showed his love by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him. I John 4:9

Innocence (5x7 Print) - Deseret BookA home in Heaven

The babe, God's Son in the manger=Life eternal in heaven for those that accept him!


Thanks for your visit today Friends. May you find peace this Christmas if you need it because Jesus came to give it! God's eternal blessings as always! Please come back tomorrow. The birth of Christ still is not over! Indeed, there is more to come!

Blessings of hope, peace and love to you as you walk into this day and this weekend. Allow the light to enter you and to take the lead. Every Day Spirit: A Daybook of Wisdom, Joy and Peace. xo #Christmas #holiday #hope

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The History Behind the Christmas Story (Part 3)

Roman Gold Aureus of AeliusA decree had gone out by Ceasar Augustus. It was to collect taxes for the Roman government. And the citizens had to go to register for it according to the town of their birth. This meant that Mary and Joseph would have to travel some 70 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem

As we know, Mary was very much pregnant. The journey took about 3 days for them to arrive and it is thought that perhaps they got there in the evening after other places were filled up with other visitors that had arrived.

Where was Jesus born? In a cave, or a barn? Perhaps a stable? It is unclear and although scripture does not mention animals being in attendance as we see portrayed in pageants and the like, Luke 2:7 does say that when Mary gave birth to Jesus, she wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manager which as we know is a feeding trough for animals.

 The Son of God after being birthed now slept in a lowly feeding trough for animals. Think of that. Wasn't it enough that God sends his Son to such a sinful world in the first place, but then to not give Him the royalty and the majesty that He deserved. Even the greatest kings that lived, had much more than that.

And yet, that was just what His Father did. He sent His Son into humanity, not to set Him on a throne with a crown on His head as the Jewish leaders thought a king would and should have. There was no sign of royalty where He slept. His first bed had been so humble that not only kings would come from afar to visit him, but so would shepherds that were watching over their flocks.

But why? What was God's reasoning for this to be how His birth played out? A virgin? No place where Mary could give birth that would have been comfortable after her long trip on a donkey? And now a manager for a bed for a child that was supposed to one day rule the world?

Is God crazy? Ridiculous? That uncaring?

No. God his reasons. He gave Jesus to all humanity. But in doing so, He made Him reachable to us. There is nothing that stands in our way of getting to Jesus for those of us that truly wants Him. Unlike presidents and kings of times past and present, Jesus is for everyone. Rich or poor. His humble beginnings however they were, held a purpose. And that purpose friends was you and I.

A Child Is Born Weathered Wood Wall Art by mams on Etsy  For Unto Us a Child is Born ... Nativity scene:  Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus under the Star of Bethlehem. The Star is slightly pearlescent, appearing to shine subtly.A baby was born. And they named Him Immanuel. God with us. And God was and He loved us so much that through this baby, He would continue to be with us as the child Jesus grew up to take our sins to the cross. And He is still with us today for just that reason.

 Maybe we see Christmas as a time for fun and gifts and food. But the most important reasons aren't those things that we hold so dear. Because they will at some point all pass away with nothing but memories left. Our faith in Jesus Christ is what does not pass away. It will take us to live with Him someday and that is what Christmas is really all about.

Is that the end of the story of the birth of Christ. As we know, it was absolutely not the end of his birth. There was more to come. And there will be more in tomorrows blog, so please come back. Because it is certainly not finished.

Thanks for your visit. I hope you will be back tomorrow and may God bless your day because He is still around you know!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The History Behind the Christmas Story (Part Two)

John  3:17From almost the beginning of mankind, God's own creation- we have sinned. God specifically gave us what we needed to live a happy life and we have repeatedly chosen to defy him and go on our own way. Sin entered the world and God's plan then had to include a redeemer that would come as a baby to save those of us that truly would believe in him because as John 3:16 spells it so wonderfully out for us, he so loved the world that he gave us his only son, that those that believe on him will have everlasting life.

His game plan had been set from the beginning. In due time the girl that he found to be the one he favored above all women, would be impregnated in the most unusual way. The angel Gabriel had announced it to her and although she did not fully understand the implications of what was about to happen to her at her young age, she accepted God's will for her life.

Image result for joseph and gabriel the angelShe was going to have a son. But not just a son but a Son. The Son of God who would someday grow up to save a sinful and dying world.

But what did Joseph have to say about all of this? After all, they were engaged. For the three months of her pregnancy, she had been away visiting her cousin Elizabeth. Now she was going back to Nazareth. Her pregnancy was not going to stay hidden for much longer. How was she going to explain to Joseph her condition and what was he going to do with her? What could she do but trust in God? Her only and best option, of course.

Legally though Joseph could have had her stoned to death. Deuteronomy 22:23-23. But, he knew that Mary was a good woman and he did not want to disgrace her publically.  He loved her even though he did not know or understand what was going on either.

If Mary had been confused, what must had it been like for this man whose girl had been promised to him and now it was on him to decide what must be done? How long did it take for him to come to terms with this situation that he had not foreseen?

The bible doesn't say. But what it does tell us is that one night he had a special visitation that would give him clarity on what was actually happening with Mary. This angel told Joseph to not be afraid because the baby that she carried had been conceived of the Holy Spirit and he was to take her as his wife and have the child and name him Immanuel and that he would grow up to save the people from their sins as it had been prophesied many years before
Joseph and Mary are engaged. When Joseph learns Mary is pregnant, he plans to divorce her. An angel tells him not to.
What a challenge God had presented to this couple. But, God knew that it was one of which they would accept out of all the people that lived. They had no doubt been ordained from the beginning of the world to complete this far out mission that would eventually come. This would be no ordinary thing. It would require a most unusual couple that would face it despite their initial fear and confusion. God had known what he was doing.

And so we know then what Joseph did. He too accepted God's will for him and Mary. He too accepted God's challenge and soon the baby that would be King would be born.

Keep Christ in Christmas

Coming tomorrow: A Baby is born

Thanks for your visit today Friends. May God's Peace and Blessing surpass all understanding during this Season of God's indescribable grace to us!

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Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...