His game plan had been set from the beginning. In due time the girl that he found to be the one he favored above all women, would be impregnated in the most unusual way. The angel Gabriel had announced it to her and although she did not fully understand the implications of what was about to happen to her at her young age, she accepted God's will for her life.

But what did Joseph have to say about all of this? After all, they were engaged. For the three months of her pregnancy, she had been away visiting her cousin Elizabeth. Now she was going back to Nazareth. Her pregnancy was not going to stay hidden for much longer. How was she going to explain to Joseph her condition and what was he going to do with her? What could she do but trust in God? Her only and best option, of course.
Legally though Joseph could have had her stoned to death. Deuteronomy 22:23-23. But, he knew that Mary was a good woman and he did not want to disgrace her publically. He loved her even though he did not know or understand what was going on either.
If Mary had been confused, what must had it been like for this man whose girl had been promised to him and now it was on him to decide what must be done? How long did it take for him to come to terms with this situation that he had not foreseen?
The bible doesn't say. But what it does tell us is that one night he had a special visitation that would give him clarity on what was actually happening with Mary. This angel told Joseph to not be afraid because the baby that she carried had been conceived of the Holy Spirit and he was to take her as his wife and have the child and name him Immanuel and that he would grow up to save the people from their sins as it had been prophesied many years before

What a challenge God had presented to this couple. But, God knew that it was one of which they would accept out of all the people that lived. They had no doubt been ordained from the beginning of the world to complete this far out mission that would eventually come. This would be no ordinary thing. It would require a most unusual couple that would face it despite their initial fear and confusion. God had known what he was doing.
And so we know then what Joseph did. He too accepted God's will for him and Mary. He too accepted God's challenge and soon the baby that would be King would be born.

Coming tomorrow: A Baby is born
Thanks for your visit today Friends. May God's Peace and Blessing surpass all understanding during this Season of God's indescribable grace to us!

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