Saturday, December 22, 2018

The History Behind the Christmas Story (Part Five)

Jane Crowther — Three Kings Journey  (650x912)The Magi had come to Jerusalem when they heard of the birth of Jesus and wanted to find him. King Herod had also heard about the baby that had been born and he thought that this baby would grow up and try to take his place as King. He wasn't about to have anyone taking away his throne.

The Magi had seen an unusual stellar event and because they believed God, they knew it was the star that would lead them to Jesus. And so they decided to follow the star to find him.

King Herod told them that when they found the baby, let him know where he was so that he could go to worship him as well.
And so the Magi followed the star and when it stopped, they knew that this place was where Jesus was. And they saw him with his mother Mary and immediately they bowed to worship him. And then they presented him with their gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh.

Image result for 3 kingsAfter that, they were about to return to tell King Herod where they had found Jesus, but in a dream were warned not to go there because the king did not want to worship him as he told them. He wanted to kill Him. And so they went another route to go back home.

The Bible does not say that these Magi were kings as we hear today. And it does not say that there were three of them. It is thought that there were three because of the three gifts that had been presented to Jesus. They were astrologers and back in those days, astronomy and astrology went hand in hand with each other. And so they were very intelligent. And most likely very rich.

Tradition says their names were Gaspar (Caspar), Melchior, and Balthasar. But since the Bible does not say, we really do not know for sure. The bible says they came from the east which means they traveled 800-900 miles to see the Christ Child. We don't know much more about them except that they wanted to see Jesus, and when they did they worshipped Him and then when warned not to go back to King Herod, they obeyed God and not man.

What can we learn from the Christmas story so far?  God sent his only Son Jesus Christ who was born of a virgin, to poor people. Not as an entitled child that would one day sit on a throne to rule over us. But to grow up to give Himself for the redemption of our sin. He came to poor people and rich people alike. And God his Father was not about to let him be killed by an evil king that was out to destroy him.

But so the story goes on even today. People have tried killing Jesus over and over. Sure they succeeded in nailing Him to a cross. over 2000 years ago. And they thought with joy that they had done it. But it was part of God's plan all along, and not their own. They thought they had Him destroyed until He rose from the grave to once again walk the earth again. And He still lives today, willing and able to forgive those that will put their trust in Him. It doesn't matter where we have been or what we have done. He will forgive and though people still today try to stamp out his love for us by misguiding stories and false teachings and lies, He still lives on in the hearts of the believers that stand up for the truth that they know in their hearts. That this baby was born to grow up and save a sinful world, for those that trust God and put their faith in Him. Do we believe or do we try to stamp out His story as pure fiction? Because the bible tells us as a baby He was marked to be destroyed, and at the cross, He was marked again, and as He still is today by the ignorance of people,  and yet God is not going to let him be destroyed, ever! No matter who tries! Do we take God at his word like the Magi did and be obedient to Him, or do we believe in the lies that others want us to believe?

 Because it will come down to us, at the end of our lives, it is the answers to those questions that will matter. Who do we believe? Who do we put our faith in? Trusting in Jesus is the Only Answer

If you have never trusted Jesus before, you can do it now. How do you do that? By sincerely praying the following prayer. It doesn't matter where you are in your life. You don't have to clean yourself up for God. He will help you do that once you have trusted Him. And it doesn't matter where you are physically right now. At home, at work in front of your computer. On a bus on your way somewhere. Just bow your head and pray.

♡ Hallelujah ♡ TYJ ♡ Amen ♡

If you have done that, it is the beginning of a new life in Christ. And all the angels in heaven are rejoicing over you when you have repented of your sins! Luke 15:10. What a wonderful thing God does for us. 

Thanks for coming today Friends. Up tomorrow: What happened when the Magi did not report the whereabouts of Jesus to King Herod? Come back for the answer to that question. God bless!

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James 1:9-11

  9  Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: 10  But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the gra...