Monday, December 24, 2018

The History Behind The Christmas Story (Part 7)

Flight to Egypt.  Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. King Herold had become ill and died. He left quite a legacy for the murdering of many people during his reign as King. To learn more about him, please visit That the World May Know | Herod's Family if you are interested.

And we know that he had played a part in the Christmas Story. However, though that may be, the Christmas Story does not end with King Herod, nor does it even end at all.

After his death, an angel had told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus back to the land of Jerusalem. But he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea because as a ruler, he was worse than his father Herod had been. And so Joseph took his family and went back to their hometown of Nazareth where Jesus then grew up.

Looking back from the time of when both Mary and Joseph first found out that an unusual occurrence was going to enable them to parent the very nature of God by bearing his only Son, to now the time of their return to Nazareth, it would seem that this is the end of the Christmas Story. But no, this is just the beginning. The beginning of the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. At least here on earth.

God had sent His Son to be born, and then to minister to people before he was crucified for no crimes but just for claiming His rightful position as the Son of God. His own people could not fatham such a thing and though He did have followers that knew He was as He said He was, there were those bent on destroying Him for it.

They did not realize that their attempts to kill him were futile because He was God's Son and no grave would hold him, nothing would destroy his purpose for being born and then growing up to finally be crucified. Nothing at all. And nothing ever will despite how people have tried to destroy His message all through the ages since His birth to his ascent into heaven. The gospel lives on and will forever. That is fact that will not be denied or destroyed, no matter who tries to.

The baby Jesus came to give us life and life abundantly (John 10:10). And that is what the Christmas Story is all about.

Luke 1:33 - Verse for October 21

And He sall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His Kingdom shall never end. Luke 1:33. Amen!

Thank you for coming here today. May God be your Rock, for blessed is the Rock of our Salvation. Psalm 18:46. I hope you will be back tomorrow!

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James 1:9-11

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