Thursday, December 13, 2018

31 Days of Christmas/What We Know (Day 12 & 13)

Christmas in NorwayChristmas in Norway was not celebrated until Christianity came to it in 1000 or 1100. Up until then, the people celebrated the middle of winter called jul because the harvest was gone and they could look forward to the coming of spring,

Children in some parts of Norway dress up in the costumes of the Christmas story to go caroling. And in some parts families light a candle each night from Christmas Eve until New Years Day.

The traditional meal in Norway is pork or mutton ribs served with red or white cabbage and potatoes called 'sukal.'Many cakes and biscuits are eaten and Rice Porridge is eaten on Christmas Eve. Traditionally, if you find an almond in your porridge you are given a pink or white marzipan pig which is a candy in the shape of a pig.

Nisser (in Norway & Denmark), Tomtar (in Sweden) or Tonttu (in Finnish) are the elves of folklore that Scandinavians have loved for generations. Yours will bring your family good fortune in the coming year if you remember him with a Christmas Eve treat.

The people of Norway exchange their gifts on Christmas Eve. Presents are brought by Santa Claus and little gnomes called 'Nisse.' During Advent in December, small gifts may be given each day leading up to Christmas Day. They are known as Adventsgave or Kalendargave.

Springbok Cardinal Holiday Retreat 1000pc Jigsaw Puzzle - image 1 of 1

Another tradition that is done during December is the people often put out a sheaf of wheat for the birds and also a type of rice pudding is left out for the 'Nisse' because it is believed that they guard the farm animals.

These are just a few traditions that the people of Norway use to celebrate Christmas in their country. For more information please go to Christmas in Norway -- Christmas Around the World -- whychristmas?com

Hi Friends. So what is the meaning of the 11 pipers piping?
Answer: Day 11 January 4th celebrates the first American St.Elizabeth Ann Seton who lived during the 18th and 19th centuries.

I wanted to wrap this part of the meanings of 'The Twelve Days of Christmas" up yesterday, but as you know, if you were here to visit I did not post my usual blog. So I am going to just give you the meaning of the last symbol of the song in that carol which is 'Twelve Drummers Drumming.'

And the answer to that one is:
Day 12 January 5th is known as Epiphany Eve. St. John Neumann was the first American Bishop and he lived during the 19th century.
rifle paper co. 12 days of xmas card...  1.A partridge in a pear tree!  2.Two turtle doves,  3.Three French hens,  4.Four calling birds,  5.Five golden rings,  6.Six geese a-laying,  7.Seven swans a-swimming,  8.Eight maids a-milking,  9.Nine ladies dancing,  10.Ten lords a-leaping,  11.Eleven pipers piping,  12.Twelve drummers drumming,
This concludes this part of what these symbols of this carol are. But I still have a question about them. What do they actually mean? Have you ever questioned that and wondered? Or perhaps even looked them up? Or have you, like me just taken it granted that they are just a part of a song that someone wrote?  I hope that in tomorrows blog I will be able to bring it together so that we can better understand where this carol came from, how it originated and what it meant to those that sang it back so many years ago. I hope you will come for a visit tomorrow to find out about how it all got started.

Also, today is the last day for the Christmas traditions of other countries. Tomorrow, I will be starting something new. In the meantime, thanks for coming by and have a blessed day!

Merry Be Your Christmas Peaceful Be Your Home Joyful Be Your Family Blessed Be Each One

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Lamentations 3:27

27  It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. 3:21-36 Having stated his distress and temptation, the prophet shows how he was...