Friday, August 28, 2020

Forgive All My Sins

The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant. My eyes are ever towards the Lord, for he shall  release my feet from the snare. Turn to me and be merciful to me for I am desolate and afflicted.The troubles of my heart have grown,  O bring me out of my distresses. Look at my affliction, and my pain and forgive all my sins. Psalm 25:14-18.

Feel my pain and see my trouble.    Forgive all my sins. Psalm 25:18

Yesterday's Trivia Question:

In verse 23, what did David mean when he said this, "...I shall go to him, but he he shall not return to me." 

Because of David's sin, (he had Bathsheba's husband killed so that he could sleep with her), and the fact that he had impregnated her, God's judgement on him was for David's son to die. David knew that his son was now with God in heaven and he could not bring him back, but he would one day see him when he himself went to be with God.

Hello Friends. I am not offering a trivia question for tomorrow. Since it is the Lord's Day, I am going to change gears a bit and do something different. The next trivia question will be on Monday. Have a wonderfully blessed day today! Thanks for coming by.

Hello Saturday Blessing -

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