Thursday, November 12, 2020

End Times Signs: #7 You Shall Be Betrayed

Fifty-one percent of the reported fire incidents at U.S. houses of worship between 1996 and 2015 were determined to be caused by arson, according to a recent analysis by the Pew Research Center.

And you shall be betrayed by both parents and brethren, and kinfolk and friends and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. And you shall be hated and put to death for my names sake. Luke 21:16-17

This has not just taken place in recent years, as we have seen. Jesus himself was hated by government officials in his day. We know that it was they that tried to get rid of him and his teachings by death. And even some of his friends and followers had denied him. Then came the apostles. They were beaten, thrown into prison and ultimately put to death.

The Christian community of today is ridiculed and many of our own government officials are trying to override our own faith by taking prayer out of the classroom, getting rid of Christian symbols, and are trying to even take the word 'Christmas' out of our holidays simply replacing it with words like 'winter festival, happy holidays' and such. And of course there are plenty of people that are only too glad to follow after them, in getting rid of anything and everyone. pertaining to Christ.

If you take a look at the following websites, you can read about pastors and missionaries that had given their lives for the cause of the gospel of Christ as well as churches and people killed right here in our own country.  

Boko Haram Executes Pastor Who Turned Hostage Video into T...... | News & Reporting | Christianity Today

Pentecostal Pastor Beheaded in Tanzania - Christian News Headlines

Two Christian aid workers executed in Nigeria  - Baptist Press

News Details - Martyrs for Christ

Killed for Christ in the Amazon - BBC News

Taliban Claims Responsibility for Killing 'Christian Missionaries' | Voice of America - English

These are just a few. But then, what about right here in America?

Black Lives Matter protesters turn rage to churches, religious statues - Washington Times

Security Warning: Churches a Rising Target for Attack |

Texas church shooting is latest of many attacks at US houses of worship in recent years | Fox News

16th Street Baptist Church bombing | History & Four Girls | Britannica

Betrayal does not stop on the outside of our homes. It exist within ur own families when they think we are crazy for following Jesus. If you haven't already had it happen, it could. Children against parents, siblings against siblings, other members of our family against us. And vice versa in all. 

Will these attacks ever stop? Oh, thankfully yes! When Jesus returns to earth to take authority over all evil. But we don't know when that will be?

The question is "Why is this happening and what can we do about it?

And what does Luke 21;18-19 mean in all of this?

Thanks for coming by, Fiends?  Amidst all of the evil going on in the world, our trust in Jesus, so have a blessed day!

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James 1:9-11

  9  Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: 10  But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the gra...