Sunday, April 4, 2021

An Empty Tomb Ensures Us of Our Security


It was sudden. Something that no one expected..  A convulsing of the earth.  A great earthquake. And then an angel of he Lord appeared, to roll the stone away from the tomb where the body of Jesus had been placed. so that no one could come and take it away claiming he had risen from the grave, as he said he would. 

But that tomb could not hold him. Those that had killed him did not have the final authority on what was to happen.

 Only God had that authority.

And as the stone was rolled away, Jesus came out clothed in dressing so bright, that the guards fell to the ground!

I wonder what it was like that day, to witness an event that was privy to those that had just helped nail him to the cross and watched him die his slow and painful death just hours before. 

Because Jesus could really have made this a fantastic event, seen by the throngs of people that followed him during the last three years. And to his friends and those that truly loved him. All cheering the fact that he was alive! And yet, it was those guards that were present for this miracle of his grand appearance. 

Those that followed him and believed, well maybe they didn't need to actually see him come out of the grave.. They didn't really understand what was to happen, but they would believe it when he appeared to them that day and as the days went on. Maybe because the guards were unbelievers that God wanted to show them what they had done to his Son. So that they could then believe as well.  Maybe it was a second chance for them. Only God knows why.

And what about satan and his cohorts in hell?

Were they shocked?  Speechless? At a loss for words? 

I am doubtful they were any of those things by now. Because they knew the scriptures, They knew the prophecies from the time they were revealed  by Isiah. Did they really think they could have stopped Jesus? If they were laughing during that time....

they weren't laughing now. 

I don't think Jesus had calmly walked out and said, "Hi guys. I am back. Give me a high five."                                           

No, I imagine that Jesus had burst out!

He hadn't had to announce it to those guards. They saw that he was alive!

Alive, indeed!

And if there was moaning by the demons of hell, surely there was rejoicing in heavens by the angels that had believed that Jesus would do just what he had been born a human....

to do. 

Maybe even with trumpets and horns blowing loudly!

Life would never be the same. Sin had been defeated. The devil had been made the liar that he was. And because of Jesus and the empty tomb, we can rejoice, knowing that because he does live, we can be free! And a mansion for us with him in heaven that waits for us!

Praise you Jesus, and thank you for dying for us!

Today's post is partially from Mathew 28: 2-4 Thank you so much for coming by, Friend. May God bless you on this Easter Day knowing that his death gave us our life! 


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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...