Monday, April 19, 2021

Into Every LIfe a Little Rain Must Fall

  O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; Psalm 63:1

Here in Florida, where I live, it has been raining almost all night and it is still coming down out there. During the night, there were even thunderstorms part of the time, though they have ceased. At least for now.

It truly is not a dry and thirsty land here right now. But I think back to the times when my soul felt like it was dry and thirsty. Times when I was away from my Creator and my flesh was not longing for him. Those times when I even had no interest in knowing what God thought of me.

But in 1841, Longfellow penned these words, "Into each life a little rain must fall." And it is said that he meant that everyone will experience difficulty and heartache at some point."  into our lives a little rain must fall - Google Search

My experiences in life, sure have proved both of those, both God's word, and his statement. As I am sure that it is true of your life as well. Life is just not easy. We go through the cycles of not enough rain in life to too much rain. Our souls become parched at times, and then drenched at other times.

Why does God let that happen? Maybe he has something he needs to teach me. When the drought doesn't doesn't bring me to him, the rain does because he might then allow me to go through a sickness or a financial problem that will turn my attention back to him.

 My soul becomes dry, empty and barren as that of a desert. And so then sometimes, to get my attention, he must turn on the flood waters as he did in Noah's day to try and get my attention.

Water of course, can be cleansing. It can feel good to us. It can wipe away the dry dirt that wants to otherwise cling to our soul. 

But too much, can over take and drown us, if we aren't careful.

I think that is why seeking God, is the answer. If we do that to the best of our ability, our soul neither has to be dry and stagnant, or flooded with too much heartache.

However, in either situation, he is always there for us. When we sincerely seek him. Because he loves us. 

Thanks for coming by today, Friends. I will still be online for a short time and will continue with a short post on days that I can, until further notice. God bless!

(Last note. As I sign off of this now, the rain has stopped, the sun is out and the birds are singing. Isn't God good!)

God bless you 💕 Mariam malki18


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Psalm 119:165

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