Thursday, April 1, 2021

Don't Sit on the Fence

We got a good start on another project! Today we finished the rock border on one side of our fence. The rock has been patiently waiting for ...

 What is it about the government that holds true throughout time even from bible days. Many in government, lie, cheat, go after what they want no matter who they step on to get there.

In Jesus day, they lied about him. Or at least many did. And those that maybe were on the fence about him, or even believed him,  could be bought off to lie and why not? Being paid to lie was a much better reward, then speaking the truth and perhaps being imprisoned, or even being killed for it.

Judas was one who had been paid for giving away who he knew in his heart, who Jesus really was. Look where it got him. Thirty pieces of silver which he thought he had wanted. And then he ended up throwing it back and went off to commit suicide.

Because why? Because he knew.

He knew. He knew who Jesus really was and he was ashamed for what he had done.

Even the devil knows who Jesus is. And that fact was behind the whole deal with Judas. 

Then there are those Roman Soldiers that were paid to lie and say that the disciples had taken the body of Jesus away in the night. Did they know really what happened? Well, they did figure it out. 

There had been an earthquake. An Angel of the Lord came down to roll away the stone, and Jesus

 emerged dressed in clothing as white as snow. There could be no mistaking him for dead. His appearance was as that of lighting. 

And those soldiers? They shook so bad that they fainted and appeared to be dead themselves.

But then they were then paid off by the government officials to say the disciples had stolen his body. 

None of them knew their lies would catch up with them. At the time of his coming out of that tomb, and until he went back to heaven, he was showing up in too many places, being seen by too many people for his enemies to be able to cover up their lie completely.

Just as those in that day were made to pay their own price, so will those of today that are still trying to buy people off and snuff Jesus out from the truth, they  too will eventually pay a price.

A heavy one. If they don't repent. 

While we meditate on Jesus as Easter Sunday approaches, let us remember that our eternity is all too important then to be trying for that silver, or even sitting on a fence. 

 No amount of money would be worth it to me. Better to die with Jesus then to live without him. 

His price was too high for us to reject him. Because one day, we too will see his appearance as lighting and his dress as white as snow. And we will not want to faint away as did the soldiers that were probably by that time, sitting on their own fences.

As one of them said, while Jesus was still on the cross, and had committed himself to his father"

"Surly this man was the Son of God."  How many more of them had said that of him? 

How many will say that when they see him face to face? They won't be able to deny it then. No matter how they lived their life on earth. And for too many, it will be too late. 


Today's post comes from Mathew 28.  Thanks for coming, Friends. Have a blessed day!

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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...