Wednesday, April 7, 2021

May 22 and Beyond: The Aftermath (part three)

 Harold Camping: What We Know About Him and His Personal Beliefs About God and the Bible

According to Wikipedia, Harold Camping was a American Radio Broadcaster and evangelist. In October 2011 he maintained a role at Family Radio until his death. (December 15, 2013) He had predicted several  end time judgements about the world ending, and all failed to come true.

His first prediction was for on or about September 6, 1994. When that didn't occur, he revised it to September 29 and then to October 2. In October of 2005, he then predicted the Rapture would  occur on October 21, 2011 where by those saved would be taken to heaven, and fire and brimstone and plagues on the earth, would follow for five months with  millions of people dying every day until October 21, 2011 when the world would finally be destroyed.

After his May 21 warnings passed without judgement occurring, he changed his teaching of it to there had been a "spiritual judgement" on that date, and the physical judgement would take place on October 21st. with the destruction of the world at the same time.

Camping suffered a stroke in June of 2011 and largely avoided press interviews after May 21, save for one interview on May 23rd. After October 21, 2011 passed with no forthcoming Judgement, he was called a false prophet by mainstream media and they said that his ministry would fail.

In a private interview, Wikipedia states that Camping admitted that he no longer believed that anyone could know the time of the Rapture or the end of the world, and stated that his prediction was sinful.

After his failed predictions, Family Radio suffered a huge loss of assets, staff and revenue.

(My notes), I guess he calculated his biblical dates wrong. Right? But I am wondering, why a Christian Radio Station would not hold him to God's word on Mathew 24:36? Didn't anyone question him there, or were they just to busy watching the millions of dollars roll in?

And there is the other side of it. And that is all those people that were sending the donations in. Didn't any of them hold his feet to the fire and make him explain to them why he no longer believed that Mathew 24:36 was correct? Surely, someone did. Right?

Because believe me, he had an answer for that. And some other things as well. Come back tomorrow. I think it gets more and more interesting as we go.

In the mean time, thanks for coming. Have a blessed day 

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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...