Wednesday, March 31, 2021

In Remembrance of What Jesus Did For Us!

“Perché, se pecchiamo volontariamente dopo aver ricevuto la conoscenza della verità, non resta più alcun sacrificio per i peccati; rimangono una terribile attesa del giudizio e l’ardor d’un fuoco che divorerà gli avversari” (Ebrei 10:26–27). ...#Gesù #GesùCristo #Lacroce #Lasalvezza #PredicazioneEvangelica #Cristo #Fede

I know that this being Holy Week as we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord,  I have not been as much focused on that, as I should be. I have some reasons that I can give you. One big one isthe fact that we have finally found a home and anticipate a closing date coming up very soon. In the mean time, we have seemed to run around crazy trying to get things done working towards it. Like selling our home in Ohio, finding a new place, getting a loan...and much more. It has been one thing after another.  

Life at 69 has not settled down, as I once thought it would. 

In the mean time, we have also helped some family members with things on different occasions. Not because we had to. But because they have given us so much of their help all through this transition of moving and then getting acquainted with a new city, a new state and new situations.

And because they are family. And family helps other family out.

Now we are finally about ready to close a deal and the next steps will be to get everything out of storage and get moved in. No easy task, I assure you.

In the mean time, I have been trying to do the best I can to keep up with the series I have been doing on Harold Camping. A lot of days, I have just had to take time off for it to do other important things. Sometimes just to get some rest. 

For me, these are important reasons.And yet, all in all. I have not been so much focused on what should be (and really is) the most important part of life every year. The Easter Celebration. Because, that time is what we as Christians live for. 

God forgive me for my important albeit  misguided life these days!

And so, for this weekend, I am going to repeat excerpts  of the blogs and maybe some writings from another site, that I have done in the past. I hope you will find that acceptable and stick with me. I will get back to Harold Camping next week. 

From  April 12, 2019

Jesus had just a few hours before, had been having supper with his friends. He had been trying to tell them what was about to happen. He had explained that one of them would sell him out. And that Peter would deny him 3 times. After supper, they went to Gethsemane where he became very troubled. He knew he was facing the very reason he was born on this earth. And it was less then a very pleasing thought now. It was causing him so much anguish that he wanted to back out. But he knew it was his Father's will to proceed and he knew he had to go through with it. 

After he was through praying, Judas and the Roman Soldiers came up. Judas had been the one to sell Jesus out as he gave him a kiss. And he did it for just 30 pieces of silver. The amount he was willing to pay for his "friends" life. But he did and now Jesus was arrested and taken before the high priest and the chief priests and  the whole Sanhedrin.looking on.  

They had been looking for anything they could use against Jesus to just get rid of him for good. The only answer that Jesus himself would give them was that he was 'the Son of the Living God' to which it was clear. Jesus was worthy only of death.

He was to be flogged and crucified. And when the soldiers had their fun mocking him and had stripped him of his clothes, they led him off to the place where he would be on display for everyone to see. Because, as they "knew" he was not really the Son of God as he claimed. What God would ever allow his Son to be humiliated like that. Jesus was just not who he claimed to be and they were going to prove it.

And Jesus hung on the cross until about evening when they made sure that he was dead. While his grief stricken mother and friends looked on. What if he wasn't really the Son of God? Had they had any real doubt? Perhaps even just an inkling? Would he really come out of that tomb as he said he would? Or did they just take it for granted that he was in there and he wasn't coming out alive?

Today's scripture references: Mathew 26:36-67, 27:11:61

April 12, 2019 Easter Reading: With a loud cry Jesus breathed his last. And the curtain in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. When the centurion who stood in front of Jesus saw how he had died, he said "Surely, this man was the Son of God.

Jesus had cried out "It is finished." in John 19:30 that day. But it was not finished. Not really. He would arise from the grave to spend a few more days with those he loved. And then go to heaven where he has been since the beginning of time until his birth. What a miracle that had been. The work he started here on earth is not finished. It has gone on and on and will forever more. Despite the objections  and  workings of man through satan himself, to destroy what Jesus had done.

What was finished is the reason he was born in the first place. That was to fulfill the prophesy in Isaiah 53 about his suffering and death. Now it was done and for good reason. So that all could escape hell for a life in heaven.

He had not had to die on the cross for our sin. God his Father did not make him do it. It was his choice. He had not wanted to go through what he knew would be a cruel death. Not even God wanted that.  But because it was the will of God, he took all the sin in the world upon himself, to free us from it.

How great is our God?  Need we ask that question today as we think on what he did for us? No. Because he is and it is available to all that sincerely seek him

Our God is Great, alive and worthy to be praised!

God bless you ! May we allow him to do his good work in our hearts! 

And so were you!

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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...