Friday, March 12, 2021

No One Knows (part thirteen)

 "I totally understand,...I have witnessed to her in so many conversations. It's not for everyone and I can't open her eyes. I have tried so many times, You know, I have read to her so many scriptures and I told her, do you see what God is doing here? And she just gets the surface of it. She gets the physicalness of it (my question for that sentence is: what does that mean?) I just had to write her and, tell, I am sorry you don't see these things, but from here and to the end, I am just not going to continue this back and forth. And it is going to happen. She's known about it for five years and I have sent her so much material and if you don't look into it, you are not just going to believe in it when waking up one day. And so I think since it is better for me since it is so close to the end, to cut ties with her because its just...umm, I can't focus. on that when there is so much more important things..." (pregnant lady speaking to the (camera, Wheats and Tares/Amazon Video

Next video clip:

Dear Mom, 

You really do underestimate my God given knowledge of the Bible and how aware I am of people whose eyes are not open think about this. You do not know the mysteries of God. Only the saints do. So I am not blaming you for this, its just not meant for you. I feel very sorry for you. God has bundled you up and blinded you. I am so done with this and I am glad that God has led us here so that I am far away from my family which is a major distraction. I love you all but not in the way that you talk about love. You may feel worried or sad for me but truly I feel sad for you. What will you do on May 22? (she says something then that I could not figure out what it was but then she says...) You might as well kill yourself because that is what anyone has to look forward death. I am done explaining this to deaf ears. God bless you.(pregnant lady's letter to her mother Wheat and Tares/Amazon Video

My notes. How very sad is this. Being led to believe these lies. That she is not going to be on earth after May 21st. That she had to try to convince her mother of it and spent five years trying to all to no avail. That she was glad that she had moved away from her family because they were distracting her from it. That they might as well kill themselves because that is all they had to look forward to. What a thing to say to your family. And there is the part about the saints are the ones that know the mysteries of God. Yes, God has opened up the mysteries of God to the saints. But just some mysteries.. There is so much more that we don't understand and know.


But then what did she mean by that statement that God has bundled her mom up and protected her? Is that some other mumbo jumbo from Harold Camp's teaching? Or is it biblical? (Come back next time for that possible answer.)

At any rate, she had given up on her mom. No more trying to convince her. The time for her leaving was about up. There was too many other important things to think on: Worry about where her children was going to end up-perhaps? 

Going out on the street corners that she might still be able to convince people that the end was about up? Was she telling them the same thing: If you don't accept my message, you might as well kill yourself....

Praying for those that she loved and not giving up on them that way?

Just being about ready to deliver a baby was stressful in itself. How was she handling that during this time?

It had to be a sad time for her. I can only imagine. Because she might have been joyfully convinced about going to heaven, but sad about who was not going with her. All because...


At least not on May 21st. Nor has the Rapture yet come. But I have some questions about what these people believe. There is more to the Rapture then what I have heard so far. What do they think about those that will happen to the ones that are left behind? And you look at all the materials that were printed out and handed out to people. Where did that money come from for them? It is said by someone when rating this video that Camping himself benefitted from a lot of money from his followers. Is this true, or did most of it go to the materials they handed out?

I hope to address these questions and much more as I continue this series. Thanks for coming. Have a blessed day!

Treasure Box Gif Creations: March Blessing

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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...