Sunday, March 28, 2021

May 22 and Beyond, the Aftermath (part one)

Looking into the life of Harold Camping, I found some interesting albeit some curious things about him and I wondered how such a man could amass so many people into following him, that believed that Jesus Christ and end time events, and yet they looked over the fact that Jesus had specifically said in Mark 13:32, that no one knows the day or the hour when he would come back. Not only that but Mathew 7:15 says to watch out for false prophets that come in sheep clothing...and again I wonder how he got so many to believe the things he had been teaching the things he did.       

If his followers had really done that, and then looked into Harold Camping himself, no doubt they would have not been ashamed or embarrassed when none of his three predictions had come true. And they would not have had to face their scoffers.

Who was Harold Camping?

Curious minds want to know,. 

Was he a pastor, and evangelist? Something else?

Who was he who had said of himself that those dates were revealed to him by God? Was he a prophet, a bible teacher, a bible scholar? Did Camping really believe he was a prophet that considered himself as a modern day Noah and what else, if anything else did he believe in ,that was also false. Or even true, for that matter about God and the bible?  To date, the only teachings I find connected with him are this end time revelation, about Sept 24, May 21, and Oct.24. Didn't he teach any other  parts of the bible, as well? Because the whole bible is important, or God would have given so much less to us about it then he did. He (God) had much more he wanted us to know, then just about end times or he would not have given us the rest as well, is what I am trying to say.

Was he a fraud set out to fool people into giving him their hard earned money? What was that research and  who did it and did they share it with all of those followers, or just blindly lead people into thinking that they didn't need to do the research themselves and just believe what they said  as truth

I know that there are many cults these days that preach crazy things that may seem easy to see that they are able to fool people. But this one did believe in the second coming of Jesus.
And was it just enough truth, to usher in lies and fool people?

 2 Timothy 2:15 is so important: Study to show thyself approved, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth

The word of truth in this situation? We know that Harold Camping was wrong in his predictions. He claimed that God revealed those things to him. And obviously, that was not truth, so much so he 
convinced people to give him their money. 

That divides truth a truth from a lie, according to God's word.

For the next few days, we will dig more into his beliefs, and see what we can find out so stay turned. In the meantime, thanks for coming. I apologize for being away from my blog over the weekend. It was a busy time. God bless!
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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...