Saturday, March 6, 2021

No One Knows (part nine)

 The Woman and Her Children. What Did She Think Might Happen to Her Daughter and Her Unborn Baby When She Would be Raptured to Heaven on May 21, 2021?

"Its funny, me and my husband talk about,,,imagine about people that are nine months pregnant on May 21or people that gave birth right before and I would think about it and I would be nervous for them. I would think like I am glad that won't be me. And then lo and behold, I am there."  (See Wheat and Tares/Amazon Prime)

Due to medical issues, this lady did not think she could conceive. But she did and so it made her wonder what God was up to. Is God setting this all up? (Not sure what she meant by that exactly.) Did he give them these children in order to save them, because its in the end times and he is saving the most people ever?

She says she looks at everything and how God set everything up in their lives and of her daughter she says she sings hymns and talks about God. And then she says that she knows that doesn't really mean anything because that is the outward appearance. But then she says that whatever plan God has for her, (daughter) she has to be content in that. She says she knows she is better with Him, then with them. (her parents, I assume)

Then they are sitting at the table getting ready to eat and her husband prays that God will apply this message to her heart and that she can be saved, as well as their baby boy.

After that, mom goes on to explain to the little girl that God is coming back and they are going to see Him. Mom seems worried, or at least concerned about it, it seems to me. But that is just my own opinion in watching this. 

They aren't real sure which it is going to be. Maybe the children will go and be with them, maybe they won't. (again, my opinion)

Is she worried that her children may not go to heaven with them. That these last few days may be the last few days she will spend with them.

I don't know. But their conversation about that, ends there. Maybe, we will pick it up again later in the video. If so, I will let you know. Or be sure you see it for yourselves, if you choose to at:   Watch Wheat and Tares | Prime Video

My own belief though is that while we can see that Harold Camping is off base on at least some of what he believes the bible says, we do know that God is a loving God and could he really have us believe that babies not yet born, babies that are not yet talking, or even small children too young to know Him, would be taboo in heaven, and not allowed to be there with him. 

In most everything we do from the crib to adult and as we age, we learn things. How to do things, how to live, how to love and how we come to know Jesus. How can a tiny baby know to have a Savior? They can't. That is one thing they can learn as they grow. And so there is that question again. Where will he go, if he dies when he is tiny or as a small child, as Camping claims? I think that is crazy to think he won't go to heaven.

I don't know about you. But I am with David of the bible. He went to be with his son who could not come to him, and so for those that have lost a child before the age that they can understand their need for a Savior, we can one day go to them, if we  too, know Jesus. 

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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...