Wednesday, March 3, 2021

No One Knows (part seven)


"They do not understand that every word in the original languages of Hebrew in the Old Testament  and the Greek in the New Testament was dictated by the lips of God."  (Harold Camping: Wheats and Tares/Amazon Prime)

The problem with that statement, is the fact that it does not line up with what he said was going to happen May 21, 2011 and in connection to Mark 13:32. (I hope that makes sense) Ok so maybe what I am trying to say, is that it just plain does not make any sense.

If he truly believed that "...every word was dictated by the lips of God" then how could he make a prediction about the end of the world not only once but three times? Because clearly, he was saying something different then what God had said about the end of the world. So what? He didn't believe God was dictating his word correctly but Camping was? That statement above does not go with his own teaching.

However, he did say later that God had given him the revelation about the end of the world. But more on that, when it comes up in the video.

Consider this:  The grass withers, and the flower fades but the word of God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8

And what about this?  I testify that any man that hears the prophecy of this book, if any man adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues written in this book. And if any man takes away from the words of this book of prophesy, God shall away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things that are written in this book. Revelation 22:18-19

And so along with the fact that God's word is forever and does not change, comes some pretty dire warnings that we are not to add to or take away from what he tells us in it. 

If we do that, then the word of God is no longer his. It becomes the word of someone that has added to or taken away from it. 

So where did that leave Harold Camping? He added to it and really essentially took away from it, and maybe even calling God a liar? It seems to me, he did all three, but I am not God, and that is only my conclusion. He at least added to it, I think.

May 21, 2011 came and went and nothing happened as he claimed it would. He does admit later that he was wrong and that finally he realized that yes, no one knows the day or the hour. Did God keep his own promise that he would do those things in Revelation 22 for misleading people? 

I cannot say, but he did go through some difficult days, had some health problems and died a couple years later. Was that a result of his teachings? God keeps his word, we know that.

But then he was in his 90s, so maybe it was just his time, and he could have died anyway, even if he had not tried to alter God's word. 

Only goes knows.

When we get to the parts of the video that is after May 21, 2011 perhaps we will get more insight on the aftermath of what happened. 

In the meantime, in the next post, I will be looking into what he had said about babies needing a Savior. What did he mean by that? Please come back or feel free to take a look at Wheat and Tares, for yourself. It is quite interesting because while he does not seem to be a regular cult leader as most that we have heard of, his teaching did mislead a lot of people that did not take the word of God seriously enough to "really study" it as he himself had said. And evidentially, neither did he.

Thanks for coming, Friends. Have a blessed day!


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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...