Saturday, March 20, 2021

Are They Crazy? ( part sixteen)

Sounds about right

Are They Crazy?

The people in this video (The Wheats and Tares/Prime Video} appears to be good people that really do love the Lord. Not "crazy" as some would call them. But people not only anxious for the day to come when they will go to be with Jesus for eternity as He promises, but also concerned for those that have not accepted His invitation and will not. 

Including some of their own family members. 

But they have it on God's prophecy to Harold Camping. Right? Because after all, he is the modern day Noah. Or so they believe.

But let me say this before going on, about Camping. I don't think he is probably a bad person trying to deceive people. I don't know his heart. Only God does. 

But, he was very misled. And in turn misled a lot of people. That misled many more!

In the next clip, it is the day before this event was to happen. May 20, 2011. The teenage boy is not one of those believers. He believes that it will not happens but  wonders what will happen the next day-when it doesn't. 

He hopes there will be no loud arguments but he says, "anything could happen." I am sure there were many more that wondered the same kinds of things.

And then a mother has this to say on camera:

"All my children are coming for dinner tonight. Kind of like our last meal together. I am not going to make the evening very heavy. Michael and I have decided they already all know what we believe and and how we believe it and... ummm... unfortunately they don't believe. so thank the Lord that this has not torn us apart in any way because I know that it has torn many families apart and I am so glad that it hasn't torn our family apart in that way. And we can still come together and we can eat together and enjoy each others company. I spoke to my sister while we were at my mom's house ya know and she's worried about me and the whole family is worried about me and they are all concerned about ya know, what I'm gonna do or what's gonna happen or am I losing my mind. And its so funny because of the years I was working like a maniac and driven to make money and ya know, careless in my actions and in other ways. We're careless in spending money or things like that. And I was sane then. Right? I was sane. But now when I have total faith in my Lord, ya know, and reading the Word of Life, the Bible faithfully and have really come to a place where I am happy and ya know where I am content with who I am, now I am crazy." (laughs)

I wonder what that "last" meal had been like? Really, how good could have it been within her family?

What did happen after it did not happen? Did it then tear her family apart?  She said she wasn't crazy, even though her family thought she was. Did it make her go crazy when Jesus did not come?

Eventually we may find out. In the mean time we have some interviews from others that were interviewed on May 20th. What were they feeling? What were they saying?

Up next time, we will hear from the pregnant mom, who wasn't so sure what would happen to her children that day. The 24 hours prior to that event had to have been filled with anticipation and anxiety all at once. Come back to find out, or if you prefer, feel free to check what she has to say. 

Thanks for coming. Have a wonderful and blessed day!

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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...