Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Buzz Word on the Streets (part fileen)

Two downloadable motion graphics videos a crowd of people walking towards and also away from the camera with a time lapse motion blur feel of quick walking people.

 What was the buzz going around about the May 21, 2011 event that was supposed to happen among the people that were contemplating their departure to heaven that day?

What must have they been feeling? Happy, sad, fear, joy? What?

The following is one group of those people that may give us a clue. Please note that I have done my best to transcribe it, as it was a bit hard to make out at times.

"Was it Spain? What was it, a tornado, Was it an earthquake?"

(My note: What are they talking about?)

"An earthquake."

"Earthquakes are happening all over the place."

"In Spain and Japan" 

" I think these disasters are like mini judgements."

"I would agree with that 100%."

"Like the bible teaches that many will be dying up until the world is destroyed, so its hard to fathom how everyone will be destroyed by these natural disasters. I think its not something we can comprehend, I don't think its like a traditional natural disaster. Maybe God will allow it to kill a certain number of people, I don't know."

"Like half the people"

"Yeah, yeah. "Also, keep in mind that there are 7 billion people living"


"Imagine that...the castastraphy. It's unimaginable. You even think about it."

"So it's interesting. God has not allowed a lot of people to even hear the message, now it is covered on almost every network across the country, this is the first time even in the Muslim countries that people are declaring judgement day and that has never happened before."

Conversation ends.  As I said, it was a little hard for me to make some of it out. And parts of it doesn't even make sense of it.

But, this group of people whose conversation is above, are riding together somewhere in a car. The take on this for me, is that they are confident in the fact that judgement day is happening on May 21st and will end the world as we know it today. 

The video switches over to many, many people lined up along the streets of that city, getting ready to walk the streets, singing, "Onward, Christian Soldiers".... with their signs and pamphlets preaching 'eight days to judgement. "Don't be ignorant" they call out. (Ummm. Sadly, many people were ignorant.)

They even had cars and trucks spewing out the 'awesome warnings' from Camping about the whole thing. 

The devil sure has done his work and gotten his message through before these people figure out that it was all a lie. What will they do then? 

And so. what is next in this video? Come back next time for more or go to 

Watch Wheat and Tares | Prime Video to watch it for yourself. Thanks for spending some time with me today. God bless!


 as they sing, "Onward Christian Solders..."

The devil has certainly made his message known to many people that when that does come, what will happen when they find out that it was all a lie?

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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...