Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The News Wasn't What We Expected (part nineteen)

 The 21st of May, 2011 has now come and gone. Jesus had not come back for his people after all. It was a hard pill for those that believed in Camping's prediction to swallow. But what now for them?

We heard from Mr. Camping yesterday. Now what follows is the reactions of some of those that we have heard from throughout this video. I will not quote them word for word but will be telling you what they are saying, and of course as usual you may check it out at:    Watch Wheat and Tares | Prime Video

First lady: No one had slept that night. Everyone was up and waiting. During that whole weekend, there had been a lot of information coming up in Facebook. People were putting a lot of their teaching on there. They thought maybe it was a different time. Maybe 12 noon Jerusalem time. So as the different time periods would come and go but after the time period of Jerusalem came and went on May 21, it was clear to me that it wasn't going to happen.

First man: Speaking of May 20th, the expectation of the 21st was overwhelming. I was so wound up and looking at the sky, looking at the sky. Waiting, looking at the sky, waiting for something to happen. Waiting for some news. (My note: I get that he was anxious about the 21st, but why was he already waiting for some news? The earthquakes weren't supposed to happen that day?)  On the 21st the news wasn't what we expected. But we kept waiting because something was going to happen. The 21st goes all the way around the world and then its the 22nd. Now you feel like nothing is going to happen.: 

First lady: I stayed in the house in my pajamas the first couple of days. I am like, Ok Lord, we're going to be stuck down here, either there is no salvation, this world is going to get worse and worse and why are we here?

(my notes) She then talks about things being barren, and it feels like a death. You can't preach the gospel. (My notes: What did that mean.  Maybe people are can't be on the streets preaching now I guess. She sounds angry at God to me. But is God responsible for the fact that now all those people look like idiots to everyone else that can now say, "I told you so."? I

 know they are disappointed, confused and more. But after it was all over, what really did they expect?}

First man: Now, we have to start living life again. We were going and now we are not going. So now we had to deal with people.  But for the next week I didn't want to deal with people. I didn't want to answer my phone, speak to anyone or talk to my neighbors. Because I wasn't supposed to be here. I didn't want to talk to my coworkers because I had nothing to say to them. I am not the same and I don't want to be the same. I still know how to treat people. I am just quieter and very choosy about my words.. We have returned back to our normal life. What people expect to be a normal life

First lady: It changes you.  My daughter said, I just want my mom back. My happy, funny mom. But I am still the same person but this is something that I know and it changes you and you can't go back. And in some ways they are asking for something that they will never have again. (my notes: now is it her daughters fault or maybe her tough luck that her mom can't be the person she was before?) 

She goes on: I always knew that May 21st was judgement day. The time was correct. There is too much information and research that had went into that. The bible confirmed that, I don't know how many times. I knew May 21, that was it. That was judgement day. So if God did not take us on that day I knew there would be five months of judgement, so it would have to be October 21.

Are you kidding me? Really? Is there a new date now predicted for judgement day? And wait...what research is she talking about that came into it? I clearly thought the bible says that no man knows the day or the hour...

So now what for these folks? These interviews on today's posts, were the only ones that we have up to the end of this video. But we have to remember, they were given soon after their world was really turned upside down. 

What happened to pregnant mom and her family, and the teen's mom? Neither of them gave interviews on this video after the 21st. Can we find out?  What else can we find out about this man and his "ministry"?

I will be taking a couple days off from posting. I will be back on Friday, March 24th with more on this series and what we can find out about the end time prediction that clearly did not come to pass. Thanks for coming by 

God Bless!

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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...