Sunday, March 14, 2021

No One Knows (part 14)

To be Bound in the Bundles of Life

1 Samuel 25:29

This statement, albeit is not just a statement but is actually found in scripture, was a comment that a pregnant mom made to her own mom in a letter  to let her know that she was done trying to convince her that judgement day was coming on May21 and she  needed to get ready to meet Jesus because he was coming back.

Now, I have to be honest and tell you. I don't recall ever reading or hearing a sermon preached on this verse in all the years that I have studied the bible. And so of course, I wanted to know more about it, especially since it is made mention of and concerning the comment made by pregnant mom. 

Yet a man has risen to pursue thee and seek seek thy soul, but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the Lord thy God; and the souls of thine enemies, then shall he sling out, out as the middle of a sling.

And so there it was. She was talking about an actual scripture in 2 Samuel. But what does it mean?

On one search for its meaning, I found that it could mean a bundle of items for convenience. Such as when the Children of Israel were on their way to the Promise Land, they would take with them, a bundle of items to cook their meals with, or the items they would need to put their tents up with.

My aunt being raised in the 20s and 30s, and born into a poor family, as a teenager had been able to work at some point and had started to buy hair ribbons for herself. She collected them and as she had gotten older and married, she was hard pressed to let her valuable papers, leave her sight. And in fact, she carried all of them plus a few other valuables in a large purse with her all the time. And they were probably bound in a bundle. 

So ok, but that is not what we are talking about in this text from the bible. What does it mean?

The following is what I found at:   What is the bundle of the living? (1 Samuel 25:29) if you would like to go there. 

 Tim Maas Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
These words were spoken by Abigail, the wife of Nabal, a descendant of Caleb (Numbers 13:6) of the tribe of Judah, who kept a large number of sheep and goats in Carmel. Nabal, although wealthy, was described by 1 Samuel 25:3 as being "churlish and ill-behaved".

As described in 1 Samuel 25; when David (who was also of the tribe of Judah) was fighting against Saul, David sent emissaries to Nabal, asking for provisions. However, Nabal refused to help David, despite the fact that David had permitted the grazing of Nabal's sheep and goats among his forces, without taking any of them for himself or his men, and had also dealt well with the shepherds and shearers who attended to them. 

When David heard of Nabal's discourteous response, David prepared to go to battle against him. However, Nabal's wife Abigail hurried to David and pleaded with him not to do so. In her pleading, Abigail acknowledged that the Lord was with David, and that God would protect him, so that if men tried to take David's life, God would preserve David by placing him "in the bundle of the living" (that is, grouping him with those whom God would not allow to be killed), as opposed to those who sought to harm David, whom God would, by contrast, cause to die by treating their lives as something that He would fling out from a sling, as indicated by the verse cited in the question.

And so what we can deduce from what pregnant mom was telling her own mom in the letter, that even though her mom was not responding to the impending judgement day of May 21, at least she her life is bundled and protected by God. 
But that calls the question into my mind, about her own children. If she could believe that God is protecting her mom, why couldn't she believe that for her own little babies?
Aren't they even more so precious to him?
And so here we find out what is meant by that verse in 2 Samuel. It is a good thing to know.

Hello, Friends. Thanks for coming. Next time, we will see what some of the buzz was going on prior to May 11th, by those that thought that they would be leaving for a better place
Til then, God bless!


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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...