Sunday, March 7, 2021

No One Knows (part ten)


The next clip in the video 'Wheat and Tares", a woman is on a street corner arguing with a man who is an atheist and they aren't changing each others minds.

Finally, she gives up with the argument, because she knows neither of them are getting anywhere. And that was a good thing that she did  because as we know, arguing with someone that refuses to believe, is futile. 

But when the day of judgement came and went without so much as an inkling of Christs return, it showed this man that he was right and she was wrong. If ever there could be a tiny bit of hesitation in his mind, there will probably never be another one just because of a fallacy that some one was trying to share with him, the second coming of Christ that just as he knew, was not going to happen. And of course, it didn't. . 

But what about those people who were friends or loved ones that were outside of this great wisdom of what was to happen on May 21, 2011? Those that did not believe. Did they think that these people were crazy?

Did some worry about what would happen with them?

The son of one family was concerned about his mother and her husband. H worried that they would commit suicide. And though he didn't say it, he might have worried that if she tried to commit suicide and failed, would she ever be normal again. And even thought they might have to be in a mental institution.

And so, he said he was going to stick around that weekend of the so called rapture and be on suicide watch. And they didn't even know it.

What an awful thing for a young man to go through. They had no clue to what they were putting him through. And though they weren't trying to hurt him intentionally, they were.

But then there is the other side of this. What about his mother that believed that she had given him all of the information he needed or wanted, and he wasn't accepting it. What would happen to him? Would he be left behind. Or worse? She said, she just had to trust God, but realistically how much did she fear that he was going to be left behind because of his unbelief? 

Did she feel guilty that she couldn't get him to believe, change his mind, or act in the right way about the whole thing? 

So what about these two situations? What happened after May 21, 2011? Did believers get scoffed at by the unbelievers? What were the reactions of the mother and her husband? Did they attempt or even succeed at committing suicide? And how about the others in the video?

How did the events of May 21, 2011 play out? But how, because we know that the rapture did not happen.

That will eventually come out on these videos, and will be interesting. Although, I doubt it was a very happy time in the lives of those that expected quite a different outcome. 

Next post: What advice did Harold Camping give a woman caller about how to witness to family members who she knows isn't going to want to hear what she says. And a conversation between a group of Camping followers, that speculate about judgement day. 

For complete video go to: : wheat and tares documentary

Thanks for coming by today, Friends. Have a blessed day!

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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...