David ( 2 Samuel 12)
Most of us have lost someone in our lives that we really loved, and when they were gone, some of us didn't want to face each new day with out them.
King David had not only wanted to not eat but he didn't want to get out of bed after his son had died. That son was born of the affair he had had with Bathsheba after David had had her husband killed in battle so that he could be with her.
God forgave him of his sin with Bathsheba, but he still had to pay the consequences for it. When the child became ill, David pleaded with God to not let him die.
After Nathan had gone home, the Lord struck the child that Uriah's wife had borne to David, and he became ill. David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and spent the nights lying in sackcloth on the ground. The elders of household stood beside him to get him up from the ground, but he refused and he would not eat any food with them. (verses 15-17)
David's son died on the seventh day and his attendants were afraid to even tell him because he wasn't listening to them while the child was still alive and if he found out he had died, David might do something desperate. But David figured it out without them telling him and so he asked them if the child had died.
It was only then, that David finally got up and and started living his life again. His attendants asked him why, now that his son was dead would he react this way. David had fasted and asked God to let the child live, but God chose to take him, and David knew that it would do no good for him to go on fasting for something that God had said "no" too.
His life had to go on and he chose to get cleaned up and go on with it. There seemed to be, by this scripture-that he himself did not contemplate taking his own life as some do when God does not take it from them when they cry out to him in their desperation,
David struggled with much more then just this, and wrote about them in other scripture. . He was human, after all. But, what hits home the greatest to me, is that Jesus Christ was from the lineage of David.
And God thought David's life, no matter what he faced-thought it was important enough to add it for us to learn from today. If you stop to think about all that entails, in the last 4 or 5 sentences that I have written, it is an amazing thing that God has provided this for us to learn from.
Sometimes our own depression is rooted in sin. But by David's example, we know God is a forgiving God and he wants us to get ourselves up, dust ourselves off and go on with life until he calls us home. I know from experience that doing that isn't always easy. But I also know that it is possible. There is help for those that struggle. We just have to sometimes look for it and more then that keep praying and trusting in God to answer our cries for help. No matter how he chooses to answer us.
October 31, 2019 Promise: For everything God created is good and nothing is to be rejected, if it received with thanksgiving. 1 Timothy 4:4
Thanks for visiting with me today Friends. May God bless you and yours!