Some say that we become angels when we die. But what is the truth here?
The answer is no, we do not. Angels were created before humans (Job 38:4-7) and were created for different reasons than humans were. Some of those reasons are as follows just to name a few:
They bring messages to God's people.Acts 10:21-22
They proclaim God's judgement to prophets on the earth: Zachariah 1:10-11
They fight the wars against demonic forces: Revelation 12:7-8
They worship God: Revelation 5:11-12
They minister to us: Hebrews 1:14
Do we really have guardian angels and if so, do we have more then one?
Some believe they can pray to their angels. But is this biblical? Is it ok to do? Come back tomorrow for a look at that question. And thanks for coming today Friends. God bless you.
October 14, 2019 Promise: Those that live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

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