Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What Do We Know About The Angels Of The Bible?

Have you ever prayed to an angel? If you have, you have done something that Jesus himself never did. When he prayed, he prayed to the Father. And when he was teaching his diciples how to pray, he told them to pray this: "Our Father who art in heaven...." which of course, is 'The Lord's Prayer.' in Mathew 6:9-13.

We deduce from that, that we should not be praying to angels. Nor should we worship them. These are things that go way back even, to the 10 commandments, with number one being:"Thou shall have no other gods before me." And so, if we worship and/or pray to angels, that is breaking that commandment.

Even the apostle John had faced this when God sent an angel to show what was to come, and when John's first reaction was to fall down and worship the angel, he said: "Don't do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets so worship God!" Revelation 22:9

Another scripture says this in 1 Timothy 2:5-"For there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man being Christ Jesus.

When we pray, we go to God the Father through Christ Jesus. Never do we pray or even worship angels, for like us they were created by God so that they can do his bidding in whatever way he chooses.If we pray to angels, we are taking our eyes off what Jesus did for us and putting them somewhere else that we are not supposed to.

We can appreciate angels and what they do for us, however. But we must acknowledge that they are are not the ones that answers our prayers. God does that through them.

So, if you have ever prayed to an angel, you have done what Jesus had never done himself and these and other bible passages have warned us not to.

Are there other things we can learn about angels? Come back next time and we will have to find out. Until then, thanks for coming by and be blessed today!

October 16, 2019 Promise: My enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this I will know that God is for me. Psalm 56:9.

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