Wednesday, October 23, 2019

God, Move That Mountain!

Then the disciples came to Jesus and asked him, "Why couldn't we drive him out?" (the demon that was in the boy. see verse 17) He replied " Because, you have so little faith. Truly, I tell you, if you have faith as small of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible to you." Mathew 17:19-20

Matthew 17:20

Say What?

Wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on the proverbial wall (or rock) during that teaching of Jesus to his disciples? What must have they been thinking especially when Jesus said that they could have the faith as small as a mustered seed to move a mountain?

When have you ever had the faith no matter its size, to move a mountain from here to there. Or anywhere?

I sure never have. 

On the way to Florida, we have gone through some pretty high mountains. I could not imagine trying to climb them, let alone trying to move them. But moving them is not what this passage is really about in so far as "literal mountains."

So what is it about?

It is about the mountains (problems) in  our own life, that seem to be overwhelming and impossible to get resolved is what it means. Believe me, there have been many of those mountains of all kinds through out my life. Once I got a hold of the fact that I need to rely on God, from then on, I watched him work them out, and even move them out of my way to a life that held so much more than what it had been through prior to that time. And it did just start with a tiny mustard seed amount to get started. 

I can't not honestly say I have gotten that perfected in my life, even so. Because I am human. And I make mistakes. And surely life still is not easy some 30+ years later. But, when in doubt, I do have the option to go back to that scripture and realize that just because I can't solve my problem, God can.

Hebrews 11:1 says: Faith is the substance hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

That means, that we have have what we ask for, even when we don't see it yet. 

If we believe and trust in God, he will do what we ask. Maybe not today or next week. But in his own time, and in his own way. And you know what? As he moves one mountain out of our way on that tiny seed of faith, it will grow for the next one, because it is God that moves it and not us.

But, we have to use it. Or our mountain will just sit there. Because, faith with out action on our part, is dead. James 2:17

Is it silly to tell the mountain you are facing to move out of your way? Absolutely not! Tell it to move and believe God will do that for you, never doubting and he will move it for you when the time is right. Trust him to do it because he will when we put these things into action. 

Not that we don't have to try to do what we can to take care of what ever we are facing. For example if our mountain is because we lost our job. We can't just sit back and wait for a job to come to us. We must go out and look for one. And in the mean time, trust in God to meet our prayer by  providing the job that he wants us to have while we tell our jobless situation to move out of our way, is the key to getting it. And then what ever your mountain happens to be, watch as God brings it to fruition. Because when he does, it can truly amaze you and more than that, you will have more faith for the next one. Believe me. I know.

October 23, 2019 Promise: The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of God endures forever. Isiah 40:8

Thanks for visiting today Friends. Have a blessed day! 

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