Monday, October 28, 2019

Is It Sin for Christians To Be Depressed? (part one)

Have you ever known anyone to be depressed? Have you ever been depressed? I mean really depressed, not just the blues that everyone gets from time to time. I mean downright, stay in my bed depressed. That kind. The kind that stifles your every activity so that you don't want to get up everyday. Maybe so deep is your depression that you don't even want to live another second.

Years ago, when I was going to a certain church, one that I have told you about in other posts-we were taught that because we had "the light" on that subject, we had to always be happy. Because after all, scripture says "The Joy of the Lord is my strength." (Psalm 28:7)  Right?

And there wasn't anyone that ever suffered depression in the bible. Right? Everyone we ever read about there, has always had a joyful attitude. Right?

Wrong, oh so wrong. You see, that church I mentioned above-they failed to preach specifically on some people that did struggle with it. And they also laid on the guilt to us as a congregation,  that found ourselves struggling with it in the church.

If you yourself are among us that have gone through or are now going through depression, I urge you to come back. Starting tomorrow I will be telling you some of the stories of God's people that had problems so great that they suffered with it. For if we believe God gave us his Word so we can learn from it, there had to be a reason why this subject is there for us to learn about as well. Otherwise, if he hadn't included it, it would never have been put there. I do not believe it to be a taboo subject that means we always have to be happy or else we are sinning.  And I think it is something that we can learn how to deal with it. Because there are ways.

In the meantime, I hope you had a wonderful weekend and may God bless you this week. Thanks for coming by.

October 28, 2019 Promise: As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Now remain in my love. John 15:9
100 Good Morning Quotes with Beautiful Images 53


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